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Bank insists I wear a mask

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Don’t be silly… mask wearing us not ‘cultural’… Thais we’re not wearing masks 3 years ago. 
Mask wearing is not cultural at all. 

It may be an indication of a more conformist society, perhaps even an indication of the general understanding within a society.


Thai’s are still wearing masks because they don’t want to be the ‘odd one out’ .


Mask wearing us no more cultural than drink diving…. It’s behavioral and readily influenced by those with influence over the populace. 

And no, we shouldn’t blindly adopt the local culture when visiting a foreign country… sometimes culture (and also religion) are used to explain & justify abhorrent behaviors. 


Ha ha ha, he said abhorrent Beavis.......

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10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

It may be an indication of a more conformist society, perhaps even an indication of the general understanding within a society.


Thai’s are still wearing masks because they don’t want to be the ‘odd one out’ .

How a society behaves is exactly what defines cultural behaviour.



the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group

also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time

The reasons for why the people do it don't matter in that respect. Neither does it if the thing they are doing is good or bad.

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18 minutes ago, Neeranam said:
31 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

How a society behaves is exactly what defines cultural behaviour.

Absolutely, its not rocket science 

Not over such a brief timescale… 

… If the population of Thailand has been wearing masks for decades there could be an argument that it is a cultural facet of society….


I suspect the wearing of masks will go back to the ‘cultural norms’ of pre2020 behavior & mask wearing will considered something temporary rather than anything permanent enough, lasting enough, or widespread enough to be considered ‘a facet of Thai culture’. 


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27 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:
1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Absolutely, its not rocket science 

It might not be rocket science but it certainly isn't as simplistic as you make out!  Personally, I'm a multiculturalist anyway.

I think the language used was incorrect, however the underling point was perhaps valid. 

Thai culture is more conformist than that from which many of us originate. 

Thus, we see more Thai’s wearing masks than Western Foreigners.


For many westerners there is perhaps a greater general level of understanding of why were are wearing masks rather than continuing to wear them because everyone else is. 

The mask wearing itself is not ‘cultural’ but the underlying reasoning of why much of the Thai population copies the ‘Thai Population’ perhaps is. 


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On 12/6/2022 at 12:37 PM, billd766 said:

But you are not IN the rest of the world, you are in Thailand.


I rarely wear a mask but I always carry one. If somebody in authority, such as the bank , BigC or Makro, asks me to I simply smile, apologise and put it on.


It is NOT the end of the world to wear a mask, so simply smile and do as they ask.


YOU may think that Covid has gone away, never to return, but it is still here and active in Thailand. I cannot post a link from the Bangkok post but on September 30th this year it was still mandatory to wear a mask on public transport. Google it.






https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1229&bih=557&sxsrf=ALiCzsZOH03DQtmSwCSUN9tWtgqv5qNyNA%3A1670326149557&lei=hSePY-PNIfqL4-EPwb2-kAM&q=thailand covid mask rules&ved=2ahUKEwijpLbm8eT7AhX6xTgGHcGeDzIQsKwBKAF6BAhOEAI


All of these links and more are easily available on doing a Google search.


The lady conductress on the bus was totally correct and you were and are totally in the wrong.


However it is NOT a problem for me as I neither live in Bangkok nor do I use public transport.




LOL. People like you are the main reason why we have the issues with these totalitarian governments and government-matrix-agents worldwide nowadays.

"If someone with authority comes to me I will obey" hahahaha damn, you must have a crooked backbone.

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27 minutes ago, FarAway said:

The admin of the group "The Resistance THA", which is quite famous in the resistance in Thailand and the only real Thai resisting the COVID-tyranny in Thailand, gone to court to argue that the Thai Constitution:


1. Allows him to fly without VAXX pass and COVID test with airplanes within Thailand due to Freedom Of Movement

2. Allows him to NOT wear a mask, as this would be a restriction on his personal freedom regarding medical choices


The court ruled he was right.

Sadly as always this was not covered by any of these paid mainstream-media-news-outlets, but it happened.

If you are interested, I can ask my wife for the exact court case ruling number and you can print it out and take it to your bank.

Otherwise you can just print the Thai Constitution, mark the relevant points and shove it in the masked face of the ignorant bank worker.


Do not bend over just because you are in a foreign country. Because while being here we all need to abide by the rules of the Thai Constitution, which on the other hand actually provides us the mean of protecting our basic human rights of Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Medical Choice.


During COVID the ruling class just made up a bunch of unconstitutional rules, like you need to wear a mask or your need to have vaxx pass and COVID test to move between provinces.

They just bet that no one will take them to court and if it wouldn't be that one brave Thai guy, no one would ever have done.

Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge.


Be the plaintiff and not an obedient sheep, just because everyone else around you is.

Wow impressive ????


And then you have everyone who thinks a mask is a gentle and polite thing to do when visiting Thailand no regard law or be it purely pride and stubbornness. Especially if you do not have a medical condition and can not use a mask. 

You sit around a table, and you are the only smoker in the group? It is legal to smoke, what do you do? 

Maybe one of the others is allergic to smoke? One hate the smell of smoke but non of them have not said anything, and probably will not say anything. 

Feelings is a tough one for most, but pride rank highest it seems. 

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Just now, FarAway said:

Your example with smoking is an example of apple and pears.
It is actually good to not smoke, while it is bad to wear a mask.

