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Swiss Expat Charged with Bodily and Mind Harm in Phuket Kicking Incident


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16 hours ago, Geir Rasch said:

If he was a thai this would never reach the media. But a farang: kill, kill!


Of course.


If it had been farangs getting a kick up the arse for blocking the entrance to a Thai resort, we'd all be calling for them to be deported for being low quality tourists.


It would be a case of, "Respect the locals, or get out"


Not condoning the physical assault, but they deserved a shouting at for sprawling themselves across the entrance. 


I wonder if they would have moved aside to allow guests to use the stairs? 🤔 

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9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

This entire story is absolutely fascinating, this was an idiotic, ignorant, arrogant, incredibly foolish man who was obviously doing quite well, and getting away with his foolishness and his terrible behavior. And then he goes and kicks the wrong woman!


And poof, everything goes up in smoke. Now the police are investigating his finances, his businesses, his cars, his lease, his permit to stay here and who knows what else. Talk about digging a hole for yourself, talk about one move that finally fells the toxic bear. This guy's in for a world of hurt and I'm happy about it. I think he deserves everything he gets and so does his spectacularly toxic Thai woman. Good riddens. And I hope the Swiss news picks it up too. 


By the way, his full name is Urs David Fehr, and his woman is named Khanuengnit. Their names should be out there in the public sphere. Let us shame them to every extent possible. 


We I guests in this country and we have an obligation to be kind and respectful toward our gracious hosts. That's the least we can 

And he also started a social media movement to clean up the beaches for illegal "private" stairs and fences. 


Thais have found a way to channel their frustration and anger with everything thats wrong.


Cant do anything about the system, find someone to execute as an symbol for all their struggles. Thats why this case getting so much attention, compared to many other cases. Everyone can voice their opinion, 



Edited by Hummin
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1 minute ago, Hummin said:

And he also started a social media movement to clean up the beaches for illegal "private" stairs and fences. 


Thais hsve found a way to channel their frustration and anger! 


Cant do anything about the system, find someone to execute as an symbol for all their struggles. Thats why this case getting so much attention, compared to many other cases. Everyone can voice their opinion, 



Well I think there are many reasons why this case is getting so much attention, somebody just pointed out some Facebook pages in Switzerland that are getting a lot of attention over this incident.


I think probably the one aspect of this that is most Germaine, is the fact that we are guests in Thailand and we are dependent upon the good graces of our hosts. It's up to us to be kind and respectful to them. I find most Thai people to be very kind to me, I think we have an obligation to return that kindness, and just be decent human beings. This clown Urs David sounds like he was quite affluent, he has every reason in the world to be content in life, yet he found a way not only to be miserable, but to try to make other people miserable along with him.


I think that's part of the story that people just can't wrap their minds around. 

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8 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


Of course.


If it had been farangs getting a kick up the arse for blocking the entrance to a Thai resort, we'd all be calling for them to be deported for being low quality tourists.


It would be a case of, "Respect the locals, or get out"


Not condoning the physical assault, but they deserved a shouting at for sprawling themselves across the entrance. 


I wonder if they would have moved aside to allow guests to use the stairs? 🤔 

We don't even know what the circumstances were, they weren't sprawled out across the stairs they were simply sitting on the stairs, they may have just been sitting there for one minute after a long walk on the beach. What on earth is the big deal about that? Who cares?


Frankly even if they were sitting on my lounge chair, in an open beach area, I don't think I'd be offended. I might ask them to move but I certainly wouldn't kick a woman. That is incredibly low class stuff. This guy is real gutter trash. 

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5 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

"The steps have also become a hot check-in spot on the beach with many people coming to sit or even lie down on them to take selfies in a show of solidarity with the doctor and to defy Fehr.


This is hilarious. 


I get that the guy is a dick, but so are those blocking the entrance to someone's property.


Now, they are all making a show of themselves being dicks for sport,which is usually just confined to the roads, lol.


