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DUI in Thailand: RTP warned of possible 10 year prison terms


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The toothless franchisees scare no one. Anyone with cash neither gets arrested nor ever sees a jail. 


Justin Bieber is more sincere about pursuing a career in aeronautical engineering, than these fools are about highway or driving safety. DUI's here are simply a form of fundraising.


Same applies to the even more impotent "highway patrol". After all, they preside over a nation with one of the highest highway fatality rates in the world. And there is no improvement in sight with the extreme lack of leadership Thailand is currectly cursed with. 

Edited by spidermike007
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19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Has anyone, other than a foreigner, ever been jailed here for DUI.  I know a man in Udon who has been stopped 3 times, and crashed once while UI of alcohol.  He paid a fine, paid the other folks off and is still driving.  Of course he is Thai and someone who has money.  Another friend, a foreigner in Chiang Mai was stopped at a checkpoint, tested, arrested, spent the night in jail, paid the 20k fine the next morning when sobered up, and returned to pick up his bike after paying a 5k impound fee from the police storage area the next day and he was never prosecuted or did he loose his license.

The threat of harsh sentences obviously still works well as a lever to negotiate backsheesh. The only people who do jail time in Thailand are those who can't pay, which for drivers never happens as you observe. 

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I watched a YouTube vid blog yesterday, from Nepal yesterday the Norwegian/German guy was talking to his Taxi driver about stopping for a drink of beer, the driver said ''No I can't drink and drive if I get caught DUI then it's an Immediate One Month in jail " it was unclear if he meant just taxi drivers or all drivers. Their jails are on a 'par with Thailand's.

I immediately thought now that would be a very good deterrent for here.  

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21 hours ago, Henryford said:

If they jailed Thais for DUI the jails would be overflowing.

The jails are already overflowing with low-level drug users.


I'm not sure they can stack them any higher?


Enforce the law, or don't.


Stop with the "threats" which authorities with unlimited power seem to rely on quite a bit here.





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20 hours ago, bendejo said:

In general, this sounds like being busted for weed on Koh Phangan.  They lock the kid up, scare them shirtless for a few days, take them to court and make them sweat, and then told all will be well, just hand over ~$3,000 US.



"Shirtless". Stop using euphemisms and say what you mean.

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The wife's close relative had been celebrating the new year for several days.

I saw him on NYE and he could barely stand up. The party continued at his place for the next couple of days.

On the 2nd he had to go to a friends place in a neighboring village for some reason and fell from his bike. No one else involved. He's now in hospital with a broken neck and possibility won't walk again.

His policeman SIL fixed the dui

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22 hours ago, thailand49 said:

A bit unfair?  Drinking and driving is an cultural epidemic here!  There is in general 365 days a year yet only enforced through the media 15-20 days a year in the form of smoke and mirror announcing scare measures set up on main road Under a big tent with everyone just so proud of themselves while the biggest offender are those who suppose to enforce and make up the rules. 

It is sad to jail those who are the product of their rules or lack of! 

Rules are nothing, they are only made to be broken as long as no ordinary person is inconvenienced in any way.

Common sense is everything, and DUI's should have their vehicles impounded and sold at auction with the proceeds going to worthy causes, and also heavily fined and jailed for a long time. 10 years would be fine.

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As long as such wnkaers are the official police force - no chance. Kick out each and everyone, hire new staff - predominantly women - and see an immediate improvement on all fronts. 

Drunk driving to be fined with 10,000 Baht and commission the officer with 50% of the take - officially. Mandatory impoundment of the vehicle for one month at the expense of the car owner (not the driver). It would lift the benchmark for the little brown envelopes to new heights ........... 

But as long as those not enforcing the laws are those collecting the kickbacks ........ you're welcome! 

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Rules are nothing, they are only made to be broken as long as no ordinary person is inconvenienced in any way.

