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Video: Thai Road Rage! Woman threatened with a gun for hogging the right lane


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1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:

Given the condition of the left hand lanes due to overloaded trucks on the half melted asphalt,

That's the excuse my Mrs always makes for not driving in the left lane. Generally lorries drive in and return to the left lane immediately after overtaking. However, occasionally a large vehicle will remain in the right hand lane(s). Undertaking a waggon is potentially more dodgy IMHO. 

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38 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

It's illegal to sound your horn

• Cars and motorcycles can use the horn only when avoiding danger or accidents. (Fine not exceeding 500 baht).

I beeped my horn so that I didn't need to ram her off the road, which would have caused an accident.

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1 minute ago, alien365 said:

For everything apart from this, yes. We all have weaknesses. I am as considerate as possible on the road which is why it angers me when I come across selfish drivers like this. They hold the entire flow of traffic up. If a car's going faster than me I let them past. I don't understand why others can't follow that basic principle. 

You're absolutely correct! We're brought up to overtake on the offside only. 'Undertaking can get you an early appointment with the undertaker' as per a safety campaign in the past. At least Thai's don't normally get annoyed about lane hogging. It's the risk of the offending driver suddenly and without warning deciding to move to the left without prior use of mirrors that is worrying. 

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The road was wide open, no reason the moron with the gun could not go around, <deleted>. 


If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance. 



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2 hours ago, realfunster said:

Ha ha ! Yes, I like to do that as well once my overtaking is complete and the road is clear ahead and see if they get the hint you can move over if your path is clear.


To be fair, most people are pretty decent on this but you do get the occasional mong just cruising along the highway at 80km without a care in the world as dozens of cars have to take evasive undertaking action. Quite how their brains don't register that something is not quite right, I don't know. 


The majority of Thai drivers?? Brains????

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1 hour ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

It's illegal to sound your horn

• Cars and motorcycles can use the horn only when avoiding danger or accidents. (Fine not exceeding 500 baht).

Just because it's "illegal" it does not make it right. Blast the b@stards. I do it regularly illegal or not.

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53 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

The road was wide open, no reason the moron with the gun could not go around, <deleted>. 


If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance. 

At some point there will be an opportunity to move into the left lane and allow the car behind to pass.


From a personal perspective, if a car behind is making it very clear they want to pass me I’ll adjust my speed and get out of their way - I don’t want idiots like that tailgating me. 


I don’t need to prove a point and worry that I’ve allowed myself to be ‘bullied out of the way’... I don’t care about that, I just prefer not to have dangerous tools risking the safety of myself and my family so avoiding that situation takes priority. 


So... why ’should you have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law ?’ ... IMO, thats the sort of 'ego-thinking' that gets us into potential hassle when the thinking really should be... ’why should you not slow down and get out of the way to allow an idiot to pass and get out of your way ?’.... 


Its seems too many hold on to there perceived rights etc when instead thinking bigger picture and just making things easier is the better options. 





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2 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

Given the condition of the left hand lanes due to overloaded trucks on the half melted asphalt, idiots pulling out of little lanes without looking, and old women doing 10kph on their 30 year old waves, it's easy to see why. 

As my wife was driving me back home yesterday, a stupid little <deleted> of a schoolboy on a scooter came out of a side road without looking or slowing down, and nearly ran into the pickup.


No helmet of course, most probably no licence (too young) and nearly brain splattered across the 2 lane (1 each way) highway. 

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

At some point there will be an opportunity to move into the left lane and allow the car behind to pass.

And when that opportunity comes I move over. 

6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

From a personal perspective, if a car behind is making it very clear they want to pass me I’ll adjust my speed and get out of their way - I don’t want idiots like that tailgating me. 


I don’t need to prove a point and worry that I’ve allowed myself to be ‘bullied out of the way’... I don’t care about that, I just prefer not to have dangerous tools risking the safety of myself and my family so avoiding that situation takes priority. 