They are having an absolute field day, haha.


Must be a dream come true for people who like to do whatever they want whenever they want. 

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5 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


It is the usual xenophobic and nationalist sensationalism that is used to bait and trigger weak-minded fools, not only in Thailand but in our home countries too. 


Here it reaches ridiculous extremities, as we are dealing with a largely under-educated and nationalist population that laps this stuff up.


The Doctor's father has been mobilising his media connections, and he has played a blinder. 


The Swiss guy and his wife were just following the Thai way, surrounding themselves with and using local influential people to protect themselves and conduct business. This is how it is done in Thailand. You can't really blame him for this, or name-dropping his contacts when he got in a bit of bother, as that is how it works.


Swiss guy is now receiving a lesson that these influential connections are just mealy-mouthed cowards that are, in fact, of no real use at all when the chips are down.


A harsh lesson in Thai culture for him and his wife.

Not only a harsh lesson in Thai culture, but a harsh lesson in life. First of all it's likely this fool has been getting away with this kind of callous and ugly behavior for many years now. And it's likely that a lot of the reaction from this is due to the fact that this man is quite affluent, has very good fortune in this life, and yet what is he doing with it other than making everyone around him miserable? 


I don't side with somebody because they're a fellow foreigner, I tend to side with somebody because they're right or I tend to argue against them because they're wrong. In this case this clown was wrong, very very wrong. 


No, I don't think the father is overreacting, I'm actually very proud of the good doctor's father. I love what he's doing, I think it's wonderful. He's teaching an idiot a very valuable lesson. 

Edited by spidermike007
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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

We don't even know what the circumstances were, they weren't sprawled out across the stairs they were simply sitting on the stairs, they may have just been sitting there for one minute after a long walk on the beach. What on earth is the big deal about that? Who cares?


Well, the video I saw showed a couple of people sitting right in the middle of the steps, like they owned the place, pretty much blocking the entrance without much space left at either side


If it were me, I'd be sitting at the side of the steps out of consideration for others to let people by


3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Frankly even if they were sitting on my lounge chair, in an open beach area, I don't think I'd be offended. 


I certainly wouldn't mind them on my chair for a while, but blocking the entrance like that was just inconsiderate. 


And when the guy marched towards them in the video, they had no inclination to move at all, until he went nuts. They should really move for people approaching the steps. 

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18 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Well I think there are many reasons why this case is getting so much attention, somebody just pointed out some Facebook pages in Switzerland that are getting a lot of attention over this incident.


I think probably the one aspect of this that is most Germaine, is the fact that we are guests in Thailand and we are dependent upon the good graces of our hosts. It's up to us to be kind and respectful to them. I find most Thai people to be very kind to me, I think we have an obligation to return that kindness, and just be decent human beings. This clown Urs David sounds like he was quite affluent, he has every reason in the world to be content in life, yet he found a way not only to be miserable, but to try to make other people miserable along with him.


I think that's part of the story that people just can't wrap their minds around. 

Nothing to add, both of your posts is spot on! 



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13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

I'm pretty sure if a 100kg Thai man had attacked and aggressively shouted at - and then threatened - a peaceful 45kg female foreign tourist who was sitting on public property looking out to sea then yes, there would have been an outcry.


Absolutely nobody would care, least of all the locals.


13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

There may be a bit of xenophobia mixed in as this gathers steam but you're overlooking the fact he is an aggressive bully who attacked a peaceful female from behind without any cause, reason, or logic. And then his wife threatened to shoot them. And then he doubled down, refusing to apologise (the victim said at the scene  if they both apologise it is over and they can go their separate ways, but he didn't as he thought he had "connections" and he could bully her into submission), and then his "apology" days later was only apologising for the fact it has escalated - he didn't apologise for his actions. So he may get what's coming to him.


Yeah, I certainly don't condone his actions, that's for sure.


