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“We can no longer live a normal life”- Russians in Thailand feel the pressure as global sanctions ratchet up


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6 hours ago, khunPer said:

That's almost the same as saying that it's thw way ladies are dressing that is the cause for rape.

In my opinion no.

The fault is at the side, which began a "special military operation" and  the nation that backed it to happen from that nation's land.

Is nothing like that at all. 


Early on there might have been the thought that he was ok and he did seem pretty western friendly but it changed some time ago. He's invaded countries more than once. He's used chemical weapons in other countries.  He's assassinated people in our country. He used chemical agents in our country killing a British citizen. Maybe not doing anything to provoke him to much was the right thing to do and maybe it is now. Ultimately Putin has done this but by not standing up to him well he just keep pushing further and if he does will we continue with the same strategy?

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7 hours ago, Gold ticket said:

Thailand’s chosen customers, Russians, Indians and Chinese, all supportive of the atrocities being carried out in Ukraine.

birds of the feather flick together

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

, multiple Russian citizens told Thai Enquirer that they are facing discrimination.

Well what did they expect after that non press conference allowing propaganda i.e. fake news speech, all there should have walked out , wrap yourself in a Ukraine flag go demonstrate outside your embassy. 

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9 hours ago, law ling said:

Well, if there's any justice in the world, sanctions against Russia should be increased further, and remain for a very, very long time ... so the affected "innocent Russians" better get used to it, and plan accordingly 

And work towards getting rid of the source of their problem. 

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Seems to me as always it’s the average person who pays the price for a mad dog leader’s ambitions my sympathy’s lie strongly with the courageous Ukrainians fighting for their country I also spare a thought for the Russians beeing dragged int this war of conquest they pay a heavy price for dissent.let’s all hope comrade Putin gets what he deserves as soon as possible (I’m sure you get my drift)

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10 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

My sympathies lie with the Ukrainian's stranded here first. They are having their homes flattened and may not have anything to go back to.

Absolutely spot on, Brian.

Perhaps these 'struggling' Russians would do better complaining to Soviet media and government officials about the impact on their lives owing to the violence and suffering being inflicted on Ukraine and it's citizens as 'punishment' for them simply wishing to emerge from a cold war mentality and joining in with the opportunities of the modern era. 

Hopefully, the international community will ostracise Russia for a good few years because of this though I doubt the likes of India, Iran, Thailand, Syria will stand beside Ukraine in this dark times for Ukraine.


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I just read through the thread. I think of a few things as I do.

I think of how 'the common man' is focused on making ends meet eking out a living for themselves. Some are more savvy, or fortunate, and have more materially - Ergo Russian and Ukrainian people struggling in LOS.

For those who harbour ultra-nationalistic ideals like Putin I have little time. Such ideals, I believe, are the antithesis of humanity and a direct threat to our global existence.

A degree of compassion, but little patience for any defence by any person, Russian or otherwise, for what is being perpetrated by the Russian government and those who are complicit.

My point is, most of us live to survive and are as such (depending on one sociological viewpoint) slaves to the capitalist system, mere pawns of those who hold the reigns of power; economic and political.

If this is the actualised experience of most then; A national despot slowly strangulating a nation (Putin, Trump, S. Hussein, Assad, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc etc) happens without noticing and when the proletariat does notice enough to rise up. Often this timed too late and we powerless to intercede in said asphyxiation, and so people die in larger numbers than is usual or noticed. This is called war. In some societies (to many it seems) this is murder is deemed 'good', patriotic and righteous because 'the other' threatens us. Sound familiar?

I admit to feeling a righteous rage at what is happening in Ukraine. So much so if I were not an old man I would offer to take up a weapon and fight, in the hope of smashing, exorcising that part of humanity.

I have felt this same anger well up in me when I think of The Yemen, Iraq, Syria but with only Facebook and other online spaces to speak and affect any hope of change the impotence and the enormity and cunning of those who hold and wield power only  serve to create further sadness and lack of hope in me.

