Every US citizen can vote it they want. There is nothing to stop them. Don't know why people imply it's difficult for some people to vote.
Everyone has that right, to vote, simply have to exercise it. Really is too simple. If can't make it to the registry office, they will come to you, one way or another. That it's difficult to vote, is a false narrative IMHO.
I only voted on local level, in hometown when living there, as those elections are basically the only ones that would directly affect me. Learned a long time ago, state and US politicians (lying scum) usually say anything to get elected, and do anything after elected, so I never bothered.
No <deleted>, GRP vant have a 3Dr term either... but did I say that to Will?
Google 'having a sense of humour' see if anyrjing in the definition relates to you, I doubt it
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