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Why does it seem that so many people here are working class?


Why does it seem that so many people here are working class?   

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38 minutes ago, transam said:

I remember when a plumber went round on a push-bike, now they drive around in a Merc van, so what is he in the class scale. 

Yeah, US truck drivers pulling down six figures.  Let not even mention the jack an underwater welder who works on oil platforms can make. 
Class <laughs>

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1 hour ago, Chainsaw said:

What's with all this 'middle class' nonsense? If you have a regular job of any kind or did have in the past. You're working class!

IMHO, 'working class', 'middle class', etc., categorisations would imply people making a living within a society, e.g. by having a career. - Do most members on this forum actually have a regular job or receive an income (e.g. a pension) from within Thailand? My impression always was that most expats in Thailand do not get an income from work, or a Thai pension, but rather are retired or 'tourists'. (With the exception, of course, of employees in Thailand, incl. teachers, or business owners).


But perhaps, the OP wanted to know: "How did you categorise yourself back when you still lived in your home country?"

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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BTW - OP.  Please chime in.  What's your social class my friend?

Anyone want to make a bet we won't hear another word for the guy who started the thread.  Why?  Seen it too many times before.

"Wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - plop" <sound of a bobber hitting the water>

Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, Chris.B said:

Not in the UK, still going strong. Born in a council flat I was. Shared toilet and bathroom. In my school, it was an academic achievement if you stayed on at school past 15 years old! ☹️ 


me too, not in the uk.


not happy with shared toilet and bathroom but it is what it is so I deal with it.

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1 hour ago, Chainsaw said:

What's with all this 'middle class' nonsense? If you have a regular job of any kind or did have in the past. You're working class!


1 hour ago, sipi said:

"Working" or "middle" class is such a broad spectrum.

Anything between those on welfare and inherent millionaires could be classified as such.


"working class" consists of people who are employed in manual or industrial work.


it's not directly related to money, but rare are people with money who choose to be employed in a manual labor job.

one exception might be Forrest Gump at the end of the movie.

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45 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

As a Marxist, I'd prefer to be working class.

But sadly due to my university education, I automatically fall into Middle Class.


But Karl married a Baroness and was OK with it.

So it's not the ideological end of the world.

Very Brit.  I actually went to school there as a kid.  Buckingham College in Harrow (ain't there anymore).  Dad was an upper-level military attache which made him a "somebody" back in post-WWII Britain.
What did I learn from an upper-crust Brit school?  "You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!!!"  Really. Post WWII austerity was a very real thing.  I kid you not.  But also, the education they provided was light-years ahead of the US - at the time.
Then we returned to the US and I was just another military brat.  Most of us had similar experiences.
Wait a minute!  I believe we just nailed it.  There's my "social class." 
Military brat: I'm independent little s**t with a life-long attitude toward authority figures as well as their narratives, as well as a man who maintains that perceptual framework throughout his life. 

Social Class - Military Brat

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it's not directly related to money, but rare are people with money who choose to be employed in a manual labor job.

But it is incredibly honest work.  I look at people who worship money as do so many upper-crust prigs (bankers, techno-neo-riche, and what I see are people who would sell their souls for wealth, power, and control.  And if that includes crushing and impoverishing the 99% in order to add to their wealth and power - well, break out the steam rollers and let's get to crushing.
Generally these 1%er have so much wealth that they are able to purchase the souls of the "leadership class" who then do their bidding.  You know - put the commoners in their place.  Strip their wealth and assets (You'll own nothing and you'll be happy).  Impose social controls (freedom to travel and congregation and to breath freely - or have a beer in a pub). 

Is anyone here a 1%er?  Let's here from you.  <laughs>

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26 minutes ago, tgw said:


plumbers, locksmiths, appliance techs and car mechanics... most honest people ever.

This should be an excellent thread as those whom believe their feces smell like lilacs and roses, and that their personal status in the scheme of the Expat community is one of floating "above the riff-raff and lowly common class." 
You people simply floor me.  ????  Where do you come from?  I've shared my background - share yours.  What makes you - Special?  If you're so critical of the "working class" then share some of your esteemed CV so we can understand what makes you so --- respectable and above the 'common class' you disparage?

"I'm better they you, you, you - commoners.  You, you - Workers!!!"
<laughs>  Of course you are.  Ya'll are God's Gift To The World.  So share with us.

Edited by connda
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2 hours ago, Freddy42OZ said:

Also why do people who were born working class but become very successful still identify as working class?  I really don't understand that.  

Do you rate people according to their wealth? There are A holes in all income groups. I'm presuming that by 'very successful you mean they've made a fortune?  What a sad way to measure people - I tend to take people on face value, not the size of their wallet. 


Classing someone as one of the 'lower' classes if they have not been 'very successful' in your terms is very narrow minded.  That attitude fails to take account of those who are very happy in their job but have not accumulated wealth.  They may be far more 'successful' at life than many rich people.  I know plenty of people in 'ordinary' jobs with average salaries who I would class as extremely successful - successful at life. Happy with their work, great family and TIME to spend with that family. That's success in my book - nothing to do with how much you have in the bank.


How many in your 'very successful' group have neglected their marriages and families on their way to wealth?  How many of them are 'nice people'? How many have paid the staff who helped them get to where they are well and not simply used them? How many have got where they are whilst obeying the rules and paying ALL taxes due?


I find it very sad in this day and age that people are still classified (by some) according to their wealth.

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34 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

Did not do me any good though; got sick, had to sell the bizz and live my live on a small government disability pension.


So at 40 I was burned out, mentally unstable and moved to Thailand. That was 22 years ago. Best thing I ever did.


I take it your from the US then?


How are you managing to live on a "small government disability pension." in Thailand? ???? What VISA did you arrive on?


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3 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

They have many more options of better countries for retirement than Thailand.

Good point.  Although Thailand is pretty damn good for those of us with a bit of money. 

The other thing is I only asked what class people feel they belong to - not how wealthy they are. 

When I was utterly broke after a string of bad financial and life decisions, I was still upper middle class in my attitudes and thinking.

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My family were never poor ,but not badly off ,us kids were well educated ,my mum once said to someone if you want something well designed speak to S if you want anyone in your family well educated speak to s2 ,and if you want anything off the back of a lorry speak to Ivor.

both my brother and sister and most in my extended family had normal lives ,i did not ,i had an exciting one ,boy its been fun.

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For me and I assume many others how you view your own "class" which you get in earlier life makes a big difference.


In my 20s I was objectively living well below the official poverty level but I didn't feel poor. That was because I still identified as upper middle class and felt my poverty was an intentional choice to enjoy a Bohemian style romantic life.


A person that grew up poor couldn't feel the way about youthful poverty the way I did.


That interests me  Same objective poverty. Very different feelings about it.


As I approached 30 something hit me  hard in the face.  Either get it together and go corporate SOON or become a REAL poor person for life. Very scary. I never intended to be and feel like a REAL poor person. So I did manage to get it together to have a career.


I have a vivid memory of something a professor said to the class at my exclusive elite private liberal arts college. He said none of you will ever be on welfare alluding to our class background. I remember thinking how could he know that? Class mobility can go either way, yeah?

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