He handled it poorly.


13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

1. They were sitting there, they were hardly "sprawled across the entrance" - you are making things up. 

2. What reason would you have to believe they wouldn't have moved aside if someone wanted to get past? 


The video I saw showed them right in the middle of the steps. Pretty much taking up the whole entrance.


When he approached them they showed zero inclination to move for him as he walked towards the steps, then he went nuts.


I wonder if they would have moved for others? Maybe.


But respect for the space of others is not top priority here (e.g. pedestrian crossings, sidewalks etc. etc.)


13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

You are doing anything to protect and justify the actions of a disgusting bully and a coward, and trying to turn it in to a thing about foreigners being picked on which is quite pathetic.


I don't justify his actions because he assaulted them. 


But he was right to tell them to move on.


And I think Thais would have moved inconsiderate farang on too, if it had been the other way around.

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1 hour ago, n00dle said:

What an interesting collection of asinine remarks.  The story is being investigated, there is a video of the incident -- it happened as described. 


As for the rest, common sense would dictate thais and foreigners alike should do each other no harm, but no nation is perfect and <deleted> come in many shades. 


For example, you yourself are perfectly willing to make spurious assumptions even though all the information is right there in front of you. 

We don't know what really happened.. Maybe this was a drop.... What about people sitting there and leave a lot of waste everytime? or make a lot of noise? or just continue doing what they want? And indeed sometimes some one is the victim, but there is more as nobody attacks someone out of nothing. The incident is being blown up just as the horn blowing incident.

Edited by ikke1959
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2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

You're really clutching at straws.


I am looking at it in a balanced way.


He was wrong in the way he handled it, but nobody is pointing out that they were not exactly being considerate to others and Thai property owners would not be happy with that either,which is understandable. 


Thais even block parking spaces (on public roads) outside their shops so nobody can park there, lol 🤣 🤣 😂 


2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

The steps easily accommodate four people and there is plenty of space either side of them, and no doubt if someone approached they would have moved anyway. 


Your picture shows them taking up most of the steps. And I don't know what makes you so sure they'd move.


It's just as likely the guests of the resort would have to squeeze up the sides of them to get by.


2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

And "they had no inclination to move until he went nuts"??? He walked right up behind them, kicked her in the back and start shouting. At which point prior to that should they have detected him with the eyes in the back of their head and known he was about to assault them with their crystal ball?


Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 15.50.20.png




They most likely heard him coming from meters away - unless they are deaf - but just figured they left enough space for him to squeeze by the sides of them.


If they had heard someone coming,  they should have acknowledged they were blocking the steps and moved to let others by (as they were sitting right in the middle, not at the side)


Of course, they didn't expect to be assaulted and nor should they have been.


He deserves what he gets for hitting another person.


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1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:


Well, the video I saw showed a couple of people sitting right in the middle of the steps, like they owned the place, pretty much blocking the entrance without much space left at either side


If it were me, I'd be sitting at the side of the steps out of consideration for others to let people by



I certainly wouldn't mind them on my chair for a while, but blocking the entrance like that was just inconsiderate. 


And when the guy marched towards them in the video, they had no inclination to move at all, until he went nuts. They should really move for people approaching the steps. 

steps were 11ft wide so no case of them blocking access due to where they were sitting

Video here shows plenty of access on both sides where the women were sitting unless you happen to be sitting on an elephant



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Well now.... the Green Elephant Sanctuary Park, Phuket has certainly received quite a few hits now... And the following boycott has begun.


Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator, in front of a lake in a park in Bangkok


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46 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:



They most likely heard him coming from meters away - unless they are deaf - but just figured they left enough space for him to squeeze by the sides of them.


If they had heard someone coming,  they should have acknowledged they were blocking the steps and moved to let others by (as they were sitting right in the middle, not at the side)


Ok, I don't want to get bogged down in silly details but come on, have you ever been to a beach?? There's the sound of the crashing waves (clearly very audible in the video) plus generally the wind is blowing in from the sea. I am sure they were also talking to each other. Yet considering all that you expect them to hear someone walking up behind them on grass? They obviously didn't hear him.

