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Thaksin says daughter will announce his return to Thailand this year


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12 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

The difference is that if the government is voted in, it has to bear in mind that it must convince the electorate to vote it in again in four years time. Getting a working democratic process, not based on lies or ridiculous impractical proposals  will take several election cycles. Every time there is a coup that "timeline" is reset to zero.


That would probably eventually have been Thaksin 's downfall - Abhisit may well have been able to beat him after a couple of elections. Instead we have effectively had two decades of military rule and everything is back to year zero.

Even military governments go away eventually. So that argument does not make sense. My point is that it does not matter corruption wise. The sad fact is that they are all corrupt and will never do a thing to make it better. So unless politicians change nothing will change. 


But given that i know that now I wont support a miltary government anymore. But that does not  mean i like the corrupt other governements from Thaksin any better. The guy was hugely corrupt and a blatant liar so nothing to be happy about.


Im no ok with whoever will come knowing that nothing will change and the people will be robbed the same. 


I was just an idiot to believe things could be better. (I came here during Thaksins reign of corruption and was shocked thinking anything would be better not realizing they are all the same). Lets hope that there wont be any more violence.

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8 hours ago, geisha said:

Compared to the present leaders ? 

Present military leaders are lily white corruption free exemplary citizens of the highest order. How they ammassed their wealth according to the asset declaration to the NACC and evade scrutiny severly undermined fairness in the judiciary performance that seem to be influenced by political expediency. 

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10 hours ago, Caldera said:

Probably the best prime minister Thailand has ever had. What a shame that his term was cut short.

Oh dear. 

Compared to what?

Considering contemporary Thailand has only displayed a handful of Prime Ministers, all of which were not properly elected by the population and dodgy at best - but installed by way of military and royal passage, including the Shinawatras.

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22 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

There's only one thing that requires change and to be severed. The basic crux.

Gonna be a while, yet. 

And then when it does come about, it'll take another good generation for the society and political workings to come around from the eras of this type of rule and all of it's associated misdealing. 

Yea.. i was foolish to think that something like that could change.. its just too deep ingrained in culture. 

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19 hours ago, steven100 said:

exactly .... he's a wanted criminal.  It is estimated he could serve up to 12 years if apprehended.

Jan 10, 2565 BEHowever, Thaksin faces a total of 12 years in prison over corruption and abuse-of-power convictions stemming from his two terms as premier, ...

But he was removed from power by a military coup, which in itself was illegal.


He was found guilty in a court and a justice run by that same coup government, so, if the coup was illegal, so was the court sentence.



17 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

deleted post


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17 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I agree. Lock them up, all of them.

That should have happened already in 2010. I still don't understand why those terrorists are not in prison.

Please define your version of the term terrorist.

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1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

Oh dear. 

Compared to what?

Considering contemporary Thailand has only displayed a handful of Prime Ministers, all of which were not properly elected by the population and dodgy at best - but installed by way of military and royal passage, including the Shinawatras.

The ONLY Prime Ministers not properly elected by the population were those who came from military coups. This includes the current 250 members of the senate.

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3 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You’re making the classic mistake of projecting your own limitations and shortcomings onto others.

The truth is, Thailand is already 95% of the way there (to becoming an open, democratic society that is).


Not with these corruption levels. Your showing your Thaksin bias.

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5 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You’re making the classic mistake of projecting your own limitations and shortcomings onto others.

The truth is, Thailand is already 95% of the way there (to becoming an open, democratic society that is).



What type of open and democratic society might this be? 



Actually, I don't believe there's such a beast that exist anywhere the world over - open and democratic. 

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On 1/26/2023 at 7:40 AM, Callmeishmael said:

Well, he just painted a target on his daughter's back!

explain why that is.


she already bears his last name and has become increasingly active in Thai politics, so  how does his trolling change anything? 

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2 minutes ago, scorecard said:

"....he welcomed foreigners..." 




Not how I remember it either. 

Aside from other policies and personal dislike for foreigners, his era was responsible for the dramatic and negative immigration/visa policy change that we live with now. 


Some of us will recall these rather open and relaxed visa/immigration policies that pre-dated Thaksin.

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1 minute ago, zzaa09 said:


Not how I remember it either. 

Aside from other policies and personal dislike for foreigners, his era was responsible for the dramatic and negative immigration/visa policy change that we live with now. 


Some of us will recall these rather open and relaxed visa/immigration policies that pre-dated Thaksin.

Some of us remember being rounded up from nightclubs and private parties and held at Lumpini police station as we awaited drug testing

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26 minutes ago, robblok said:

At least its less then in the US and Thailand

 From the corruption perception index 8 out the first 10 countries are western Europe 

THe USA is not even in the top 10 but Nr 27 (no wonder you guys are used to corruption)

and Thailand 110 in that index 



The point is this, corruption exists in every society no matter what the political structure. Societies with free speech, a free press, rule of law and a functioning multi party democracy have lower levels of corruption. 
Why on earth would you want to deny Thailand the above mentioned anti corruption mechanisms by pretending there is no difference between elected governments and juntas?


BTW - I am not American, you’re wrong again.

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36 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

You missed out the extra-judicial executions of 1000s of innocent people in his 2003 war on drugs. This alone is enough to ban him for ever. I remember his daughter when she was at the school I taught at in 1997 or so, around the time her father made billions by starting the Asian financial crisis when he was Deputy Prime minister or Minister of Finance in Big Jew's govt. 

