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Danish family placed in isolation in Thailand after daughter test positive for Covid-19


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11 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Yes but people don't obey sometimes and just wander around

Anyway hotels  are not designed  for holding sick infectious  people. It's a risk for other guests and not fair to them.

The thing is people talk about '10 day' but when people get  sick they can be ill for weeks. Covid is debilitating for some people.

If I pay for a hotel I don't want a family of infected, entitled farangs  in my corridor,  no doubt ignoring the polite staff and their requests to isolate.  At least this Danish  family are in a hospital  not a grim secure military  holding hospital.  They are lucky to get decent,  civilised caring, medical care and attention. They should he thankful and grateful and cooperative.

Who says they aren't?

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

All the staff are probably infected wherever you go.

A few infected foreigners are hardly going to increase your risk.

At least the 'holding hospital' is free, I'd prefer that to a 200,000bht bill.

A silly first statement.   Both wrong, unproven  and irrelevant. No accommodation  is free. A secure  guarded military hospital is not free and might  be dearer than a civilian hospital.

You have zero evidence of bills and are  just speculating because a loud mouthed, entitled white journalist feels hard done to because of his own bad planning and is blaming  everybody else. He is fortunate  to be in a civilized  country getting  civilised treatment at a modern hospital and should put his journalists skills to something else other than self pity and whining. Hopefully  they will  all be out and about soon and enjoy their holiday..

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1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

He is fortunate  to be in a civilized  country getting  civilised treatment at a modern hospital and should put his journalists skills to something else other than self pity and whining.

As far as I know nobody in the family requires treatment of any kind.

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is tough, but surely the tourists knew the chances they were taking. 


Firstly, they are complaining about a 5 hours transfer from Phuket Airport to Krabi which TUI holidays touted as a two hour transfer - A quick look at google maps highlights its a lot more than a 2 hour journey and requires a car-ferry. 


Regarding testing positive - This is exactly what the Test & Go and Sandbox schemes are for. I see no room for complaint whatsoever. 



I don’t blame anyone for travelling, thats a personal choice and anyone with a brain knows the risks. 



I suspect some exaggerated reporting here to gain attention... There’s really nothing to see here. 

A family travelled during Covid-19, one of them tested positive, they have to quarantine. 




We [Wife, Son & I] travelled back to the UK in Nov. We knew the risks and the possibility of ending up in quarantine should any of us test positive upon return. 






Yep. A small town journalist with a provincal mindset has experienced  the downside of international medical protocols and decided to complain but let's face it his story is pretty rare  given the thousands  of people travelling here. He's in hospital  not jail. He has no cause to complain. He's lucky

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is tough, but surely the tourists knew the chances they were taking. 


Firstly, they are complaining about a 5 hours transfer from Phuket Airport to Krabi which TUI holidays touted as a two hour transfer - A quick look at google maps highlights its a lot more than a 2 hour journey and requires a car-ferry. 


Regarding testing positive - This is exactly what the Test & Go and Sandbox schemes are for. I see no room for complaint whatsoever. 



I don’t blame anyone for travelling, thats a personal choice and anyone with a brain knows the risks. 



I suspect some exaggerated reporting here to gain attention... There’s really nothing to see here. 

A family travelled during Covid-19, one of them tested positive, they have to quarantine. 




We [Wife, Son & I] travelled back to the UK in Nov. We knew the risks and the possibility of ending up in quarantine should any of us test positive upon return. 






Phuket Airport to Krabi is 137KM travelling by road approx 2 hours and no  car ferry required, I don't think there is any car ferry operating between Krabi and Phuket 

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Spanish Government in Tenerife like dancing even less than the Thai’s Government likes alcohol !!!!  ????




Well I'm not there for the dancing.

I just needed to reestablish my D vitamin levels ????

It's the first vacation away from home since we visited Koh Chang last year.

Didn't travel because of the virus, but enough is enough.

Life must go on.


Would have preferred Thailand, but wouldn't take the risk when they demand test on arrival.

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51 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Yep. A small town journalist with a provincal mindset has experienced  the downside of international medical protocols and decided to complain but let's face it his story is pretty rare  given the thousands  of people travelling here. 

And how many hundreds of thousands you can be sure are going to read about it.

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28 minutes ago, bear9 said:

Please stop it that’s just silly they certainly won’t enjoy their holiday. What makes you think they will be out soon I thought the isolation period was 10 or 14 days? They will most likely be flying home after their isolation period to go back to work.


You mentioned treatment earlier in the thread there is no evidence wheather they need treatment or not most people do not. 

There’s absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to isolate in their hotel room.

The couple from norway had to bring their daugther age 11 to a hospital for 10 days.After their son tested positive and he also 10 days.The hospital didnt want the parents to stay with their kids there.Anyway they get the allowence at the end.Their whole holiday went to h.....The last the hospital told this couple was that if their positive they have to do 10 days more.So the parents told media that they migth not allowed back to norway before 10-15th of january.

