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1 hour ago, freeworld said:

Stones, just the action of picking them up scares the dogs off.

Even pretending to pick one up, and pretending to throw a stone works and a stamp of the foot, shouting "Klab Ban!" go home! I have even aimed a non existent catapult at them, their eyesight is not that good they go by movement mainly. IME


A catapult with glass marbles. I no longer have to use it when I'm out cycling. Just the sight of it hanging on my handle bar is a big deterrent. 

2 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:

I got "attacked" by four feral dogs a few days ago in the village .

I went and bought some sausage kebabs and fed them on the way home 

The dogs are my friends now 


Only while you keep feeding them, they are running a protection racket!

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, freeworld said:

Stones, just the action of picking them up scares the dogs off.


It doesn't... not when they get together in a pack... not a lot fends them off, not even a massive stick.


I recall being up a small soi and about 7 dogs packed together an started coming towards me, growling, snarling, teeth showing... 

Whoever mentioned.. "don't let them know you are scared" has not been in this situation !!... 

I picked stones, threw them, even hit a couple of the dogs that didn't deter them at all.


I think the only thing that might work if they are really aggressive is a powerful BB Gun...    But then we'll read the headlines in this forum..

... "Farang caught shooting innocent dogs"...    and everyone will want him deported and blacklisted. 



As always, Thailand doesn't resolve its issues and the public are left stuck and at risk, but also at risk of blame when they do try and protect themselves. 

I remember such a news article a number of years ago about a 'farang' recorded by a member of public hitting a dog...  of course the moral-traffic was mostly one way in pure condemnation of a 'bad farang' attacking an innocent animal...


... imagine the netizen outrage in the 'post Swiss & Russian kick / NZ Gun tussle ' era !!!... 


17 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

Cattle prod.   1,500 Baht . Lazada




I think this could be one of the most effective 'Go-to' for self protection against a couple of dogs which show aggression towards you and approach.... 

Although, once a pack exceeds a certain critical mass they are not fearful of anything...   I'd hope that a 'zap' of one of these things is enough for a couple of dogs to yelp and run off and the others to learn a follow. 


Its also less 'offensive' than carrying and shooting a powerful BB Gun which I suspect may even be illegal and highlight the 'farang' as an aggressor rather than protecting themself, whereas the optics of carrying a cattle-prod is more obviously about self protection. 



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Get your own dog - they will either be scared and keep away of you or make friends.


I have four (dogs that is); the black German Shepherd is friends with everyone, the little white Chihuahua is quite fierce, but the loss of face from walking with a little chihuahua mincing along on a pink lead with a big pink bow on her collar needs to be borne in mind!


The pretty little black and white Pomeranian, who waggles her bum outrageously everywhere she goes, poses a whole new problem!

46 minutes ago, rexpotter said:

Same issue for me, so many of them. Even a small kick from my bicycle to their nose runs them off, if I can hit it. Seems like they are most aggressive night and early morning, during the heat they are passive. Why do the locals feed them, I guess that's the real issue. Does it make them feel kind or like a good person?

Now I am upcountry, I don't have many encounters when out cycling in the daytime. On the few occassions I do, growling back at them works 90% of the time and for the other 10%, I use my ultrasonic dog chaser which I have with me when out cycling. However, at night time you really can't cycle anywhere without all the dogs getting aggressive.  


This is my dog chaser. image.png.68052eb8cfc29fc40d9d4d4b8e76c9a6.png

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OP be careful, otherwise you might join this list of despicable foreign criminals, in the Thai pecking order stray dogs are somewhat ahead of Farangs.

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, riclag said:

One of the neighbors used his bike , to fend himself from the soi inhabitants.


It worked! He got off his bike and shoved the bike forward several times before he threw it at them , afterwards 

they ran off.




And not a scratch on it. Remarkable!

3 hours ago, NONG CHOK said:

Every time I walk to my local super market I get attacked by dogs. What devices are recommended to get these walking flea bags to back off. The problem is the tour buses are parked there and the drivers give the dogs their left overs. If this were to cease the dogs would move on.

