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Thailand believes condemnation will reduce chances of resolving conflict in Ukraine


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4 hours ago, stoner said:

did you actually post this as a serious comment ? 

What about the UK police arresting people for protesting about Randy Andy? This is a guy who, like his big brother Old Charley, awards himself medals, and was hiding in his helicopter during the Falklands war, and we all know about his past, don't we?

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is, however, strongly opposed to intimidation or the use of force by one state against the territorial sovereignty of another and to the use of force to annex territory of another state without provocation

What are the chances of them actually saying that at the opening of the upcoming APEC meeting?

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5 hours ago, petey123 said:

reading the above comments, it is clear how effective the intensive "western" propaganda machine has been.    this war with its increasing death and destruction can be laid squarely at the feet of the empire of lies and its puppetry.    the nazi-influenced regime had been conducting wholesale slaughter of russians living in the east of that corrupt country since 2014 and v. putin finally decided it had to end.   he had stated late last year that war could be avoided if the empire/puppetry gave up their plan to push nato up to the russian border by inviting ukraine to join and if the latter allowed limited autonomy to its russian-speaking citizens, per the minsk agreement.    the arrogant parties of the "west"  refused to even talk, seeing the ukraine as a means to weaken russia as a potential rival to the empire.    since then the bankrupt empire (31 trillion plus dollars debt) has been hurling billions into the ukraine to keep young ukrainian and russian men dying, cheered on by the corrupt media and the arms merchants.    as an aside, when the west talks about the importance of maintaining  "territorial integrity," it would be good to remember that the empire intensely bombed serbia to enable kosovo to declare its independence and that, today, the empire's troops are garrisoning a significant portion of northeast syria while stealing syrian petroleum....

good on ya Pavloh and kudos to Thailand for not joining the insanity....      

I recall that Lenin's expression was ' useful idiots ' to describe those that swallowed his propaganda. 

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The topic being , Thailand-believes-condemnation-will-reduce-chances-of-resolving-conflict-in-Ukraine ,

Resolution ? no chance because as long as Putin remains in Power , Ukraine's Zelenskyy will not enter talks . No intervention will happen as there are no formidable neutrals . 100% revenge is what Ukraine is looking for  . The countless Russian war crimes are unforgivable and there is no hiding place for Putin , unless exiled within China . Had Thailand condemned the Russian action , there may have been a rethink by Russia ? Day by day and week by week Russia is becoming an isolated country because of multiple sanctions with its people trying to escape from the doom & gloom . Will Russia soon run out of missiles or will they be nullified by the new NATO supplies of air defence missiles ? Biggest danger at the moment seems to be coming from North Korea . 


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1 minute ago, superal said:

The topic being , Thailand-believes-condemnation-will-reduce-chances-of-resolving-conflict-in-Ukraine ,

Resolution ? no chance because as long as Putin remains in Power , Ukraine's Zelenskyy will not enter talks . No intervention will happen as there are no formidable neutrals . 100% revenge is what Ukraine is looking for  . The countless Russian war crimes are unforgivable and there is no hiding place for Putin , unless exiled within China . Had Thailand condemned the Russian action , there may have been a rethink by Russia ? Day by day and week by week Russia is becoming an isolated country because of multiple sanctions with its people trying to escape from the doom & gloom . Will Russia soon run out of missiles or will they be nullified by the new NATO supplies of air defence missiles ? Biggest danger at the moment seems to be coming from North Korea . 


Yeah I guess NK is a threat but it's hard to view him as anything but a clown who has cried wolf way too many times. I think he's acting up lately because he's not getting the attention he needs in light of the war.

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1 minute ago, JimmyJ said:

You recall incorrectly.


There is no evidence that Lenin ever used that phrase.

I don't know or really care about the original but it's a very common phrase and it's very often quite apt to be used to describe many individuals. For example the ex US president. He clearly wasn't directly on the Kremlin payroll, but his fawning over Putin (and most other strong man autocrats in the world) over many years fits that role of that common phrase.

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3 hours ago, anandra said:

so if somebody kicks you in the face in the street and knoks you out, you would prefer evrybody around to abstain. Great position

How many innocent bystanders have been stabbed to death or shot for interfering? If you feel so strongly off you go to defend Ukraine .... or will you abstain .....

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23 minutes ago, Brian Hull said:

Unfortunately, with all its attractions, the guts to stand up for what is right and wrong is not one of Thailand's qualities. It's a nation of sheep, not tigers. Making merit at the temple and praying to Buddha isn't going to help rid Ukraine of Putin's murderous invaders. Talk of diplomacy under the circumstances is absolutely ridiculous. The facts are that without provocation or justification or even a declaration of war, Russia invaded Ukraine and has killed thousands, displaced millions, and devastated its towns and cities. There are 150,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine while there are NO Ukrainian soldiers in Russia. Russia is attacking Ukrainian civilian areas on a daily basis with missiles and artillery fired from Russian soil but Ukraine is not firing back. There is nothing to negotiate until such time as the Russians have been completely expelled from Ukraine. And then the negotiations should be about how much time should the war criminal, Putin, spend in gaol, and how many roubles is Russia going to pay to Ukraine for reparations.

Putin in jail ? I think a firing squad if he can be caught . Ukraine not firing back because it is both not allowed to attack Russia , does not have the missiles (yet) and can only defend Ukraine as any attack on Russia using NATO supplied weapons will be seen by Russia as the start of WW3 because NATO supplied the arms to Ukraine . Yes its true and I get your point that Russia can sit within Russia and send missiles at will . So if the arms supplied to Ukraine were not free issue but were bought by Ukraine , could they then attack Russia ?

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It's usually always the rogue corrupted states that abstain from voting against Russia's continual war crimes. 

The developed nations with free and open democracies and low corruption are the ones who point out the wrongs of others. Unfortunately Thailand is not one. It sits in rogue state territory.  

No surprise to anyone that Thailand is willing to turn a blind eye for their friend dictator Putin.  

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Very naive.

The only way for there to be a peaceful end game for Putin's folly war is for Ukraine to continue to win decisively. 

Putin's goal remains and will always be to erase the nation of Ukraine forever. ALL of it.

Sorry that the Thai leaders don't see it (they probably do but insist on not making waves).

Why not? 

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5 hours ago, Derek B said:

The West does not have a propaganda machine - we have free speech by and large without the need to lock people up for up to 15 years.


And Julian Assange? This is a war of Propaganda, nothing more.

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While I support Ukraine, I see no reason for Thailand to get involved and condemn Russia. 

It's not diplomatically necessary or of much benefit to Thailand, or Ukraine. 


In any case, Thailand can't point the finger at Russia, as both have a corrupt oligarchy, buying up football teams and UK assets,  dodgy elections, a fake democracy, even a Crimean style historical and questionable land grab of Malaysia, which is the cause of the southern troubles, and lastly, they're both doing military conscription.  

Even the flags are similar! ????????????

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