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Warning to all dog owners in Thailand after a recent pit bull attack and other serious incidents


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The Royal Thai police, on Saturday, issued a warning to all dog owners in Thailand especially those who own pit bull breeds to meet their legal responsibility to treat the dogs properly while making sure to exercise control and restraint over them after a dangerous incident at the end of October and several deaths and horrific attacks in recent times.

What a load of old Tosh

How is it possible to place the words " legal responsibly, Dog  owners, restraint and control ", all in the same sentence when the reference is aimed at Thai Dog Owners.

As with all warnings, advice and Laws in Thailand, they will be for somebody else, why me ?

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4 hours ago, Bigz said:

Thailand needs to put it's act together regarding dogs. Strays to be collected and destroyed, owners punished for dumping puppies. Around our village people dumping puppies on a monthly basis. Government doesn't do anything when those dogs grow up and starting to attack livestock, people. I lost dozens of ducks due to strays and officials refuse to do anything citing animal protection laws. What a joke.


And the puppies are being dumped often at the village temple because Thais, especially in the poorer villages, will not get dogs speyed. Too expensive. Some more responsible people may instead buy pills or injected birth control but this does long term damage to the bitch and even in Thailand most vets will not supply them  leaving this market to shops selling who knows what. So round here it's is a 24/7 free for all for the males with any bitch on heat as the males are not neutered and run free. In due course an unwanted litter of several puppies arrives and if they survive dumping them is the solution.

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4 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

This is human problem not a dog one. There are no regulations on breeders. People but these dogs are find they can't handle them and they become street dogs. Then with government will (which there isn't any) a national spay and neuter program.

I completely agree with you.  That said, it’s the same as the gun problem (guns don’t kill people, people kill people) and many other societal problems.  It’s easier to police/regulate people than to take action to solve the problem.

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3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

No, many want to ban the breed, because the known intensions when the breeding started. This breed is created for the purpose of aggressive fighting. Something that was never intended when they made the expression that the dog is your best friend. 

yes the clue seems to be in the name... this type of dog was bred for the purpose of aggression against a much bigger animal.

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Only one way to get the Government to fix this problem.


Tell them there's money to be made!


Ship the dogs to:  "The dog meat trade is most widespread in China, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Nagaland in northern India."  Source: Google.

Edited by CanadaSam
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5 hours ago, seedy said:

When I lived in Dawson, YT a small child was bitten by a dog wandering loose.

City issued a warning - control your dogs or else.

Hired a local who was given a Gov't pickup, ski mask, and a 12 gauge.

After a dozen dogs were 'fixed' the problem went away.

None of this bull manure about 'Oh the dogs are so kind when given a good home' If they had a good home they would not be running loose.


Back in the early Seventies, the MP's on Samae San and Uthapao had permkssion to shoot any stray dog on compound and between the Bases...........that lasted a few months, then someone reported them to a newspaper and all hell broke loose..........my neighbor was an MP and said they probably shot 60+ dogs.  Mind you, rabies was rampant down South, and people were dying........may not be the case these days...............>Peace

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5 hours ago, Hans Johnson said:

Pit-Bulls are not the only breed. Rottweilers have the same reputation in Thailand for attacks. 

I reported a dangerous doberman pinscher several times in England but the authorities weren't interested because it wasn't on their list of dangerous dogs. Never mind that it tried to attack us and the other neighbours and every other dog it encountered whenever it went for a walk. It ain't on the list and that's all that matters. I had a collie cross for years and she was more than willing to attack someone, if I told her to. I suppose the fact that dobermans have been used as security for decades by various people including the Nazis, is irrelevant these days.  

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3 hours ago, Flink said:

I live in a quiet soi with 12 soi dogs and one owned dog running about 24 hours a day. Other than the 11.00pm howl and the occassional scuffle between themselves the dogs are harmless,

Diversion and irrelevant. 

You do not know if they will be harmless tomorrow. 

I too live in a village and plenty of packs of dogs that mostly appear harmless... but one night, after Loy Kratong, I tried to walk home and they exhibited plenty aggression.....

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4 hours ago, billsmart said:

I agree with this. Dog owners should be held responsible for any damage their dogs do. And, I think if "soi dogs" (dogs without owners) do damage, they should be either captured and relocated, or, if the damage is severe, like injuring other humans (or other dogs, etc.) they could be "put down." 


I don't buy-in to the popular notion that any particular breed of dog is prone to violence. Obviously, a pit bull or German shepherd is more dangerous than a chihuahua, but that's because of their physical build, not their mentality. Thinking that different breeds of dogs have more of a disposition for violence is like having racist views about humans.

And what I don't agree with is many people's suggestion that all "soi dogs" be "put down." If they are not causing severe damage, like injuring humans or other animals, and are just considered a "nuisance," they should be captured and relocated. 

Just where would you relocate all the millions of soi dogs to?


A different province perhaps or another village or temple, as long as they are not near your place? That is a typical selfish NIMBY attitude.


A sort of good, all the soi dogs have gone, they are now somebody else's problem. 

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9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Obviously they need to be banned. When they become soi dogs better people don't go out

put the damn things down job done ..now all dog lovers who don't like this comment these things are a  menace look at some of the horrific injuries many to young kids ..

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In my opinion All Dog Owners should require to have a licence and pass a knowledge of breed before owning a dog they should also require insurance and the dog to be micro chipped with all those details. Any dog found unclipped put to sleep. Any lack key dog found pounded then if fine not paid or re homed then put to sleep.  I love dogs and even brought my last dog with me to Thailand's. In her 14 years she never ever got out alone, she was always on a lead and obviously she was chipped. She was a big dog an Akita, well trained and well socialised.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:




Pitbulls bred for prey drive and aggression. Its ok discuss ‘breeding’ and ‘purpose’ when discussing other breeds, so why is it not OK to discuss breeding with Pitbulls ???


Does the Pit Bull community think their breed should be treated like every other large breed when the breed is not the same ?


Just like a Jack Russel is not a spaniel and is more likely to bite, a Pitbull is not like a golden retriever, its more like a Jack Russel on steroids


Yes, agree. Pitbulls are indeed marketed here in Thailand (on FB and other outlets) on their strength and aggression, to a certain 'proxy-toughguy' mentality buyer base.

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7 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

This topic is about pit bull terriers, that have been banned completely by some civilised countries such as France, Holland, Singapore because they are dangerous. They are known  for many years to be dangerous and unpredictable and they should be banned here in Thailand as the incidence of irresponsible dog owners (of all kinds) is far greater than in those countries aforementioned. 


And the UK...oh wait, you said civilised, sorry, carry on as you were


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7 minutes ago, BritScot said:

In my opinion All Dog Owners should require to have a licence and pass a knowledge of breed before owning a dog they should also require insurance and the dog to be micro chipped with all those details.

Some people could also do with this...


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