Common sense is everything, and DUI's should have their vehicles impounded and sold at auction with the proceeds going to worthy causes, and also heavily fined and jailed for a long time. 10 years would be fine.

I agree the punishment should be more harsh but in regards to this article based on the steps finally 10 years the amount of damages an individual can make during their program the final length is just unreasonable in my opinion.


"Common Sense"  is everything but it isn't like when you are born the man upstairs hands it out equally to everyone?  Education " Critical thinking " is what nurture common sense and in general when it comes to public education in Thailand it is sadly missing.


Thailand rule of law is based on the " honor system " which is no system at all!  You got 72 provinces and within those provinces there are more district. It is under one flag but in practice everyone is doing their own thing in comparison to a number of MiddleEast countries it is no different outside Bangkok these leaders governors/mayors couldn't give a rat ass as to what the other is doing.  Aside from one major symbol as soon as the cameras are off it is a free for all thus the reason the death toll will continue and continue.


The problem is so large and deep but the solutions has always been enforcement cheap talk doesn't solve problems but the leaders here actually believe it will. ????

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17 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Absolutely. My wife's brother was killed by a drunk driver who ploughed into him as he helped at the scene of a previous accident. Didn't die immediately but clung into life for a week in ICU before succumbing to appalling injuries.

Wife's family received nothing, the drunk never faced court and his only punishment was paying off the police.

A very sad thing,...happening far to often in this land of tears. The very same happened to the nephew of a good friend of me at a big crossroad in Sukothai,..Apparently the multitude of cameras at this crossroad (conveniently) did not work !?!?

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15 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

I agree the punishment should be more harsh but in regards to this article based on the steps finally 10 years the amount of damages an individual can make during their program the final length is just unreasonable in my opinion.


"Common Sense"  is everything but it isn't like when you are born the man upstairs hands it out equally to everyone?  Education " Critical thinking " is what nurture common sense and in general when it comes to public education in Thailand it is sadly missing.


Thailand rule of law is based on the " honor system " which is no system at all!  You got 72 provinces and within those provinces there are more district. It is under one flag but in practice everyone is doing their own thing in comparison to a number of MiddleEast countries it is no different outside Bangkok these leaders governors/mayors couldn't give a rat ass as to what the other is doing.  Aside from one major symbol as soon as the cameras are off it is a free for all thus the reason the death toll will continue and continue.


The problem is so large and deep but the solutions has always been enforcement cheap talk doesn't solve problems but the leaders here actually believe it will. ????

And what about the 1.5 Million DUI's in the USA and 80,000 Drunk Driving arrests in Uk in England and Wales alone, the Thais have an excuse according to you, what about the Educated West with plenty of critical thinking, harsh penalties and active Police Forces ?


Got any answers ?


What's their excuse ?

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A Thai man told me he was stopped  and breathalised, the result was  positive,  he was fined, and sent on his way,  he asked what would happen  if he were to be stopped again en route home, the officer told him to show the receipt that he had just paid..!!

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2 minutes ago, Broken Record said:

And what about the 1.5 Million DUI's in the USA and 80,000 Drunk Driving arrests in Uk in England and Wales alone, the Thais have an excuse according to you, what about the Educated West with plenty of critical thinking, harsh penalties and active Police Forces ?


Got any answers ?


Yes! I got plenty of answers one we are talking about Thailand not the U.S. or UK, you want to talk about that go find another board to discuss it!


My qualification not saying I'm a expert, been driving here for 20 years lived over 15 years just did a 800 KM, drive during the heart of this holiday the 7 day death as the call it! I've been working in the U.S. transportation industry for over 40 years prior carried all the endorsement necessary to drive, train and test. In my association with the Transportation department I've had the privilege to attend seminars, training course with the department and the California Hwy Patrol. Within the Airline Union produced a program to train hundreds if not thousands of ground walkers and mechanic in operating large, heavy equipment and tolling aircrafts.