Sadly I know the beast I see ruling us cares not about any outrage I may express. What is prescient and pre-eminent is the holding and taking of power and exerting it far and above the mortal needs of humanity. 

We never see wars fought by old men, never by politicians only by the youth of this world, with babies, women, and the aged being twisted, obliterated and a most inconveniently, sharply interjecting the truth of how man mutilates man.

For what?

The point of those with the power to manifest the unspeakable stench and barbarity of war is to grasp at that which is worthless, intoxicating yes but worthless to our souls.    

I think too on the behaviours by western countries where 'war crimes' and other horrors were visited - are being visited in other places and times in our human story.

The Yemen is a good example, as was the genocidal madness of the last Balkans tragedy, and the two Iraq wars, Rwanda.

Perhaps I am constitutionally, and terminally naive but it seems to me few of the nations of this world have the right nor the luxury of posturing as though they have clean hands. After all what affects one affects the other. 

I have thought increasingly (not just since this recent horror unfolded) how we, as a species, have an unprecedented opportunity to change, at fundamental levels in how we view and navigate life. 

I confess, sadly, while I have been an optimistic person, this optimism developed and fed all my life as the alternative of feeding the other dog which if nourished bade ill for me and all around me, I confess to seeing little to no hope of a United Federation ala Star Trek where war on earth ends, limitless clean energy and prosperity reign with all humanity strides into a bright, eternal interstellar future. 

Instead I fear; perhaps this fear is no more than a dystopian projection of my dark intrapersonal experience but I see the paradigm of humanity as thus; "As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly" (Bible verse quote, which Nietzsche reverberated).

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All good Russians in Thailand or elsewhere should throw their passport in the toilet, <deleted> on it and then flush it down. They may then apply for an Ukraininan passport instead.


Russia's time is up.


Edited by onthedarkside
trolling comment removed
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17 hours ago, Gold ticket said:

Thailand’s chosen customers, Russians, Indians and Chinese, all supportive of the atrocities being carried out in Ukraine.

India won't say anything negative about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine because Russia supplies ALL India's weapons...   India is stuck between a rock and a hard place i.e. neighbouring China is causing skirmishes along their border and Pakistan (another neighbour) is a constant threat. 

India recently signed up to a 4 Nation pact (Australia, U.S.A., Japan, India) basically to flex their muscles at China...    Yes, India's silence on this is deafening!

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11 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

I just read through the thread. I think of a few things as I do.

I think of how 'the common man' is focused on making ends meet eking out a living for themselves. Some are more savvy, or fortunate, and have more materially - Ergo Russian and Ukrainian people struggling in LOS.

For those who harbour ultra-nationalistic ideals like Putin I have little time. Such ideals, I believe, are the antithesis of humanity and a direct threat to our global existence.

A degree of compassion, but little patience for any defence by any person, Russian or otherwise, for what is being perpetrated by the Russian government and those who are complicit.

My point is, most of us live to survive and are as such (depending on one sociological viewpoint) slaves to the capitalist system, mere pawns of those who hold the reigns of power; economic and political.

If this is the actualised experience of most then; A national despot slowly strangulating a nation (Putin, Trump, S. Hussein, Assad, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc etc) happens without noticing and when the proletariat does notice enough to rise up. Often this timed too late and we powerless to intercede in said asphyxiation, and so people die in larger numbers than is usual or noticed. This is called war. In some societies (to many it seems) this is murder is deemed 'good', patriotic and righteous because 'the other' threatens us. Sound familiar?

I admit to feeling a righteous rage at what is happening in Ukraine. So much so if I were not an old man I would offer to take up a weapon and fight, in the hope of smashing, exorcising that part of humanity.

I have felt this same anger well up in me when I think of The Yemen, Iraq, Syria but with only Facebook and other online spaces to speak and affect any hope of change the impotence and the enormity and cunning of those who hold and wield power only  serve to create further sadness and lack of hope in me.