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12 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

steps were 11ft wide so no case of them blocking access due to where they were sitting

Video here shows plenty of access on both sides where the women were sitting unless you happen to be sitting on an elephant



That reads like the blokes wife has got him into deeper sh_t...........😬

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24 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Ok, I don't want to get bogged down in silly details but come on, have you ever been to a beach?? There's the sound of the crashing waves (clearly very audible in the video) plus generally the wind is blowing in from the sea. I am sure they were also talking to each other. Yet considering all that you expect them to hear someone walking up behind them on grass? They obviously didn't hear him.

............in flip-flops..........

My thoughts too........🤗


When I sit back and think, lovely location, lovely sounds of nature, sitting there relaxing, perhaps enjoying a chat or reading stuff on the phone..........


When a porky farangy creeps up, thinking he is the best thing since sliced bread for Thailand, kicks a mere slip of a girl for sitting on steps the law now says shouldn't even be there.


My idea is, he thought she was some sort of chamber made, just sitting with a friend, so he thought he would show them who's boss around there.......😟


Weeell, his bullying tactic has buried him, probably has always been an ass__le, but for sure, he has eaten "humble pie", the dick, plus the loss of farangy face must be soooo embarrassing, and as for his wife, she should be ashamed of herself, and I hope the locals point it out to her................🤔

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21 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


Absolutely, there's no excuse for his behaviour.



I'd say he was frustrated with entitled people sitting on his property, blocking the entrance every day, and he flipped.


Of course, he was wrong though.


It would be an absolute non-event though if it had been a Thai kicking a farang up the bottom for sitting on their steps.


And I bet the Thai netizens would side with the Thai property owner and not really care at all even if it was a farang woman. She'd be considered wrong for sitting on his property and blocking the entrance. 


We don't even get as much media coverage when a farang is robbed, beaten, drugged, hanged, or murdered. It's just being sensationalised due to race.


Though, I do commend them for taking care of their own. The West should do the same, but are too politically correct. 


Just another stupid farang in Thailand. 



I agree that sometimes it's over the top, but in this particular instance I think it's warranted, and I think it's wonderful.


This guy deserves all the bad publicity he gets, all the humiliation that's heaped upon him, and all the scorching of his name and reputation that they can possibly muster up. This isn't an isolated incident, this is one of a number of instances over the years. This clown is toxic. 

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27 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


Absolutely, there's no excuse for his behaviour.



I'd say he was frustrated with entitled people sitting on his property, blocking the entrance every day, and he flipped.


Of course, he was wrong though.


It would be an absolute non-event though if it had been a Thai kicking a farang up the bottom for sitting on their steps.


And I bet the Thai netizens would side with the Thai property owner and not really care at all even if it was a farang woman. She'd be considered wrong for sitting on his property and blocking the entrance. 


We don't even get as much media coverage when a farang is robbed, beaten, drugged, hanged, or murdered. It's just being sensationalised due to race.


Though, I do commend them for taking care of their own. The West should do the same, but are too politically correct. 


Just another stupid farang in Thailand. 



As it can seems the shooting in Ubon doesnt get any attention. Asked my wife about the shooting, and to be true, it really doesnt make any affect on them as this single incident in Phuket. Why  🤷 


Hope the police who delt with this incident, also their boss get some heat for protecting people like David. 

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This guy seems like the typical bully wannabe gangster who thinks he's untouchable over here because he has a bit of money and is friendly with the local police. I've encountered an English man who acts similarly.

Nice to see him get a rude awakening and realise his "power" only goes as far as the bribes he can afford (real gangster stuff...)

And it's funny to see some Europeans here defending him..... maybe some more big bad gangsters.. 🥱

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