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Biden's own DOJ says he is an 'elderly man with a poor memory': Classified document case

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3 hours ago, illisdean said:

"Biden Knowingly Kept and Shared Classified Material, Special Counsel Concludes"





Biden is/was NOT POTUS and had no right to possess the docs, President Trump did, as stipulated in the PRA.


LOL...double standard here, maybe now Trumps MAL doc case gets flushed! Outstanding but seemingly daft play by the Biden DOJ or is this the cue to show Biden the door FINALLY.


Not tired of posting the same debunked B.S. over and over?


Biden was allowed to classify documents as VP.


"Sec. 1.3.  Classification Authority.  (a)  The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:
(1)  the President and the Vice President;"




And Trump (and Biden) had no right to keep them after the end of their mandate


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38 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Curious how the chosen headline for this particular thread -- Biden's own DOJ says he is an 'elderly man with a poor memory': Classified document case --  managed to miss and omit the pretty important "no prosecution" outcome cited in the main article news report headlines from many/most major news sources, such as:


Special counsel won't charge Biden in classified docs probe, despite evidence he 'willfully retained' materials



Special counsel will not charge Biden in classified documents case



Biden will not face charges over classified papers, says 'memory is fine'



Special counsel finds Biden "willfully" disclosed classified documents, but no criminal charges warranted



Special counsel finds Biden ‘willfully’ retained classified documents, no charges filed



Even Fox News of all sources:


No charges for Biden after Special Counsel probe into improper handling of classified documents



News is about what is surprising you know the old canard about "dog bites man vs man bites dog."

There is zero surprise that Biden wasn't charged. It is surprising that such a report about a presidential candidate was released. Hence the headline. I cannot think of another instance where a sitting president has had this potentially election sabotaging "official news" printed. 

This affair suggests to me that the special prosecutor was unhappy or very unhappy with the decision not to prosecute and so demanded this releasing this damaging information. Coming from the source it does ie Biden's own partisan DOJ that has doggedly pursued Trump and ignored the crimes of Hunter Biden, is difficult for Trump supported to ignore....the timing is interesting timed as it is on the day that Tucker Carlson is the main news item on all establishment corporate media meaning this item will get no scrutiny as they will all be yelling 'Tucker is a Traitor, Hang him High.' 

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46 minutes ago, candide said:

Not tired of posting the same debunked B.S. over and over?


Biden was allowed to classify documents as VP.


"Sec. 1.3.  Classification Authority.  (a)  The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:
(1)  the President and the Vice President;"




And Trump (and Biden) had no right to keep them after the end of their mandate



VP can classify documents.  But he can't declassify documents.  Especially documents classified by others.


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By the dog bed not the best place Joe, come on mate.....


Classified documents by dog bed, memory troubles and ghostwriter deleting files: Takeaways from Biden report

It did, however, contain much that will concern many Americans and was overall far from complimentary of the incumbent president.

The investigators painted a picture of a senile president with severe memory issues whose innocence was less clear than his supporters would have hoped, while not necessarily coming across to a potential jury as malicious or criminal.


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And the media as usual are making the GOP reaction the story, rather than the story itself. You can check for yourself the usual headlines about "Republicans seize" or "Republicans pounce"....  . You might think  that the GOP spends a lot of its time sieiing and pouncing.   


Here they are seizing;



and pouncing!

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"questionable source" link removed
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31 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

t did, however, contain much that will concern many Americans and was overall far from complimentary of the incumbent president.

The investigators painted a picture of a senile president with severe memory issues whose innocence was less clear than his supporters would have hoped, while not necessarily coming across to a potential jury as malicious or criminal.

As has been noted by another poster, the chief investigator was an out and out Republican and Trump supporter, so being able to portray Biden as he has done in this report, could be seen as a move to "balance the scales" if you like, with Biden being portrayed as senile and incompetent versus Trump being a liar and a crook??