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I thought these people were all fully vaccinated and some boosted yet they’re still catching covid and spreading it to others. I’m starting to think we haven’t been told the truth about the vaccines. I was considering getting vaccinated but now its unlikely that I ever will. I think a lot of people were coerced into getting vaccinated and now are regretting it.

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24 minutes ago, jastheace said:

in the UK there was a tabloid called 'The Daily Sport'. it was surprising the number of people who would 'educate' themselves reading that. I think the guy you quoted would have been one...

It was true about Freddy Star and his hamster! 

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1 hour ago, bear9 said:

Please stop it that’s just silly they certainly won’t enjoy their holiday. What makes you think they will be out soon I thought the isolation period was 10 or 14 days? They will most likely be flying home after their isolation period to go back to work.


You mentioned treatment earlier in the thread there is no evidence wheather they need treatment or not most people do not. 

There’s absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to isolate in their hotel room.

The problem with doing that is that people will not stay in their hotel room. People never follow the rules that is why they need to be in special quarantine hotels and so on.


In Singapore they had trackers and if you got out you were caught. Thailand does not and people just don't follow the rules. So that is why measures like this exists because a group will just not quarantine at their room and stay there. Without proper oversight people will leave. Im pretty sure you know this too. Its normal for a large group of people to think that rules only apply to others and will not follow unless enforced.

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2 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:


If he is lucky, his insurance company will be paying for it.

You seem to be very naive about how things work in Thailand.

The hospital isn't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. It's a commercial relationship between the hospital and his insurers. That's if his insurers are prepared to pay out on a asymptomatic basis.

Thailand isn't a developed country either it's a developing country with an appalling education system and the most unequal distribution of wealth of any SE Asian country.

I wouldn't get yourself worked about tourism returning anytime soon either.

Given the omicron variant's transmissibility and speed of infection, news of the Test-Wait-Maybe-Go-Hospital scheme is going to ensure a dribble of tourists.

Very unfortunate for 20% of GDP and the part of the Thai population dependant on it.

You can be rest assured however that "your developed" country will continue it's abysmal testing, vaccination and lack of support for the poorest in society.

No doubt many farangs, from developed countries, will continue to help those Thai citizens.

Please advise me where i can get a pair of your rose tinted divorced from reality glasses.



Right. And you can be sure the hospital will not let them go before they have sucked any possible dollars from them, including by delaying tests or refusing to make counter-tests.

The outcome of this policy is that anyone with a brain will do anything in order to not get tested. I regularly have a look at facebook groups and the dominant advice given is to avoid being tested. 


I am currently here as tourist as my usual professional staying has been made impossible by restrictions. One thing is sure. If I get some symptoms I will just auto-test. If I am positive I will not tell anyone and I will self quarantine in the condo I rent.

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43 minutes ago, robblok said:



not true.. quarantine happens in other countries too. But by admitting that people cant bash Thailand.

Although thats not about being infected its a vaccination status rule on entry that you need a booster.

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Although thats not about being infected its a vaccination status rule on entry that you need a booster.

But, it means like in Thailand people have to quarantine. So people are getting locked up. That is what the fuzz is about.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

But, it means like in Thailand people have to quarantine. So people are getting locked up. That is what the fuzz is about.

I thought the fuss was about once your infected what happens then, not entry rules for non infected.

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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:
7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is tough, but surely the tourists knew the chances they were taking. 


Firstly, they are complaining about a 5 hours transfer from Phuket Airport to Krabi which TUI holidays touted as a two hour transfer - A quick look at google maps highlights its a lot more than a 2 hour journey and requires a car-ferry. 


Regarding testing positive - This is exactly what the Test & Go and Sandbox schemes are for. I see no room for complaint whatsoever. 



I don’t blame anyone for travelling, thats a personal choice and anyone with a brain knows the risks. 



I suspect some exaggerated reporting here to gain attention... There’s really nothing to see here. 

A family travelled during Covid-19, one of them tested positive, they have to quarantine. 




We [Wife, Son & I] travelled back to the UK in Nov. We knew the risks and the possibility of ending up in quarantine should any of us test positive upon return. 







Phuket Airport to Krabi is 137KM travelling by road approx 2 hours and no  car ferry required, I don't think there is any car ferry operating between Krabi and Phuket 


Try reading the main article next time.....  Koh Lanta in Krabi province !!!! 


A bit further than 2 hours... but your mistake perhaps illustrates how the TUI travel agent also made a mistake. 



17 hours ago, webfact said:

Upon arrival at Phuket Airport, they were tested again before they were taken to their hotel on Koh Lanta in the province of Krabi five hours away. 


Hope you don’t work in the travel industry !!! ????

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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Try reading the main article next time.....  Koh Lanta in Krabi province !!!! 


A bit further than 2 hours... but your mistake perhaps illustrates how the TUI travel agent also made a mistake. 




Hope you don’t work in the travel industry !!! ????

It was you that originally posted Krabi, your post made no mention of Koh Lanta which is in the Krabi province, So now you stating that your post was incorrect thanks

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