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Controversy erupts as Thai doctors clash over mRNA vaccine effect


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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

               The whole charade has been lie after lie.  from the very start.regarding =:  Its origin ? Who was responsible? The death rate, (especially the projected numbers) ?    The computer modelling?  The effectiveness of lockdowns?  The ever increasing infectiousness?    Then add in the involvement of "big Pharma",     a good dosing of corruption ,   the breathtaking amount of money available for the taking , and the darker side of human nature.    Then finally top it off with a healthy dose of governmental incompetence, a bit more corruption,  political point scoring,  opportunities for  experimental social engineering,  and then finally add the ever present mainstream media who never let the truth get in the way of a good story

                 Those questioning anything are behaving perfectly rationally, who wouldn't have concerns, bearing in mind any of the above?  The asking of questions and seeking answers and or  the truth,  are fundamental aspects of human nature, "instinctive" for want of a better word and an essential part of our evolution and development

                 Those turning on them often quite viciously hurling insults are not, there is little to be gained, by simply accepting everything we are told, especially by incompetent governments and those with vested interests    but they are however  a shining example  of the effectiveness of propaganda  and how through the skillful use of fear , people can not only be persuaded to believe anything that inspires hope and makes them feel safe.  but they can also be motivated to do the authorities work for them by attacking anybody who spoils their comforting illusion by  disagreeing or simply just questioning

                   Its quite telling that those questioning things on here are doing simply that, But without exception   Its those clinging to the narrative that are behaving aggressively




Two countries had strong lock downs and travel restrictions. Australia and Thailand and those countries probably did better than any others.


Your misinformation is BS.

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30 minutes ago, ChrisParis75 said:

"In a peer-reviewed pre-proof accepted for publication in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers presented two cases that demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the inside of the uterus. Additionally, researchers detected spike protein in placental tissue, indicating the bioactivity of the mRNA in reaching the placenta."




No link whatsoever of course with the steep decline of births observed in many countries in 2021, 2022 and 2023...


And remember that they told  us in 2021 that the "vaccines" STAYED in the location of the injections...


It's funny how "science" can evolve... in just a few years...


Enjoy your products "safe and effective".

But I like that part of the conclusion, I'm gonna panic.


"The evidence overwhelmingly supports the COVID-19 vaccine's effectiveness in mitigating the morbidity and mortality related to the COVID-19 disease in pregnant and non-pregnant individuals. The widespread acceptance and proven safety of mRNA vaccines during the COVID 19 pandemic have opened doors for other mRNA therapies. While gene therapy, particularly mRNA-based treatments, shows promise, research on its perinatal delivery is still emerging. Prenatal therapy can be advantageous, as it offers early disease intervention and reduced immunogenicity. In experiments with pregnant rats, LNPs successfully delivered various mRNAs, including one potentially useful for treating fetal anemia. Although introducing mRNA to the foetus may pose potentially plausible risks, it may also have biologically plausible benefits. The potential of mRNA-based interventions in addressing maternal and fetal health issues is profound. Such Journal Pre-proof insights could substantially advance the crafting of safer and more effective mRNA-based therapies during pregnancy."

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At least the MRNA vaccines apparently worked to some extent.  What are long term effects of Sino Vax and Sino Pharm which did nothing except line the pockets of certain Thai politicians and Thai Chinese owned businesses?

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Well the Thai doctor did a poor job of verification.  The person in the photo is not a Doctor or a nurse, he's a retired/fired USAF Major .Go ahead and watch his videos .  He's got an agenda an agenda that he doesn't support with scientific rigor.When people in the comments section ask for data -no response. I find it interesting that this site published this absolute crap. Then we have all the comments from the peanut gallery summed up as follows   "See it's a government conspiracy to take your freedom  forcing the vaccine on us"

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Dr. Campbell's ( Doctor of Nursing) findings of "white clots" presence in living people i.e. blood clots found in arteries are not unusual and caused by many factors listed below.

People on the widely prescribed medication Heparin/Warfarin are at risk of HIT, a rare dangerous complication strongly associated with potential thrombotic coronary artery occlusion, which is also attributed to mRNA vaccines. In the case of the latter, the risk is anywhere from 10 - 50 per 1 Million


Underlying causes of "white clots" present in living people include:

High-fat diet, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, alcohol misuse, lack of excercise and more apart from mRNA vaccines.



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1 hour ago, john donson said:


not yours


what did you provide the last decades ?


he just want to inform something is going on, excess deaths


more than just from covid


he has pathologists and morticians trying to report this white rubbery cloth


that is unusual as normal cloths have a chicken fat appearance and texture that falls apart...


this new thing is like taking the form of the arteries (medical shape)


that could cause clots, heart and brain attacks due to lack of ....


Campbell is just a band waggon jumper for subs and likes, it became all about income for the grandpa nurse

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18 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

indeed it is,  the original narrative was that the earth was flat, those who disagreed were indeed treated as conspiracy theorists by authoritarian organisations such as the church for example .  However as is usual due to research and the application of science, by those who refused to accept what they were being told , the truth eventually emerged..  A small minority still believe the original narrative.the rest have woken up

It was known that the world was not flat at the time of the Roman Empire, the ancient Greeks knew it wasn't flat too. What's the 'original' narrative and where did that come from?

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In October 2023, the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less debunked a video that Campbell had made in September 2023 in which he wrongly claimed that excess deaths were higher among those who had had a COVID-19 vaccine than those who had not; the figures he used in fact showed the opposite.[32] Campbell took down his video after being contacted by the programme, telling them that he was not a statistician.[32]


do your own research.... This from Wikipedia, look it up. This guy's credibility is suspect at best.

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3 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

Nationally it's nearly 319,000, according a new estimate."

Again with the "estimates"   there is no way to prove that those "unvaccinated"  would have lived if they had been.

There are plenty vaccinated who still die from or with "the virus".

not even getting into how vaccinated vs unvaccinated are counted/recorded.

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