An earlier answer to mine was to put stones in a tin and rattle it when they approach you and this is good advice, however if you do the same in a large plastic water bottle and do the same it will make a louder noise because of the size of the bottle and that is enough to send them away.

You do not need a lot of stones maybe 6 to 9 or twelve at most the rounder the better and of a size just small enough to go through the neck of the bottle, any smaller and they will not rattle properly.



When I started to bicycle around the stray dogs would all come out barking and threatening me. after a while I realised that (mostly) if  ignored them they ignored me  ie don't look at then in fact look the other way when passing them appear totally disinterested...sometimes this doesn't work  so if they start barking and chasing  stop suddenly  turn round and bark straight back at them  that really confuses them and the "not owners" who are often watching the fun on the sidelines...if all else fails then throw the bicycle or anything else at them and retreat to the nearest 7-11

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Slingshot. You get good at a distance, soon they are gone when they see you coming.

Used to use an ultrasonic device that included a flashlight. Worked pretty well with the younger dogs, hurts their ears. Older dogs, not as well, maybe they don't hear as well.

24 minutes ago, johng said:

When I started to bicycle around the stray dogs would all come out barking and threatening me. after a while I realised that (mostly) if  ignored them they ignored me  ie don't look at then in fact look the other way when passing them appear totally disinterested...sometimes this doesn't work  so if they start barking and chasing  stop suddenly  turn round and bark straight back at them  that really confuses them and the "not owners" who are often watching the fun on the sidelines...if all else fails then throw the bicycle or anything else at them and retreat to the nearest 7-11

I agree with that, a few dogs on my soi totally ignore me they know i live there and am not a threat.


Also the "not owners" are part of the problem, look on while the dogs chasing bikes

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42 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Do they make bikes that small?

why are you saying ' bikes '  ?    because the headline ask's what device .


I am a former  major league baseballer in Australia, so I'll carry a stick. I won't be trying my luck to put one over the top but I'm sure a Texas leaguer on the dogs nose will do the trick. The problem was probably I was loaded up with shopping and the dog seen me as easy prey.


A taser like device works well too  no need to zap the mutts just the sound of it scares them away   I'm quite scare of them too after accidentally tasering myself  its not much fun !! 😋

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Big stick , pocket full of stones ,make sure you have running shoes on incase they don't work


regards worgeordie


A sturdy stick, dogs know what it is from sight. Also making a hitting or throwing motion, even with an empty hand, will make them flee.


However, if there are several of them, they will remember and the clever ones will try to get you from the back.


If it is always the same dogs, and the owner in the village is known, having him chat with you friendly in sight of the dogs will also make them remember that you are 'part of the allowed circle'. With street dogs, this option obviously does not exist.

7 hours ago, steven100 said:

why are you saying ' bikes '  ?    because the headline ask's what device .

It was a joke.


Someone said "throw a bike".


You said ".22".


I said "do they make them that small?"


I'll admit it wasn't a particularly good joke. Like many it relied on the immediacy of the exchange, and doesn't work if it is explained word for word😀

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

It was a joke.


Someone said "throw a bike".


You said ".22".


I said "do they make them that small?"


I'll admit it wasn't a particularly good joke. Like many it relied on the immediacy of the exchange, and doesn't work if it is explained word for word😀

it was a good joke ....  i'm sorry ,    i did laugh for 1 second :biggrin:

  • Like 1

There are far too many brave ex Marines on this forum who want to destroy other creatures.

Plus too many who think violence is the easy or best solution.

Feral dogs are very simple creatures, much more so than pet or guard dogs.

Some of you lot need to just grow a pair and face up to the dogs and your own insecurities, hiding behind weapons and Thai society.

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i bought a toy gun on lazada that fires little yellow balls.

once they get hit by that, never to be seen again.

wont kill them just give them a nasty shock

17 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

Doesn't have the reach of a cattle prod. You'd have to be stroking the dog to be able to use it.

I've already tried this. Dogs are afraid.

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