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What is the advantage of an expensive smart phone?


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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

If it rains just put the phone under the seat, it won't get wet

I know, i should have. Did not expect it to rain that much. Miscalculation thought I could make it but did not.  When tin roofs started to blow off and fall on the road it was a bit too late ????. Was quite extreme that time at that time i had more to worry about then the phone. It was the time that the roof of central Westgate collapsed. 

Edited by robblok
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For years I used the cheap Thai/Chinese phones from iMobile, and they were decent smart phones at the time.  But the Apps I was using started to be more demanding on memory and processor speed - especially photo and video editing.  Also, my work also put more demands on the phone - with video conferences and requirements for increased security from our IT department.


So when the iMobile brand disappeared - I bought my first top end phone, a Samsung Note.


The large memory, fast processor and bigger screen coped much better with business needs, plus it has Knox security features.  The S pen is also great for photo editing, and the Note can edit and render long videos better than my i7 laptop.  The stabilised camera is also good for photos and video, and it's waterproof too, which is very handy when I'm on the bike and caught in a monsoon shower.


Now on my second Note - I bought a Note 9 just after the new Note 20 was released, so got a good deal.  I couldn't go back to a non-waterproof, basic phone now, as it would be slow and unreliable with the more demanding applications.  Plus, my Note 9 has 1TB of storage, enough for all my photos and videos.

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In a social meeting, like Knights of the Round Table Everyone slaps their

phone on the table like swords of status.  Then I slap my antique on the table,

its the size of a chickens egg, Yes they giggle, but I've never walked into

a lamp post with it stuck to my face.


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But a used S9, S10 or S10.  No apple <deleted> for me ever! Take advantage of the people who need to buy the latest phone and buy there 1 year old one in the 10-14 k  baht range.   Always a bit of risk buying used.  I only buy from original owners and it's a bit of a skill to know who to trust.  

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Guest Isaanlife

My son sent me an Iphone 13 Pro. 


I have never used Iphone and it is a pain when using a Windows PC.


Aside of the camera, which I think is quite great, I have no need for such an expensive phone.


I have like 2 people I call, my son and my wife.


Quite sure I could do that with any phone.


I don't want to be tied to the internet everywhere I go.



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2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

An expensive  smart phone  is likely  to be better quality

Agreed but does the extra quality translate into noticeably better function for average person. I think not. Example :my Iphone7 does everything I need so I don’t need the IPhone 13 upgrade. If I did need that higher function I would get an IPAD Pro alongside my IPhone 7.

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19 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Agreed but does the extra quality translate into noticeably better function for average person. I think not. Example :my Iphone7 does everything I need so I don’t need the IPhone 13 upgrade. If I did need that higher function I would get an IPAD Pro alongside my IPhone 7.

I just do what I like

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I do phones the same way I do cars.  When I buy one, I buy a new one with some quality features, then I keep it for as many years as I can until it is worn out/too obsolete to reliably do what I bought it for.  So at any given time I range from having the latest technology down to having something still serviceable but older than almost everyone around me.   I've found that with cars and phones this saves both money and hassle.   Right now I have an i-phone that is several years old but still does everything I need it to, aside from a couple of apps needing an update to the OS that I haven't bothered to do.   For Christmas someone gave me a new i-phone, but I haven't bothered to transfer everything over to it yet as I just don't see much advantage.  And actually it's a bit larger/bulkier to carry than my current phone.  So maybe I'll get around to switching, or maybe I'll give it to a family member when their phone is lost/stolen/etc.    


That's a long way of saying that for me, except maybe for the better camera, there is little advantage to the latest-and-greatest smart phone, and I don't care about making a fashion statement.

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I got my iPhone 7 back in the beginning  of 2018. Still works fine. The only thing I might regret is not buying iPhone 7 plus instead. At that time I thought that those big phones are too big.  Now they are standard. Apart from that - don’t think I should buy a new version cause changes are too subtle and nothing really justifies spending another 30-40 k for a new phone.

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14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Like glass outside, maybe also on the back?

And then it costs a fortune when it falls down and cracks?

Faster chip speed..faster downloads, better faster streaming quality, ability to run several apps simultaneously, better camera,  better videos, better photos. Rain proof. More responsive when on the Internet. Faster zooming and video conferenceing/ telecommunications With a decent smart phone you never need a laptop again..All apps run faster and more efficiently..But apart from that no difference.

But if you can't afford  decent kit just buy what you can afford- no Shame in that. But there is shame in asking a question which generates sincere answers when you already have preconceived ideas so you just BS and waste good will and people's time.

Edited by The Hammer2021
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23 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Hey, take it easy!

Am I wrong when I mention that expensive (broken) glass outside?


My current phone cost about 8000B. I bought it because it had a faster processor and more memory than my old phone. So yes, I appreciate when apps run fast and I can use a couple of them at the same time.

I didn't have any speed or too-many-apps problem on that 8000B phone and even if a more expensive phone would be faster I know that I don't need that extra speed for what I am doing. I don't play 3D games on my phone.

But there could be other "new" features and not just "only better" functions which I missed. This is why I asked and this is why I read all the post here.


Apart from that I have a powerful desktop computer and a high quality notebook. Most of the time my notebook is unused. But when I go on a trip and I have to work then I will certainly do it on that notebook. I.e. writing long mails or working on an Excel sheet on a little phone is no fun.

You don't work on a little screen! You have a monitor if required. The real issue  is: Why do people use laptops if they can afford  a decent  mobile phone? But I reiterate: if you have already drawn your conclusions and repeated them twice what is the point in asking? You have made up your mind..

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1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

You don't work on a little screen! You have a monitor if required. The real issue  is: Why do people use laptops if they can afford  a decent  mobile phone? But I reiterate: if you have already drawn your conclusions and repeated them twice what is the point in asking? You have made up your mind..

IMHO a desktop PC is for working or playing at home or in the office. Big keyboard, big screen, lots of power.

A notebook is for working with a customer in their office or for a business trip, etc. No big keyboard or big screen like a desktop PC but still a reasonable size to allow working on it productively. 

And a phone is something to put in your pocket and use it without carrying a notebook.

I.e. reading emails, checking news, taking pictures, doing bank transactions, all this works great on mobile phones.

Anything which benefits from a big screen and/or lots of typing will never work on a little touch screen as well as it does on a notebook or desktop.

It is somehow possible, but who want to do serious work or a lot of writing on phone size device - even on a very powerful one?


In my original post I mentioned one interesting feature. LIDAR. That seems to be available on some iPhones. That is something which is not available at all on cheaper phones. DepthVision is something similar from Samsung. This is clearly a feature which is only available on expensive phones. My question was and is if there are other features which are only available on expensive phones.

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Guest Isaanlife
3 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

A modern mobile  is more  powerful  than many PCs as you have found out

What do I care? Did you read my post?


I don't even need a phone.


The double post is a bug in TV and has nothing to do with anything else.

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