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Anutin: Thailand's handling of the pandemic "best in the world"


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Besides the low death count, Thailand doesn't have many of the (internal) restrictions imposed in other countries. Entertainment venues asides, no closing of small business in favor of larger businesses, and instead they helped small businesses with the "50% each" campaign, no vaccine passport, etc... The vaccination campaign started slowly, but there are now 70% of the population vaccinated.


Thailand was one of the best place to be during the pandemic, and without the news on TV or the Internet, I would have barely noticed.

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1 hour ago, khunPer said:

Thailand has not performed that bad during the Covid-pandemic, when it comes to health and deaths...????

........and would have performed even better if not for Khun Anutins self indulgent bumblings.

TIT well known corrupt fudgings would surely make their "official" statistics self serving deceit. 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

They will likely be subjects of classes at the university level, 100 years from now, entitled "Who was responsible for the collapse of the Thai economy in the 21st century?". Or "How did Thailand drop from 22nd in the world, to 89th in GDP, in 25 short years?". 

They will mandate it into the constitution that it will be written into history that they were perfection personified.

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