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Nong Samo Hospital reveals at least one million people a year get bitten by dogs

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6 minutes ago, Bim Smith said:

Could not agree more. We have helped over 300 and have 22 at home. Never been bitten once. Dogs mirror their environment so expect to be bitten if you're unkind to one. That applies to all dogs not just Thailand. How about we start to see some proper Buddhist kindness that so many lack in this country and see there world through their eyes. It's not difficult to do. Spay and neuter and show some compassion and watch the world change for them and us. As for rabies the last person who died that I saw reported was a guy in Hua Hin and was bitten by a feral cat. They then went around rounding up the dogs 

Your logic is flawed (again I'm being nice). 

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2 hours ago, LosLobo said:

One million a year from dogs let alone bites and scratches from cats which could equal that of dogs.

Nonsense, no cat will attack you in front of 7/11. Unless yo try to handle it.

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Dogs can bite but rarely kill. 


The real problem is much bigger!

"135 people have been killed and 116 injured by wild elephants in the past six years, including 27 deaths in the first nine months of this year alone"


Time to eradicate these pests?


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7 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

Just some interesting mortality statistics, I note that in 10 years, Road injuries went from third to tenth place. Rabies is not even on the list. Source: https://www.healthdata.org/thailand

Another surprise to me is the stroke thing.








Those mortalities that are for diseases are treatable on initial diagnosis.


Yet, a rabies diagnosis is a certain death sentence.

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Been a dog owner, and lover, all of my 66 years. Been bit twice. Once back in the late 70's by a tiny dog when I went looking at a motorcycle for sale. Nipped and tore my pants. Second time, a few months ago here, after leaving a wedding. Dog was someones across the street from the wedding which nipped my hand when I went to pet it, as I do most dogs I encounter. The problem here is that the government should take control of the situation for everyone's good by paying to get the loose dogs spayed or neutered. Releasing fixed dogs into the population leaves a lot less to make more babies. In America, there are low cost spay and neuter programs , a lot which are mobile, but it doesn't include strays. Strays are picked up and put into shelters in a lot of states, until they are either picked up by their owners or adopted out. Some euthanize after holding for a period of time. People here don't care much about their animals past the cute puppy and kitten stage, and as far as adoption, it doesn't happen much here, and they are left loose to breed. I had 3 dogs here which were poisoned by a disturbed farmer because some dogs in the area were running into their cassava fields, knocking down a few plants. So for the price of a few baht losses, they killed the dogs. Mine and at least 4 other pet dogs. Another valid reason the government needs to do something to reduce the amount of strays roaming. I've never seen so many limping dogs in my life as I do here, which shows the amount of vehicle accidents there are, and hitting a dog on a scooter can be deadly for both.

1 hour ago, androokery said:

Your logic is flawed (that's a nice way of saying it)

Very true. I've never seen so many unfriendly dogs in all of my 66 years. Most dogs I've encountered in America I could approach and pet. Only a few were aggressive and didn't want me to approach or ran away. Dogs can sense fear and seem to know when a person is unfriendly also. I see a lot of abuse towards cats and dogs here, even from people I know are basically nice

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Nong Samo Hospital in Pong held a seminar on rabies after statistics showed that at least one million people a year got bitten by dogs in Thailand.

Amazing Thailand... something else they turn a blind eye to.

43 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

Dogs can bite but rarely kill. 


The real problem is much bigger!

"135 people have been killed and 116 injured by wild elephants in the past six years, including 27 deaths in the first nine months of this year alone"


Time to eradicate these pests?


Sort of like comparing apples and real estate. Dogs are the obvious invasive species here, they wouldn't be here if it weren't for stupid dog lovers and selfish rectal orifices. 

14 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Very true. I've never seen so many unfriendly dogs in all of my 66 years. Most dogs I've encountered in America I could approach and pet. Only a few were aggressive and didn't want me to approach or ran away. Dogs can sense fear and seem to know when a person is unfriendly also. I see a lot of abuse towards cats and dogs here, even from people I know are basically nice

Again with these people who think 1) they're good people because they like dogs and 2) victims of dog attacks only have themselves to blame. 

