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North Carolina GOP Candidate Wants to ‘Go Back to the America Where Women Couldn’t Vote’

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Politics all during my life has been a rather ugly and sordid affair.  That probably is part and parcel to do with the kind of creatures that are attracted to power.  But I have to admit that the current day and age of politics is beyond sordid, and is simply grotesque in its nature - "a rough breast, its hour has come at last, slouching toward," DC, "to be born," to steal from Yeats (for those of you who know who Yeats is or the poem from whence comes that passage).  What rough beast?  Any of them.  Politic has descended into slander. libel, and lawfare. Nothing but. And the proles cheer and applaud as they throw flowers at the feet of monsters whom they support, and the trash that now passes as "journalism."  


Ya'll get what you wish.  The rest of us?  We're pulled along by the vacuum created by the tyranny of the majority, and then the tyranny of the kleptocratic kakistocracies who seek only to benefit themselves. 


I take no sides. Wherever you dip your toe, you need to shower or bathe afterwards. 

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Well that's a catchy slogan....a sure fire vote catcher much better than Make America Great Again or I'll cut your taxes.


Yes imagine the new GOP rallying cry: "Make America Like It Was When Women Couldn't Vote and Blacks Were Slaves and Lynching was Encouraged.


(I added the last few words to increase the appeal of the message to the target population...poetic license). 


I think the guy thinks he's a white male supremacist. He is the only one in Amerika who doesn't know that the GOP is the White People's Party (the WPP) which sounds nicer than the KKK. His ideas might go down better with the Dumbocrat cretins. 




4 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

He’s a holocaust denier and anti-Semite. He quoted Hitler. He called LGBTQ ‘filth’. He wants to ban abortion. He’s a conspiracy theorist. In short, he’s a total loon. So all in all, I’d say he’s pretty much a mainstream member of the GOP/MAGA cult.


So what if he's and anti-semite and holocaust denier.....he's entitled to his opinions....are you saying that this invalidates his very deep deep thinking on the issue of going back in time?

Edited by retarius
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The question is whether this nut job will be enough of a drag on the Republican ticket that Trump loses NC in the general election.


I suspect that this guy only wins if the General Election is a blowout.

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14 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just refuse to take anyone serious who ignores facts and/or suffers from some deep unfounded prejudice, i.e. holocaust deniers, climate deniers, Q Anon believers, conspiracy theorists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists. Most MAGA cult members fit this bill.
It’s not for nothing that some of those phobias, if acted upon or said out loud, are prosecutable/punishable. Denying the holocaust certainly is.

Are you really that dim? Have you no sense of irony, no sense of satire? 

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My man  Mark ,the Lt. Governor of the great state of North Carolina! Soon to be the Governor.And too think his political career spun  from a YT video , gone viral ,at a city council meeting ,discussing gun rights! He has come a long way , similar to the very popular Candice Owens, conservative  activist.

He ‘s Wanting to go back in time of the days of Real Social Justice Wars! 

He’s anti communist & Anti Socialist & most important anti Woke!

 Almost as charismatic as MLK!

He must be over the target cause The lefty rag Rolling Stone is spinning his



“Mark began traveling to spread a message of common-sense conservatism: Protecting the life of the unborn, defending the 2nd Amendment, giving control over children's education back to parents, standing up for law enforcement, addressing veterans' care, and enacting election reform.

It was from this platform that in July of 2019, he launched his historic campaign for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina”.








Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

Fairly common excuse given when some Republican knob says some outrageous racist Nazi sentiment, but it doesn't fly. Good satire is recognized as such (see Swift) and same goes for irony. Most statements are just ugly and stupid

BTW this uncle Tom is the dude Trump called "Martin Luther King on steroids"... irony? satire? I think not

You call him an Uncle Tom, isn't that bigoted? Yes it is? A racial slur. You self righteous silly billy.

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20 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Not surprising you don't/didn't understand what he was saying. Maybe yall should listen again and not take his whole speech out of context.

Just another Rolling Stone hit piece.

You noticed too! The left is losing a lot of its base because of people like Mark Robinson,Candice Owen and others! 




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4 hours ago, retarius said:

Are you really that dim? Have you no sense of irony, no sense of satire? 

There is irony, there is satire, and then there is Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for North Carolina's gubernatorial election!

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Heres a response from Mark Robinsons Communications director,to a similar article, going back to a America Where women couldn’t vote.



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4 hours ago, retarius said:

Are you really that dim? Have you no sense of irony, no sense of satire? 

If your attempt at whitewashing (no pun intended) Mark Robinson’s horrible points of view were meant as satire or irony, then yes, apparently I am that dim. If you were implying that Mark Robinson’s remarks were ironic or satirical, then yes, apparently I am that dim.

The thing is, though, that neither your own remarks, nor Mark Robinson’s, come anywhere near irony or satire. 

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2 hours ago, retarius said:

You call him an Uncle Tom, isn't that bigoted? Yes it is? A racial slur. You self righteous silly billy.

Jeez dude, get off your high horse. Calling someone self righteous while acting all self righteous yourself. A fine example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Calling someone an Uncle Tom is not necessarily racist.

Uncle Tom: “a person regarded as betraying their cultural and social allegiance”.


How is that racist?

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