Food for thought, but at least Biden has not tried to buy Greenland or suggest that ingesting/injecting bleach could cure Covid, and whilst Biden might be a little senile, Trump is pure dumbness, bigly so.

Edited by xylophone
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56 minutes ago, impulse said:


VP can classify documents.  But he can't declassify documents.  Especially documents classified by others.


Ok, he is authorised to declassify only what he has classified, unless given a specific authorisation.

What's the point in relation to the post I replied to?

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29 minutes ago, xylophone said:

As has been noted by another poster, the chief investigator was an out and out Republican and Trump supporter, so being able to portray Biden as he has done in this report, could be seen as a move to "balance the scales" if you like, with Biden being portrayed as senile and incompetent versus Trump being a liar and a crook??


Food for thought, but at least Biden has not tried to buy Greenland or suggest that ingesting/injecting bleach could cure Covid, and whilst Biden might be a little senile, Trump is pure dumbness, bigly so.

Yes we get it, "b-b-but Trump...."  Fuel for another topic perhaps.  Let's try to stay on this one rather than resurrecting mummies from the past. 

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9 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Special counsel report sends shockwaves through Congress

A special counsel report released Thursday detailing memory lapses by President Biden sparked swift and fierce reactions from members of Congress.

Why it matters: Republicans quickly seized on the report, with Democrats privately panicking about the potential impact of its findings.

A senior House Democrat told Axios they are "going to take time to read the report," but added that it is "obviously concerning."
"Oy vey," said another House Democrat in reaction to the details.



‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s assessment of Biden’s mental fitness triggers Democratic panic

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden sidestepped any criminal charges as the investigation into his handling of classified documents concluded, but the political blowback from the special counsel’s report Thursday could prove even more devastating, reinforcing impressions that he is too old and impaired to hold the highest office.

Special counsel Robert Hur’s portrait of a man who couldn’t remember when he served as Barack Obama’s vice president, or the year when his beloved son Beau died, dealt a blow to Biden’s argument that he is still sharp and fit enough to serve another four-year term.



To be fair, Biden's Vice Presidency wasn't all that memorable.:tongue:

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9 hours ago, Woof999 said:


Does your voting history reflect that view or is it a new, convenient metric that you can use to justify voting Trump?


Was Trump ever in a position to have to make the difficult decision to take military action?

What did he do to probably the largest military deterrent to potential US aggressors - NATO?

What did he achieve with Putin other than calling him a genius?

Do you honestly think that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was only planned after Trump left office?

What did he achieve with Xi Jinping other than calling him an exceptionally brilliant individual and slapping additional sanctions?

What did he achieve with Jon Il other than calling him a great leader?

Do you think that Trump, as he proclaims himself, is a great negotiator and that is why he an avoid conflict? If so, and if he is the brilliant negotiator and decision maker than he constantly tells us, how come his business empire is full of failure? How come he has to constantly fire staff? How in the world did he come to the decision to hire someone like Alina Habba to represent him last month?


Trump tries to project himself as a strong, intelligent leader. I honestly wonder how long Putin, Jinping and Il were able to hold their laughter after Trump left the room.


As for Biden, he seems to be doing rather well with the US economy and employment and has at least tried to enact bipartisan policy knowing full well it would be shot down by GOP, whether it was good for the US or not. His biggest mistake, in my humble opinion, is not having used the last 4 years to mentor a winning replacement. Harris is not that replacement. Whether Biden is in cognitive decline or not, perception is reality and the perception of Biden is rather negative despite his achievements.


All of that is immaterial to me though. The US electorate is cram packed with bible bashing illiterates who will only vote for a fellow bible basher, even though it is crystal clear to anyone with even half a brain that they (the candidates) are almost always playing make believe.



Yet after all that....no conflicts. 

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14 hours ago, impulse said:

So basically, though he deliberately retained classified documents he wasn't allowed to have, they won't press charges.


But go ahead and vote for him.


Most of the documents in question were Biden's handwritten notes.

