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Will new bill finally pop the cap on Thailand’s booze oligopoly?


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52 minutes ago, Virt said:

That might be what happened the first time we bought Leo.

Holy crab it tasted bad and we couldn't finish the beer and said we would never but that again.

So we stuck to Singha but changed to Chang a few years later.


Now when in Thailand we started to pick a lot of different ones in the counter just to see if there are other that we like.

We found a Vietnamese that tasted good but can't remember the name so have to try a hunt for Vietnamese beers again lol.


Here in Denmark we recently tried another Thai beer at a Thai restaurant. Archa and it was not that bad. Going to try that one once we're back in Thailand and see how it taste in that environment.


When in Thailand i prefer beers that are easy to drink and reminds me of Tuborg.

It's too hot to enjoy the stronger Danish and Belgium brews that i normally drink here in Denmark.

Hanoi beer from Vietnam was introduced 2-3 years ago in Thailand. Maybe that was it. I found it a bit too mild. Hanoi is the only Viet beer I've seen in Thailand.

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53 minutes ago, Virt said:

Here in Denmark we recently tried another Thai beer at a Thai restaurant. Archa and it was not that bad. Going to try that one once we're back in Thailand and see how it taste in that environment.

My beer of choice these days, always have a couple of cases in the house, the mrs tops the fridge up in the morning and by 5 PM it's good to go, I used to religiously drink Chang but when I first came here it was okay for a session, now it's too strong for me even though they've reduced the ABV.

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