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Cabinet approves plans to attract long-stay foreigners to Thailand


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16 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

I hope that for myself too... mostly the quietly die part.

Thanx but I do not intend for my money to outlive me, I am going to do whatever I can to spend it all before I tap out.      Peace

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Even the already in place Smart visa scheme seems to me (from Employer and Employee side) a non starter. 

If I had the choice between smart visa and regular work permit + extension of stay I would opt out for the latter. 

And now they are thinking of another badly thought out scheme that only a few people can use or will apply...

What a waste

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Thanx but I do not intend for my money to outlive me, I am going to do whatever I can to spend it all before I tap out.      Peace

I'd like to do that too, but worried about getting the timing wrong. Any hints?

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1 hour ago, Trvlr55 said:

but oh by the way, you can never spend it, or we'll kick you out.
what's the point of showing you can come up with this amount, to show you have enough money not to burden Thailand, but never allowed to spend it?

Well, I guess they hope that 800k isn't the sum total of your life savings. In other words, that you are wealthy enough to hold 800k in place for 5 months a year and still have enough elsewhere live off.


Perfectly fair to expect an expat to afford an 800k cushion. If you can't you really shouldn't be here hanging on by your fingernails.

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16 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Just wind them rules back 30 years and then leave the system alone

Wasn't it lovely back then? So free and easy - ideal for a retirement or holiday destination.

Someone ought to have introduced these muppets to the concept of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

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9 hours ago, jmccarty said:

There are other visa options thereafter, it does not say people are banned or deported after 10 years. 

And maybe...perhaps (!) one could then reapply for another 10. As stated before, detail is required.

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6 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

That's my long term plan lol ???????? Live, love, spend, enjoy, bask in the sun and sea, then shuffle-off this mortal coil in the paradise I live amongst. Not unlike a dead buggie actually. 

What like this you mean?




OK... :sorry:

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Can we, for once, get a few days without all those sick announcements on "government approvals" and the likes? 

I've heard nothing but carp by all these pr1cks and I - for one - am sick and tired of it. Honestly, I wonder who is actually believing all this human namure flowing endlessly from the gifted brains .... 

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15 minutes ago, VBF said:

Wasn't it lovely back then? So free and easy - ideal for a retirement or holiday destination.

Someone ought to have introduced these muppets to the concept of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Thailand has had years of Dictatorships starting with the Thaksin dictatorship, when it started to not be the free and easy place it had been..

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3 minutes ago, mokwit said:

Thailand has had years of Dictatorships starting with the Thaksin dictatorship, when it started to not be the free and easy place it had been..

Quite so....but BEFORE that it was indeed just so free and easy - I first visited in 1985 when it was pretty much a case of "visa...what visa?" even for those who were retired and basically living there.

The various visas existed - it was just that there were so many loopholes to allow one to get by without, that few people bothered. These loopholes were actually legal at the time - one example - one could do a border hop as often as one wished with no questions asked. Many more such doors have been closed over the years as many people on AN will know.

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36 minutes ago, mokwit said:

Immigration actually said they didn't see any problem with people sending their passport to Honolulu or Houston to have their visa renewed and then activate it by doing a border run - didn't have to be done via The Wall. Then they changed their minds as things tightened under Thaksin the Hakka Chinese "Thailand is for the Thai" Immigrant.

That is correct. It was under Thaksin that all the visa loopholes started closing and the alcohol restrictions started coming into force, thanks to pogroms by his mate Purachai, the ultra-conservative. 


Used to do my visa through The Wall and Vinnie the Visa back in the day, no need to leave the country. Pop over to the pub, sign the book, pay the fee, leave the passport, have some grub and a couple of beers, game of pool and all sorted. Pick up a week or so later. 

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7 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

 Be careful for what you wish for. Once they relax ownership rules the Chinese will buy up every single piece of land, pushing up prices to unafforable levels. 

No, it's simple. Thais are not allowed to own land in China, so Chinese shouldn't be able to own land in Thailand.

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19 hours ago, pomchop said:

If indeed a pensioner can get a 10 year visa that could positively impact a lot of average people who might be more inclined to retire or at least spend 6 or more months a year in Thailand.  But what is considered an adequate pension income?   In Jan 2022 the average social security in USA is $1657 a month.  There are many many people who could live just fine in Thailand for that amount.  Especially if they were allowed to buy into the Thai public health care system and think more with their big head than the little one.

I think it was stated last year, 40,000 USD per year fro pensioners.

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18 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

Then I must older because I am under 60.  Some like myself retired in my 50's.

Unfortunately, one of the requirements for certain visas ("O" for retirement I think) was (pre -covid) that applicants from UK had to show evidence of a STATE pension to qualify. 

Haven't looked to see what it says recently.

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