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8 hours ago, illisdean said:

"Biden Knowingly Kept and Shared Classified Material, Special Counsel Concludes"





Biden is/was NOT POTUS and had no right to possess the docs, President Trump did, as stipulated in the PRA.


LOL...double standard here, maybe now Trumps MAL doc case gets flushed! Outstanding but seemingly daft play by the Biden DOJ or is this the cue to show Biden the door FINALLY.



More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.  

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:


More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.  

You don't believe the Special Counsel when he explained the difference between Biden and Trump in their handling of classified documents?




“It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump’s case and Mr. Biden’s are clear,” the report reads. “Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.”


“Most notably,” it continues, “after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it.” In contrast, the report continues, Biden cooperated fully.

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8 hours ago, illisdean said:

Trumps protected by the PRA and was acting under the auspices of same, 


This is now a mental health issue for you. The Presidential Records Act not only doesn't protect Trump, it forbids a president from taking documents after they leave office:




"Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office."


Also, there is no provision in the PRA that protects the president from being charged over possession of classified documents.


As I said, this is a mental health issue, since the provisions of the PRA are widely known. So, you can respond in several ways:


The rational response is to prove me wrong, and failing that, admit you are wrong.


The crazy way is to double down, without proof. Maybe throw in an insult. 


Or, simply ignore your error.


The last 2 alternatives are for particularly crazy trolls.

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6 hours ago, John Drake said:


Even on CNN, in the aftermath of the press conference, all the anchors and hosts were talking about Biden's lack of mental acuity, very little about his non-prosecution or even the differences the special counsel outlined between Biden and Trump and their classified documents case.   What makes it so damaging for Biden is that it reinforces and gives authority to what was already perceived as his main weakness. 



Biden has to demonstrate he is with the program between now and the Democratic convention.

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9 hours ago, illisdean said:



Biden is/was NOT POTUS and had no right to possess the docs, President Trump did, as stipulated in the PRA.



Repeating a lie does not make it true.


Unless you believe Joseph Goebbels:


"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've watched Biden speaking recently and was wondering just how anyone could consider that bumbler a fit candidate for president.

Before any of the Trump haters launch into a counter offensive on Trump, I don't consider him a fit candidate for president either, but as long as he is the only current GOP candidate with a chance of winning against Biden/ Harris I'll support him for POTUS.

Faced with 2 very unsuitable candidates the only option IMO is to go for the one that didn't start any wars while in office. While Biden hasn't let loose the dogs of war per se, he's certainly doing everything to let one start, IMO.

Logic doesn't cut it with the left. They always have excuses.

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42 minutes ago, nauseus said:


More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.  

More votes for Trump. They can see how corrupt the left is. Do as we say, not as we do.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:


There was an oath? :cheesy:


Yes there was, it’s part of the judicial process you don’t like your boy Trump being held accountable to.


But we’ve discussed that in the past.


And we’ll discuss it again in the future.

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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

You don't believe the Special Counsel when he explained the difference between Biden and Trump in their handling of classified documents?




“It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump’s case and Mr. Biden’s are clear,” the report reads. “Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.”


“Most notably,” it continues, “after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it.” In contrast, the report continues, Biden cooperated fully.


Bottom line is that Biden not only held unsecured documents (not just notes) for years but used some of the info therein to feed to his "ghostwriter", while reportedly being quite aware that he was doing wrong, throughout. That's OK because he's old and can't remember anything? The DOJ would have their dogs out chasing Trump all day and night for the same thing.


The question should be not whether to believe the Special Counsel but, rather, how many tiers of standard the DOJ has?



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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Yes there was, it’s part of the judicial process you don’t like your boy Trump being held accountable to.


But we’ve discussed that in the past.


And we’ll discuss it again in the future.


We won't - it's gone - straight over your head.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:


More like a double-double standard - no charges - the bias is so rotten now it stinks.  

Or you have an inability to understand the difference between cooperating with authorities, and hiding documents from the authorities.

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