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Are we now feeling the effects of Ukraine's situation in Asia?


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3 hours ago, John Drake said:

And, now, today, Putin is leading with his left jab in Ukraine, while China prepares the right hook for Taiwan.

That is both factual and correct.


Timing is of the essence.


This is an OFFICIAL statement issued two hours ago on official Twitter account of the Chinese Embassy in France, look at the link, click on it, it has a certified badge:



The translation reads:


"With the joint efforts of compatriots across the Taiwan Strait, China's national reunification should and will certainly be achieved, said a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council."


Also China has refused to declare Putin's action as a "crime of war", the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs only stated they were "monitoring closely the situation", they deliberately refused/declined to condemn Putin's acts of war.


In my opinion Beijing and the CCP are monitoring the situation in order to evaluate how the NATO/EU/USA/Commonwealth are reacting to Putin's action, once they realise it's nothing but bark and no bite, they'll march onto Taiwan to do essentially the same.


While the US has again rebuked the idea of sending troops in Ukraine itself because let's face it; Ukraine has very little value to the US, there is very little in it for the yankees, with the Chinese invasion of Taiwan (which has greater value to the US and the rest of the World, think: technology, semiconductors, etc) it will be a different story; this will force the US to send troops to Taiwan and escalate into a military conflict.


This is how World War III could begin, this would engulf the World in its entirety into WW3.


Again, timing is of the essence.


Edited by NanaSomchai
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6 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

Are the Russians in Pattaya/Jomtien now staying home? I can imagine how it would be to go out when the entire World (other than China) seems against them...

I dont think the Thai's have any problem with them......

In fact In a recent survey, 94% of Thai's were unable to locate Ukraine on a map.


When he heard this, Vladimir Putin said, "That’s easy — it’s in Russia now."..............................:coffee1:

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5 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

I dont think the Thai's have any problem with them......

I wasn't talking about Thai's, I was thinking Russians might want to avoid every other expat/tourist here, especially if they were to run into someone from Ukraine?


Edited by aussiexpat
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11 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

I wasn't talking about Thai's, I was thinking Russians might want to avoid every other expat/tourist here, especially if they were to run into someone from Ukraine?


talking to a Russian today he says Putin is a nut case . most dont agree with him .

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29 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

Are the Russians in Pattaya/Jomtien now staying home? I can imagine how it would be to go out when the entire World (other than China) seems against them...

Why would  they? They havent done anything to anyone. Not their fault this is happening. 

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39 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

I wasn't talking about Thai's, I was thinking Russians might want to avoid every other expat/tourist here, especially if they were to run into someone from Ukraine?


I suppose they can always deny they are Russian and say they are Lithuanian or Estonian

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

The UN - as usual just a talking shop


Nato - holding a summit tomorrow, Putin could be having dinner in Kiev by then.


EU - talk


Thailand - silent, as they were on Burma


Johnson - talk

UK has sent hardware and is also training their troops. SAS are near a western city. 

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1 hour ago, aussiexpat said:

Are the Russians in Pattaya/Jomtien now staying home? I can imagine how it would be to go out when the entire World (other than China) seems against them...


The Chinese embassy told the Chinese in the Ukraine to show a Chinese flag on their cars etc..

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1 hour ago, Daithi85 said:

Why would  they? They havent done anything to anyone. Not their fault this is happening. 

Sorry, but if a country attacks another country when unprovoked, you don't all of a sudden not be part of that country

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22 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Even putin's Intel Chief is looking askance at the little guy. The comment putin made about 'de-Nazifying' Ukraine---a nation at peace and run by a Jewish former comedian---is simply bizarre.

You really should learn more about history. Also to know that the Ukrainers have been now increasingly worshipping a Nazi general Stepan Bandera, even with the govt support.  Long after WW2 the remaining followers of Bandera army - who did not succeed to get surrendered to Americans - had terrorized Eastern European villages.


And the followers today are incorporated in Azov Batalion, lately recognized by the democratic govt of Ukraine.






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27 minutes ago, Walker88 said:


According to folks on the ground, russia has already lost a few aircraft and a number of tanks have been destroyed. When the body bags head back home, support of the people may decline.

Most of the Russians will never know the truth, and many won't believe what is published in the western media.

Both the west and Russia has their part of propaganda, but Russia just takes it a step further.