Sadly I know the beast I see ruling us cares not about any outrage I may express. What is prescient and pre-eminent is the holding and taking of power and exerting it far and above the mortal needs of humanity. 

We never see wars fought by old men, never by politicians only by the youth of this world, with babies, women, and the aged being twisted, obliterated and a most inconveniently, sharply interjecting the truth of how man mutilates man.

For what?

The point of those with the power to manifest the unspeakable stench and barbarity of war is to grasp at that which is worthless, intoxicating yes but worthless to our souls.    

I think too on the behaviours by western countries where 'war crimes' and other horrors were visited - are being visited in other places and times in our human story.

The Yemen is a good example, as was the genocidal madness of the last Balkans tragedy, and the two Iraq wars, Rwanda.

Perhaps I am constitutionally, and terminally naive but it seems to me few of the nations of this world have the right nor the luxury of posturing as though they have clean hands. After all what affects one affects the other. 

I have thought increasingly (not just since this recent horror unfolded) how we, as a species, have an unprecedented opportunity to change, at fundamental levels in how we view and navigate life. 

I confess, sadly, while I have been an optimistic person, this optimism developed and fed all my life as the alternative of feeding the other dog which if nourished bade ill for me and all around me, I confess to seeing little to no hope of a United Federation ala Star Trek where war on earth ends, limitless clean energy and prosperity reign with all humanity strides into a bright, eternal interstellar future. 

Instead I fear; perhaps this fear is no more than a dystopian projection of my dark intrapersonal experience but I see the paradigm of humanity as thus; "As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly" (Bible verse quote, which Nietzsche reverberated).

A good dissertation altogether.  You kinda lost me though, when you lumped A former US President in with totalitarian dictators.  By that measure, you could almost substitute the current administration into that group.

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

We really shouldn't hate them just because of their passport.

That plays right into paranoid Putin's hand.

The "normal" Germans did not resist the Hitler excesses and Nazi extermination of the Jews either...........so it was ok then......

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:34 AM, kimamey said:

I doubt there's much the average Russian can do as they don't seem to have democratic elections anymore and even if they did you can still end up a government you didn't vote for. 


Western governments are also to blame for empowering Putin by not standing up to him earlier. 

"I'm in that situation in the UK." I have been in that situation all my life. I just don't know what it's like to live in a country with a government I actually voted for.

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I really have no sympathy for the Russians that are stuck in Thailand.  They should have left for home sooner when they saw their ruble was crashing.  They are lucky that their home is not being targeted for destruction by the missiles that Putin is lobbing into Ukraine.  Ukrainians are not so lucky.  

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19 hours ago, John Drake said:

Don't worry Russians, Thailand is joining your side.  


What this means is that now almost all of Thai foreign news reports will come from Russian media or Chinese media.    Remember! Thailand says it wants to be neutral and everybody's friend!


By November 2019, as Khao Sod itself reported, outlets including Thai state broadcaster NBT, the publication Manager Online, a mass market outlet with a smaller following than Khao Sod, and Voice Online, the website of one the most progressive, toughest television stations in Thailand, had signed deals with Xinhua. (Voice TV has proven so critical of the Thai military that the armed forces had repeatedly banned Voice TV from the airwaves for brief periods of time.) In total, by the end of the year twelve Thai language outlets had signed content sharing deals with Xinhua. Meanwhile, The Nation had its own content sharing deal with Chinese state media. https://www.cfr.org/blog/thailands-press-warms-chinese-state-media


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5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

"I'm in that situation in the UK." I have been in that situation all my life. I just don't know what it's like to live in a country with a government I actually voted for.

Well there are times when the government is who I voted for or at least someone close to my vote although there will always be areas where I disagree.


It's more often the government of a country that we have issues with rather than most of the people in that country. That goes for Russia,  China and even Thailand although not to the same extent of course.

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