It does not protect from any virus, it does instead do harm to the wearer and especially to society as a whole. The worst is the cognitive impairment of kids, not just from their own mask wearing, but from not seeing the whole faces of their parents and other kids anymore.

You pro-maskers or at least mask-defenders or at least mask-damage-deniers are a danger to humanity, while being brainwashed you would do the opposite.

Garbage. Where's your link?

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2 minutes ago, FarAway said:

Your example with smoking is an example of apple and pears.
It is actually good to not smoke, while it is bad to wear a mask.

It does not protect from any virus, it does instead do harm to the wearer and especially to society as a whole. The worst is the cognitive impairment of kids, not just from their own mask wearing, but from not seeing the whole faces of their parents and other kids anymore.

You pro-maskers or at least mask-defenders or at least mask-damage-deniers are a danger to humanity, while being brainwashed you would do the opposite.

Oh man, no time to argue with you. Brainwashed is a bad an cheap argument and an end of any valid debate when such words is used. Same as left wings, lefties etc. 


I treat people around me with respect, and we use mask in bank, in elevators or any other tight space. 

The only negative I see with mask is the pollution problem, but Im in Thailand as an visitor, not back home where I do not use any mask anywhere. 


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4 minutes ago, FarAway said:


Yes, many brainwashed so-called "authorities" might actually believe they are doing good.

But good intentions does not equal good actions.

You can sincerely believe doing something good while you are actually doing the opposite.

There are COUNTLESS examples for that in history.


And I am not just a tourist here. I have a Thai wife and a half-Thai child. I am staying here on a legal long-term-visa in my own property, so I am entitled to my own opinion and can act accordingly in this country without blindly bending over to others and following the herd. 

That being said, I would even always stand behind my ideals and moral grounds in any country that I am just a short-term tourist in. Morality and standing up for the right thing even if almost no one else is doing it have no time limit.

Im sure your family is proud of you! Well done

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1 minute ago, Hummin said:

Im sure your family is proud of you! Well done

Funny ironical comment.

But actually yes indeed. I am a strong leader, a man with principles, integrity and a backbone who defends his belief in doing the right thing even if most people do the opposite. No one can bend me down.



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28 minutes ago, FarAway said:

What link? You need a link for common sense? You do not have eyes? 


The sister of my wife is working in a nursery. She have a 3-year-old that was not able to talk one word because the parents wore masks even at home, like the government told them.

You can clearly see the mental impairment of the kids in Thailand since this mask-wearing began. No d**n link needed!


But because you obviously cannot use your eyes and/or brain and wanna have links, here are "some":






It always literally BREAKS MY HEART to see the sad robotic eyes of these masked children here, but obviously you are selfish or have no heart anymore and do not care.

Many of the teenagers choose to wear a mask even when their parents aren't wearing them or when they are in groups.


From the only credible source you linked: (another doesn't even discuss cognitive impairment, only face recognition.


In general, research remains rare on the subject. But, says Paul, "I really do not see any cause for alarm."



Edited by ozimoron
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2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Many of the teenagers choose to wear a mask even when their parents aren't wearing them or when they are in groups.


From the only credible source you linked:


In general, research remains rare on the subject. But, says Paul, "I really do not see any cause for alarm."




Wait, France24 is "the only credible source" for you? ????

For me it is obviously the cognitiveresearchjournal, but well, you are a prime example of confirmation bias.


And the teenagers you are talking about just wear them out of social conformity, they are scared of being an outcast. You ever talked to them and asking them why they wear a mask? No. Most likely you cannot even speak Thai. Me neither by the way.

But my wife and her family often asked kids why they wear these masks and the answer is NEVER "because I am scared of COVID and want to proctect others" but always "because everyone does" or "because xyz(teacher, parents) told me to do"

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Just now, FarAway said:


Wait, France24 is "the only credible source" for you? ????

For me it is obviously the cognitiveresearchjournal, but well, you are a prime example of confirmation bias.


And the teenagers you are talking about just wear them out of social conformity, they are scared of being an outcast. You ever talked to them and asking them why they wear a mask? No. Most likely you cannot even speak Thai. Me neither by the way.

But my wife and her family often asked kids why they wear these masks and the answer is NEVER "because I am scared of COVID and want to proctect others" but always "because everyone does" or "because xyz(teacher, parents) told me to do"

The cognitive research journal does not mention cognitive impairment from wearing masks.

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35 minutes ago, FarAway said:

Funny ironical comment.

But actually yes indeed. I am a strong leader, a man with principles, integrity and a backbone who defends his belief in doing the right thing even if most people do the opposite. No one can bend me down.



I think someone has bent you over


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51 minutes ago, FarAway said:

Your example with smoking is an example of apple and pears.
It is actually good to not smoke, while it is bad to wear a mask.

It does not protect from any virus, it does instead do harm to the wearer and especially to society as a whole. The worst is the cognitive impairment of kids, not just from their own mask wearing, but from not seeing the whole faces of their parents and other kids anymore.

You pro-maskers or at least mask-defenders or at least mask-damage-deniers are a danger to humanity, while being brainwashed you would do the opposite.

"... while it is bad to wear a mask. ..."


Please support your definitive statement.

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48 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

But the Thai authorities have removed the mask mandate.  If some people still choose to wear a mask, that's fine by me, and if the owner of a business asks me to wear one I will (if they can provide one) or take my business elsewhere.  However, the number of maskless Thais is definitely increasing (where I live anyway) and hopefully will continue to do so.  It has to stop sometime, as the damage being caused, especially to children, is serious.


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