Your statement to me is if I'm giving the Thai a pass which couldn't be further from the truth! The answer in Thailand and I've written it in length before that the entire system has to be taken away from the Thailand leaders and the DLT and given to a outside person or group who can remove anyone who stands in it's way.  There isn't a Thai person or leader who can fix what needs to be fixed. To be honest, I have more answer and solutions than you can handle but none of them are giving Thais a pass! 



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When alcohol is involved in the equation, common sense has a way of being absent in many cases, but who is really to blame, The drinker ?


The Government for taxing it even though it kills Millions ?


They still keep selling it as long as it's taxed, no matter how many Millions are affected, governments around the world allow Alcohol and Tobacco because they make so much money by taxing them, the fact that they Kill around 9 Million a year, it's all about Money, nobody in Power cares about the people.


I mean in 2022 people still smoke cigarettes, with all that people know, the damage to body, the anti social nature of smoking, the stink of it, that's the one that really gets to me, informed people still smoke, crazy.


The cost to society means nothing, they just look at the bottom line, if governments make more than they lose, legalize it and tax it to high heaven.

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27 minutes ago, actonion said:

A Thai man told me he was stopped  and breathalised, the result was  positive,  he was fined, and sent on his way,  he asked what would happen  if he were to be stopped again en route home, the officer told him to show the receipt that he had just paid..!!

I'm calling BS on this one, that may apply to wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, but DUI, nah.

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43 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Yes! I got plenty of answers one we are talking about Thailand not the U.S. or UK, you want to talk about that go find another board to discuss it!




Is that a Direct order Sir ?  ????


You tell me not to mention other countries, US or UK, then go on about what you did in the USA, well whatever you did, if it was anything to do with drink driving, it didn't <deleted> work !!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Broken Record said:

Is that a Direct order Sir ?  ????


You tell me not to mention other countries, US or UK, then go on about what you did in the USA, well whatever you did, if it was anything to do with drink driving, it didn't <deleted> work !!!!!!!

???? "broken record"  another key board coward more like it.  Not worth the time! 

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9 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

As long as such wnkaers are the official police force - no chance. Kick out each and everyone, hire new staff - predominantly women - and see an immediate improvement on all fronts. 

Drunk driving to be fined with 10,000 Baht and commission the officer with 50% of the take - officially. Mandatory impoundment of the vehicle for one month at the expense of the car owner (not the driver). It would lift the benchmark for the little brown envelopes to new heights ........... 

But as long as those not enforcing the laws are those collecting the kickbacks ........ you're welcome! 

The problem with paying the officers a commission is how many drivers will be charged with false charges so the cops can make more money 

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6 hours ago, thailand49 said:

???? "broken record"  another key board coward more like it.  Not worth the time! 

That's all you got ? 

You kinda fell into really, you read my comment and then read your previous post, realized you had contradicted your own orders, realized the monumental mistake you made, realized you're out of your depth, then resorted to name calling..............It's just a forum, it's not life changing, I don't know you in reality, don't take things personal, have a nice day.


You did mess up though, I kinda won.  ????


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On 1/3/2022 at 4:06 PM, vandeventer said:

He's my story, about 5 years ago I was getting ready to go into 7/11 at about 7.00pm and I seen a Thai guy in a old truck pull up and go into 7/11 he was walking real funny. There was a policeman outside at the time ready to walk in when this guy came out with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He swayed at every move and when he got to his truck he couldn't get his key into the door to open it. It must of took him 5 min. and the policeman just watched him drive off. Very sad but true story.

only in THAILAND EH??????!!!!

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On 1/3/2022 at 4:06 PM, vandeventer said:

He's my story, about 5 years ago

More recently for me, me and Mrs at a wooden shack type restaurant on the outskirts of Pattaya on Hwy 36. At another table 3 Thai guys of various ages knocking back the Thai whisky socializing..... they got there before we did and left just before, each to get into a minibus with Bangkok plates..... hopefully they had dropped off passengers and finished work for the day. 

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