So... why ’should you have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law ?’ ... IMO, thats the sort of 'ego-thinking' that gets us into potential hassle when the thinking really should be... ’why should you not slow down and get out of the way to allow an idiot to pass and get out of your way ?’.... 


Its seems too many hold on to there perceived rights etc when instead thinking bigger picture and just making things easier is the better options. 

But tailgating and blinking lights is not ego-thinking?


Letting reckless drivers cow you just encourages the reckless driver to cow someone else. 

That said, I think that there seems to be a lot fewer of the light-blinking-tailgating-morons then there used to be. Overall, I think driving here has greatly improved in the last twenty-five years. 

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"She was driving with her husband"


Interesting that her husband kept silent through the entire exchange with the guy speaking rudely to his wife and threatening with a gun while she continuously apologizes. He only spoke once saying sorry to the thugs. Maybe that was a smart thing to do to keep his mouth shut but I really feel sorry for the woman threatened by thugs and her husband doesn't have her back.


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The gun ho driver may have a lot of target practice if he was driving in the UK . British drivers are specialists at hogging the right hand lane .

They seem to think if they are doing 70 mph there is no reason to change into the slower lane .

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6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


Your attitude is exactly what encourages others to engage in the dangerous act of undertaking.

People that are already driving recklessly? 


6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

You do not need to slow down to let someone behind you pass, all you need to do, is put your ego back in its box, wait until it is safe and move into the inside lane and allow them to pass.

I clearly said I move over when it's safe and I don't have to slow down, please try to follow along. 


6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

You can then move back to the outside lane if you wish, rinse and repeat.

I see no reason to move back over unless someone ahead is driving slow, or the road is bad. I generally do not change lanes for no reason, but you go ahead. 

6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Why sit in the outside lane at the speed limit knowing full well that there are millions of drivers in Thailand that want to break the limit and go past you; sounds to me like you are doing so to be deliberately provocative, which will probably end in tears one day.

Please don't cry. I doubt there are millions of people wanting to go around me, as I am most always moving as fast as traffic allows. Again, if I can move over safely and without slowing down, I do. But when someone wants me to slow down and move over so they can go up another ten meters and tailgate the next guy, sorry dude, go around.  

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4 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

Given the condition of the left hand lanes due to overloaded trucks on the half melted asphalt, idiots pulling out of little lanes without looking, and old women doing 10kph on their 30 year old waves, it's easy to see why. 

I suppose that building the roads properly is out of the question? In the 30+ countries I've been to I've never seen cars having to avoid the nearside lane because the surface is too poor to drive on.

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59 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

If you can't see my eyes, I can't see you????

Hah.. exactly their attitude when it comes to not turning on the headlights in low lit places, e.g. car parks.. If I can see, then no need to turn them on, screw the poor sod who may not notice me.

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4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I suppose that building the roads properly is out of the question? In the 30+ countries I've been to I've never seen cars having to avoid the nearside lane because the surface is too poor to drive on.

Never been to India, Mexico or driven the 99 in California then? I think you're making it up. 


I think the roads here are fine, particularly given what they have to spend on them. 

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12 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

People that are already driving recklessly? 


I clearly said I move over when it's safe and I don't have to slow down, please try to follow along. 


I see no reason to move back over unless someone ahead is driving slow, or the road is bad. I generally do not change lanes for no reason, but you go ahead. 

Please don't cry. I doubt there are millions of people wanting to go around me, as I am most always moving as fast as traffic allows. Again, if I can move over safely and without slowing down, I do. But when someone wants me to slow down and move over so they can go up another ten meters and tailgate the next guy, sorry dude, go around.  

Nope, what you said in the comment you made that I replied to was, and I quote you directly:

“If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance” 


Good, however, to see that you’ve changed your tune, although you seem to make more U-turns than there are on Highway 1 ¯\_()_/¯

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