They are on par with China and North Korea , when it comes to government controlled propaganda. 


Russia will lose a lot less soldiers in this war, compared to what covid did (340.000 deaths), 

so the body bags probably won't be the thing that make him lose support in Russia.


Money on the other hand....

Make his inner circle lose all their money and ban them and their families from worldwide travelling

and we might have a situation, where a coup can be staged.

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1 hour ago, aussiexpat said:

I wasn't talking about Thai's, I was thinking Russians might want to avoid every other expat/tourist here, especially if they were to run into someone from Ukraine?


Russians really do not mix much with other foreigners in thailand

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6 minutes ago, Virt said:

Most of the Russians will never know the truth, and many won't believe what is published in the western media.

Both the west and Russia has their part of propaganda, but Russia just takes it a step further.

They are on par with China and North Korea , when it comes to government controlled propaganda. 

Would you care to disclose the sources you get the knowledge about these circumstances?  

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It will be interesting to see how the expats in the Ukraine that did not get out in time fair. I would bet there a many thousands that stayed with their wives and GF's and buried their head in the sand.  

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9 minutes ago, Saanim said:

Would you care to disclose the sources you get the knowledge about these circumstances?  

Are you questioning that Russia has a well oiled government controlled propaganda machine?

If so Putin are doing a great job.... 


I suppose you have seen some Russian news lately?

It's not like they are broadcasting the same things as most of us see here in the west.


The vast majority of Russians has access to the internet,

but the question is how much do they use it to search other news channels to fact check their own news channels.

My guess is not a lot, but it's just a guess.


Both sides publish propaganda, but i tend to trust the western news a bit more.

Does that mean i trust the western politicians/news no matter what?


Hell no.

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The least Thailand can do is put a hold on Russian tourists, makes no sense to welcome them here while this is going on. It will ultimately be up to Russian population to kick out Putin, if they support him, they don't deserve nice holidays and western lifestyle

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5 hours ago, Daithi85 said:

Why would  they? They havent done anything to anyone. Not their fault this is happening. 

Well said. We cannot change geopolitical events but to simply hate and go after others because of their passport makes us just as evil as Putin or any other despot. It's what these bast&rds want. Don't give it to them.

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Stocks and Energy Markets Whipsaw After Russian Attack on Ukraine
Stocks in Europe were sharply lower, but the S&P 500 rebounded after an early decline. Energy markets swung wildly, and shares in Moscow collapsed.

Feb. 24, 2022
Updated 4:31 p.m. ET (meaning 4:31 AM 25 FEB Bangkok time)



Edited by jerrymahoney
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6 hours ago, garyk said:

I would not doubt if we see China start their push pretty soon. China will play a wait and see game, on how it goes in the Ukraine.

Precisely the Chinese are watching the watchers. Once they are assured the EU/NATO/USA/other nations are "all bark, no bite" nothing will stop or prevent the Chinese to do the same thing and annex Taiwan.


Also for what it's worth, many of you have forgotten what Turkey has done with the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus back in 1974, nowadays Erdogan controls "only" the half northern part of Cyprus, even according to Wikipedia, the "victorious" side would be Turkey.


Don't think for one single second that the little dictator Erdogan has no desires of annexing and expanding his "empire" on what's left of Cyprus and conquer it all.


Sure, Cyprus is in the European Union and Turkey is a member of NATO but if history has taught us a lesson today; well, for once you should never trust the words of a dictator (and mark my words clearly; Erdogan just like Putin is a dictator no doubt) and two, a dictator will always put his own interests first (or the interests of his nation) no matter what the cost, the implications or the losses may be.


Erdogan is playing all nice and friendly today telling Putin he doesn't agree with his move over Ukraine, but that is just a display, an exhibition, a parade.


Who knows what's going on on his mind? As for Xi Ping the CCP master, he's enjoying his mojito watching the sunset tonight with a very big smile on his face.


EU? NATO? USA? All bark, no bite.

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6 hours ago, garyk said:

I would not doubt if we see China start their push pretty soon. China will play a wait and see game, on how it goes in the Ukraine.

If Donald Trump says so then it must be true.


Donald Trump: 'China's going to be next,' will ‘absolutely’ invade Taiwan following Russia-Ukraine crisis

Jane Nam
Thu, February 24, 2022, 6:25 AM


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