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20 minutes ago, androokery said:

Again with these people who think 1) they're good people because they like dogs and 2) victims of dog attacks only have themselves to blame. 

These people? I'm guessing you're referring to me here? I'm not a good person just because I treat animals with respect. It's because I treat people that way also. People who mistreat animals are highly likely to also treat people with disrespect also, and serial killers and those that murder innocents usually come from a background of mistreating and or, killing innocent animals. Victims of dogs attacks can have themselves to blame if they either hit or approach animals that act unfriendly. The dog is to blame because they are vicious, which usually means they have been mistreated by humans.


I have been bitten by a dog just once in Thailand and that was back in 1993 as I was out for my morning run.  The odd thing was that the small puppy was on a leash connected to the owner.  It had jumped up as I ran by but I didn't think anything of it.  I didn't notice the bite until I looked down later and there was a little trickle of blood running down the back of my leg starting right behind my knee and above my calf.  I went to the hospital and went through the whole regimen that was required.  The initial cleaning of the wound was a lot more painful than the actual dog bite!  

18 minutes ago, androokery said:

Sort of like comparing apples and real estate. Dogs are the obvious invasive species here, they wouldn't be here if it weren't for stupid dog lovers and selfish rectal orifices. 

Calling people stupid for loving dogs is stupid. Dogs are among the most loyal of animals and have saved countless lives on earth, and are used to sniff out drugs and bombs, which also saves lives. It isn't selfish to own a dog. It's selfish to own dogs and not take care of them.

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Just now, fredwiggy said:

These people? I'm guessing you're referring to me here? I'm not a good person just because I treat animals with respect. It's because I treat people that way also. People who mistreat animals are highly likely to also treat people with disrespect also, and serial killers and those that murder innocents usually com from a background of mistreating and or, killing innocent animals. Victims of dogs attacks can have themselves to blame if they either hit or approach animals that act unfriendly. The dog is to blame because they are vicious, which usually means they have been mistreated by humans.

It seems the hole you were already standing in just got bigger. And the example of the serial killers who start their careers by killing animals somehow being proof that being nice to animals means you're a good person is classical false equivalency. Just because a horse has four legs doesn't mean all four-legged creatures are horses. 

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5 minutes ago, androokery said:

It seems the hole you were already standing in just got bigger. And the example of the serial killers who start their careers by killing animals somehow being proof that being nice to animals means you're a good person is classical false equivalency. Just because a horse has four legs doesn't mean all four-legged creatures are horses. 

Actually I'm not in a hole at all. It's you that are making ignorant statements. If you bothered to read my whole post before you commented, you would see that I wrote that just being an animal lover doesn't make me a good person but how I treat people also.

1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

Calling people stupid for loving dogs is stupid. Dogs are among the most loyal of animals and have saved countless lives on earth, and are used to sniff out drugs and bombs, which also saves lives. It isn't selfish to own a dog. It's selfish to own dogs and not take care of them.

Going out on a limb here, but I assume you don't own one of these life-saving, drug-sniffing dogs you mention. Nor do you have a guide dog. I assume you have or had dogs primarily for company (very selfish) or for protection of property or self (incredibly selfish and destructive). The dog owners and their dogs don't exist in a vacuum. There's always a cost associated and it seems to never be paid by them, but more likely by the people around them. 

3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Actually I'm not in a hole at all. It's you that are making ignorant statements. If you bothered to read my whole post before you commented, you would see that I wrote that just being an animal lover doesn't make me a good person but how I treat people also.

I read all of it. That's how I picked up on the inane serial killer argument. 

3 minutes ago, androokery said:

Going out on a limb here, but I assume you don't own one of these life-saving, drug-sniffing dogs you mention. Nor do you have a guide dog. I assume you have or had dogs primarily for company (very selfish) or for protection of property or self (incredibly selfish and destructive). The dog owners and their dogs don't exist in a vacuum. There's always a cost associated and it seems to never be paid by them, but more likely by the people around them. 

