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Are we now feeling the effects of Ukraine's situation in Asia?


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As earlier posters have suggested, the main threat to Thailand is if Putin's invation of a former Soviet republic encourages China to invade Taiwan.


Fundamentally, Russia is saying Ukraine used to belong to the Soviet Union and they want it back. They don't want it falling into the Western camp and Russia will not hesitate to use military force to meet its objectives.


Putin is implicitly demonstrating to China that this is how a real world power does business. It doesn't beat around the bush like China does with Taiwan. Putin's view is probably that if Taiwan belongs to China then China should just take it!


If Putin is succesful in reclaiming Ukraine, China may well be embolded to invade Taiwan no matter what the rest of the world thinks.


Such a scenario would have big implications for Thailand (and probably for expats living here).



Edited by Stevemercer
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6 hours ago, garyk said:

You retiree's better set aside some funds for a rapid departure.

We would soon experience Us bases in Thailand again, if Thailand do get the F-35 contract they want, if not, they might choose to side with China. 

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12 minutes ago, Hummin said:

We would soon experience Us bases in Thailand again, if Thailand do get the F-35 contract they want, if not, they might choose to side with China. 

Surely Thailand will be able to receive the F-35s to sink Thailand's Chinese submarines.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

What are your thoughts? Perhaps you feel it is just too far away to be of major concern.

It depends.  As it is now, it will have no effect.  Blaming stock price declines and high gas prices what have just transpired is a fools game.  Stock prices were in decline and gas prices rising before Russian officially recognized the LDNR.
However, if US/NATO war-hawks decided to get involved in a hot-war with Russian Federation then I'd fully expect China to take sides.  With China involved, then it could be very uncomfortable for Western expats to remain in Thailand (or ASEAN for that matter) as it will then be a matter of time for SE Asian countries to pick a side - or - simply be absorbed (look a WWII Thailand when the Japanese showed up). 

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5 hours ago, anthos said:

I personally agree but apparently Putin doesn't seem to rely ,on his nuclear weapons enough.
He keeps arguing that having NATO bases as close as Ukraine minimizes any military advantage Russia may have. 

As you may recall, during the recent exercises in the Belarus, Putin had a test run performed of a Russian nuclear missile. 

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15 minutes ago, connda said:

It depends.  As it is now, it will have no effect.  Blaming stock price declines and high gas prices what have just transpired is a fools game.  Stock prices were in decline and gas prices rising before Russian officially recognized the LDNR.
However, if US/NATO war-hawks decided to get involved in a hot-war with Russian Federation then I'd fully expect China to take sides.  With China involved, then it could be very uncomfortable for Western expats to remain in Thailand (or ASEAN for that matter) as it will then be a matter of time for SE Asian countries to pick a side - or - simply be absorbed (look a WWII Thailand when the Japanese showed up). 

Dubious China will takes sides in any way that is more than token. And even if it did, ya think it would invade its neighbors over the issue? Russia has a moribund economy. China's economy is anything but. It doesn't need to physically absorb its neighbors to dominate them.

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5 hours ago, anthos said:

He argues that the deterrent power of his nuclear weapons may be diminished by having NATO missiles within 5 minutes flight from his residence. 
If they can get rid of him and his military headquarters in a few minutes there will be no one to order a retaliation strike.
He just doesn't want to move to Siberia just because of that, you know. Easier to take Ukraine back and he definitely sees more glory in that.


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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Be nice to see Russia be banned from all world sport, all citizens banned from all world travel and that pathetic pro Russian RT station banned in the UK

Indeed; nowhere near enough pain will be administred to Russia and Russian's in general because of the actions of the Evil Putin.  If The West was determined he should fail then what better way than to punish ALL Russians.   It wouldn't be too long before his own people turned against him and he would have more trouble than he could cope with.   Sadly; Liberlism in The West has badly affected the whole working of Government minds, which have turned to Marshmallow !

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6 hours ago, NanaSomchai said:

They should have already left.


They have had two years to do so with the so-called COVID-19 extensions. But of course people abused said visa extensions and saw this was a new way to maintain themselves longer in the Kingdom than they should already have.


When sh*t finally hits the fan for good in Thailand... you don't want to be there, trust me.

rather be nuked here than freezing cold Birmingham..ha send those nukes down to soi 6 im ready for a big Bang 

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6 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Real sanctions will have impact. Seize the assets of Vladdy's Oligarch buddies in the EU. Take the futball teams, the homes in Knightsbridge and Mayfair, the non-Swiss bank accounts (the Swiss are always 'neutral'). Turn the Oligarchs against Vladdy.


If Radio Free Europe still existed, the US could go after Russian mothers:


"You carried your boy for nine months, then raised him. You want him to come home in a body bag for an insecure, power hungry psychopath driven by a Napoleon Complex resulting from being handed microjunk at birth?"


As it is, in a few days we will see an attack on a school filled with Russian-speaking children. The attackers will be Russian, but Vladdy will claim it was Ukraine (false flag). He will then use that as pretext to send in more troops as well as attack Kyiv.

De Pfeffel was elected on the back of Russian cash. He's even put one in the house of Lords. He ain't gonna rock Putin's boat too much. He's already added a few peacemeal sanctions on banks and oligarchs that have been on the us sanction list for years.

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2 hours ago, JackGats said:

I've read on military websites that Taiwan was more than able to defend itself though.

You are correct and Taiwan doesn't even have to win. If they inflict massive casualties and damage to China's military machine, China could be deterred.



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If tourists from India, the U.S., Japan, or Australia don't return to Thailand, the TAT will blame the Russia-Ukraine conflict, I'm sure...


(Then again, if I went to the TAT head office today, showing them a map of the world, I wonder how many employees there could find 'Ukraine' within 30 seconds...) ????

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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36 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

I think, in this case it is Nato who is expansionist. Nato has no business in being in Ukraine. Ukraine should be a neutral state between Nato and Russia, safer for everyone.  ????


I'm sure Ukraine would be happily neutral if Russia had stayed out of its politics, hadn't seized Ukrainian territory and wasn't supporting rebel militias.

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Just now, heybruce said:

I'm sure Ukraine would be happily neutral if Russia had stayed out of its politics, hadn't seized Ukrainian territory and wasn't supporting rebel militias.

Well there you are, a plausible peace plan. Why is no one discussing it? ????


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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

You left out the part about every NATO country strengthening their defenses and every European country not in NATO rushing to join (except Belarus, which has no history as a real country).  Also, the kleptocrats who support Putin will be hurt financially by the sanctions to come and will begin to question their support.


Putin's goal was to weaken NATO and strengthen his position in Russia.  He screwed up badly. 


However he may succeed in preventing an Orthodox Christian Slavic nation with a long border with Russia from becoming a successful democracy.  That is Putin's greatest fear; it would give Russians some dangerous ideas.

Russia has the largest military personal already in theatre (1.2 mill) ... America cannot mobilise its entire force (1.3m) because it would be logistically impossible ... the UK is just 156,000, France 200,000 and Germany 190,000. The largest European army is Turkey ..... a third of the size of Russia and not as well equipped. Importantly Russian is a single fighting force not a fragmented consortium of different countries, languages and motivation .... and leadership. It won't end well if they butt heads.

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