I find it very sad when I hear many foreigners praise this guy, based on what they hear from their Isarn gf. Visas would still be 500 baht if it weren't for this guys xenophobic policies, which is funny as he is a typical Chinaman. 

You’ve imbibed too much of the kool aid. You’re meant to just sip it whilst wearing a tin foil hat.

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9 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

The point is this, corruption exists in every society no matter what the political structure. Societies with free speech, a free press, rule of law and a functioning multi party democracy have lower levels of corruption. 
Why on earth would you want to deny Thailand the above mentioned anti corruption mechanisms by pretending there is no difference between elected governments and juntas?


BTW - I am not American, you’re wrong again.

It was just a guess about the American as they have crazy politics and so on. So they are used to strange things more often and as you see they are far more corrupt given the index.


What I am saying is that anti corruption under the Junta and under anyone will be the same. They wont go after the government in power. The system is rotten As long as corruption is this big you cant call it a real democracy.


There is not much difference corruption wise between a junta and an elected government. Other parts maybe but like i said both are equally corrupt and both have never done something to really combat corruption. Just use it as a weapon against their enemies.

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7 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You’ve imbibed too much of the kool aid. You’re meant to just sip it whilst wearing a tin foil hat.

What has 'kool aid' got to do with anything? I'm not a Ynak, so have never drank it anyway. 


Not sure what you mean by 'tin foil hat', please explain. 

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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

What has 'kool aid' got to do with anything? I'm not a Ynak, so have never drank it anyway. 


Not sure what you mean by 'tin foil hat', please explain. 

Happy to help:


What was the Jonestown Kool-Aid?
From a vat, his people drank the cyanide-laced punch, which birthed the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” referring to those who blindly and foolishly follow something. 

Saying someone is "wearing a tin foil hat" or "is a tin foil hat" means that they have paranoia or a belief in conspiracy theories, especially involving government surveillance or paranormal beings.
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6 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Happy to help:


What was the Jonestown Kool-Aid?
From a vat, his people drank the cyanide-laced punch, which birthed the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” referring to those who blindly and foolishly follow something. 

Saying someone is "wearing a tin foil hat" or "is a tin foil hat" means that they have paranoia or a belief in conspiracy theories, especially involving government surveillance or paranormal beings.

Do you think we are all Yanks here?

What do you think I am blindly, or foolishly following?


What do conspiracy theories have to do with the facts I posted?



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On 1/25/2023 at 4:46 PM, WingFat said:

Will she weep, sob and cry on camera for his return, as did her sister ex-PM Yingluck who nearly ruined Thailand's place in the worldwide rice industry by her ridiculously incompetent "rice pledging scheme" when it miserably failed |??? I was in Thailand in 2014 when Yingluck vomited this stupid idea, the rice farmers bought her line of <deleted>, then realized the only people who benefited were the middle-men and rice-storage operators; Shinawatra cronies. The rice price she demanded was laughed at by the worldwide market and Thailand's rice rotted in the silos while other rice-producing nations picked up the slack.. Eventually, the farmers in the peasant north were literally on their way to Bangkok in pickup trucks with pitchforks in hand ready to skewer her when the coup e' etat occurred (one dozens that have occurred in LOS since the 1930's). This was in 2014, and that's how and why the military took control. No trusting the Shinawatras...then there is Thaksin's wife who benefited from bargain basement price on a prime piece of land in central Bangkok. I am no fan of the current cast of clowns in charge, but the Shinawatras are no better.

Rubbish. The Rice plan was the longstanding option conceived by civil service bureaucrats and had been in place for 50 years. Thai farmers had often complained about the lower than market price that the plan paid. The revisions APPROVED by the ELECTED  parliament were an attempt to correct past deficiencies.  Although, the changes made things worse, there was never a set intent to steal or cheat anyone.  Yes, rice millers and grainary silo operators made windfall profits however critics forget is that these entities were typically not PTP supporters. On the contrary, they leaned towards  the Abhisit /military part of the political spectrum.  The  corruption occurred when some officials started to panic at their disaster of a program and tried to cover up the extent of the losses. They started playing with the books, recording inaccurate sales data.  It was wrong.  The finance and agriculture ministers were responsible for oversight of the program and instead, Yingluck was blamed for their failure.   In hindsight, it appears that the ministers were not totally open about the program with the PM and a case can be made that the  PMO was mislead.


Using the debacle of a program to justify the overthrow of a democratically elected government, as flawed as it was, is wrong.




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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

But he was removed from power by a military coup, which in itself was illegal.


He was found guilty in a court and a justice run by that same coup government, so, if the coup was illegal, so was the court sentence.




???? We need that confused icon again.

It's like: You run a red light. A cop stops you and tells you what you did was against the law.

You give the cop 100B tea money, which proves he is corrupt. And for that reason, you never did anything wrong.

That's your "logic". Strange!

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

Please define your version of the term terrorist.

Terrorist terrorize innocent people. They start fires, the hurt people, maybe they kill people, etc.

And terrorists normally do this for political reasons. But obviously some of them also take money.

You could look it up. The definition is easy to find. 




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41 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Are they facts though???

Well let me think, as if I haven't got better things to do! 



Extrajudicial killing - fact

Visas increasing to 1900 baht from 500 baht -  fact

Making billions from financial crisis -  fact


What do you think was a conspiracy theory?


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