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Police Prepare For Nationwide Protests, Parliament Heavily Guarded


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In the not too distant past Nepal had a social revolution in a very similar  socio/political climate that Thailand is suffering from right now. Power to the People!

26 minutes ago, oustaristocrats said:

And not by standing in front of the building with inflated plastic ducks, singing songs like they did in the recent past, this is not going to work. Thai should look back at short but powerfull revolutions in 80-90ties, Romania, East-Germany, a.o.


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Myanmar generals must be rubbing their hands in glee, "takes the international spotlight off our atrocities". China rubbing their hands too, "Destabilise Thailand and move on in".

Hold on tight. Maybe the Thai army will enlist the Soviets 'on holiday' there??

Shame the generals and the corrupt can't see what a <deleted>storm they're brewing.


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1 hour ago, IamNoone88 said:

On the contrary, who would be stupid enough to knowingly retain shares in a media company, especially when your predecesor was banned for the same reason and announce inflamitory policies on changing the lesse majeste laws. That is just plain stupid and shows a lack of polical awareness.

Typical in Thailand though. 


Attention to detail is not a forte. 

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Once they  heard the commisson sending info to the courts for decision, the senate and MP's decided to sit on ther fence until the next vote, and if the court does the right thing he will get voted in. Wait and see, but, if the court does the wrong thing....well 

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The police should be preparing to arrest all those usurper's of democracy who have left the country in limbo because of an illegal constitution and the formation of an unelected senate who only tug their dyed forelocks in the direction of their paymasters...

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2 hours ago, shackleton said:

Lets not speculate on what could happen 

Pita is not stupid he will wait for next week and try again 

If not successful then there could be trouble brewing 

I hope so.


There needs some change!


Some hell needs to be raised! 

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Personally, I don't see much happening as many Thais are disillusioned by the fiasco, They will stay home and feel they tried but the powers that be put an end to that dream. I am hoping that the armchair warriors promoting armed conflict will wheel their armchairs out to parliament.

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