I'm guessing you never grew up with dogs in your family, because if you did, you wouldn't make such an ignorant statement. Owning dogs enriches both the owners and dogs lives. They are loyal companions and provide comfort to all , especially older owners who have lost partners and have children who have moved on in life. I have owned dogs all of my 66 years on earth, and have loved their companionship. They have protected my property and been playmates to my children. How does owning a dog become selfish in your mind? What cost does having a loyal companion bring? How do others around you pay for your ownership of your dog if you are taking care of them properly? None of my animals has ever caused anyone trouble besides the most disturbed I have already mentioned that poison dogs here because they run into neighboring cassava fields. None has ever been aggressive or bit anyone. You are obviously an animal hater, making such ridiculous, uneducated statements.

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9 minutes ago, androokery said:

I read all of it. That's how I picked up on the inane serial killer argument. 

But you seemed to have missed the other I wrote, again, stating how I treat humans makes me a good person, or do you know other ways it can? Stating that serial killers usually come from mistreatment of animals isn't an argument. I don't argue but state facts.


Cull the soi dogs. They are a plague. Most lead miserable lives of disease, hunger and desperation. Put them out of their misery, and improve the nation at the same time. Courage is required, and not strange notions of Buddhavistic merit. 


One bite results in the need for a series of rabies shots, which can be quite expensive. 


More than 59,000 people die of rabies each year because they cannot get the care they need. That’s about 1 person dying of rabies every 9 minutes. Most of these deaths are in Africa and Asia, and nearly half of the victims are children under the age of 15. 



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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Nice little earner for the medical services. 

Yes, but nowhere near the nice little earners they have had because of the pandemic. 

3 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

Me too!  I've been bitten 3 times here in Isaan, and I'm a freakin' dog lover and owner!  Ironically, it wasn't stray/feral dogs.  In both cases it was neighborhood dogs that the Thai owners let run loose.  In fact, one night I got bit twice by my next door neighbor's 2 dogs as I was returning home and passed their house on my motorbike.  The first dog got a nip so the 2nd one decided to bite me as well.  Luckily I didn't need stitches but off to the hospital I went for rabies shots.  Of course, the Thai neighbor had to pay the bill.  The next time I was riding my bicycle and a neighborhood dog gave me a nip as I rode by him.  This particular dog was never friendly and I believe was beat on by its owner.


In both cases I had passed by those houses a gazillion times with no problem.  OTOH during the past 16 years I've explored nearly every small village in the area either on foot, bicycle, or motorbike and have never been bitten.  Yeah, I've been chased quite a few times, but always slow down, face them, and speak softly, and never had a problem.  Yep, Thai dogs are extremely territorial and many are beat by their owners so they are afraid of strangers.  My experience (other than my neighbors' dogs) has been to just be nice to them and the next time I pass by there's no problem.  Most dogs are like elephants, they never forget.  If you're nice they'll remember it and 99.99% of the mutts won't bother you again.  But if you're mean they'll never forget that and will try to chase and/or bite every time.  Sadly, I've got a walkabout buddy who hates dogs and hasn't learned that lesson yet.  Oh well.

Earlier this year I battered two dogs with a very large stone for chasing me when I was exercising on my bike, to this day, these same two dogs are still always there in the same place and never bother me anymore.

Getting chased by dogs wanting to bite anyone is assault, whether it is an insect, animal, or human that tries to assault me, I will always retaliate when that happens.

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4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

I have been here 22 years and never been bit by a dog and I am a cyclist…a few have chased but I turned on the after jets…


oops forgot….I tried to remove a dirty bone from my first GR and he accidentally broke my skin….that one doesn’t count

What does GR stand for? Are you still texting or what??

2 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

Nonsense, no cat will attack you in front of 7/11. Unless yo try to handle it.

There's a cat that is always around my local Lotus minimart, I always pick it up and stroke it when I see it.

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