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In 2023, Thailand shifted away from cash just as Sweden asked to see it protected


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1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"Can someone please educate the writer of this article in basic math?"

No one's maths needs to be checked, but someone needs to educate you about basic English comprehension, all the report said about Thailand was, "...in the last two years, there has been a change", that is 100% accurate.

A change of 7 percentage points IMO is insignificant.

I realise you didn't like it when I proved you were totally wrong about sugar in petrol. Trying to get back at me on something so trivial is pretty pathetic.

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I'm OK with technology and change if it an improvement on what it is replacing. 


In Thailand this is not the case and people use their phones to make a cashless payment.

Often very slow and tiresome.


Back in the UK on a visit , the new technology actually works and is faster. Pass your purchases over a scanner ( like the cashier ) then pay in 1 second by swiping your atm card. Too easy. 

Same on public transport. Swipe and you're done.

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1 hour ago, Modern Coding said:

Same experience at Starsucks:
- cash payment -> not even 2 seconds

- cashless payments -> ages

IMO it's the small numbers on phones that take up the time, people either need bigger screens or smaller thumbs to enter their passcodes etc. correctly first time.

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14 minutes ago, farang51 said:

Sorry, if this is a stupid question. I see many write about QR codes and phones; is it not possible to pay using contact free payment with the chip on a credit card?


In Denmark, which I believe was the frontrunner in digital payment, not Sweden, we use contact less payment with a credit card. Very fast and very convenient.

Same in UK where Apple Pay and Google Wallet are the main online payment apps. Not a QR code in site.

I use the latter in the supermarket because I have it and the supermarket's loyalty card on my phone so it actually IS quicker for me to scan my purchases as I shop then just pay it with one touch of the phone.

However, I actually prefer cash in other situations.

In Thailand I will use cash as long as I can or in the unlikely event of my making a big purchase , I'd use my credit card.

Edited by VBF
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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO it's the small numbers on phones that take up the time, people either need bigger screens or smaller thumbs to enter their passcodes etc. correctly first time.

Or a phone with fingerprint recognition, thus no passcode needed.

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24 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

While I can see the benifits of cashless payments in terms of convenience to individuals, business and governments, I don't see the convenience outweighing the risks to the individual's freedoms. Let's say someone of importance does not like your views and reports you to the government who in turn freezes all your bank accounts. What are going to do? Where is your backup to continue living?  Better still lets say you had been misidentidied as a terrorist or money launderer by some AI inteligence softare used by governments or banks.  What are you going to do when your bank accounts are frozen and the responsible clerks refuse to accept that the AI sofware is wrong. I always pay with cash on principle.

If you do something so offensive that the government freezes your assets, where are you going to get your cash? 

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Lots of people commenting on China's use of Digital payments. However cash is still accepted almost everywhere. They usually have change and don't mind using it. Yes,  they prefer we chat or Alipay but the myth that they don't accept cash is plainly wrong. Lots of respect here for the older generation who often pay in cash. 

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

You don't get it Mike.

It is not about the money, it is about the failed technology and time consumption of the digital payment.

She had 20 b in her account, it would be much more efficient to have 20 b in her pocket to pay.

Also, you weren't there and have no idea how pleased she was that I paid for her. 

I understand that and I don't think you're a bad person for doing it but it struck me that in your rush to express frustration as a result of the technology issue, you perhaps overlooked the other bigger issue which was what, face, pride, wealthy farang in poorer Thailand image....you get the idea.

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Whilst I understand the evolution of monetary payments, anyone that cannot see that it is going to lead to a significant rise in shoplifting I would debate has woken up with some shockingly ugly women after a night out !!   :)

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

What's your rush?

I'm retired, plenty of time, standing in line in air-con isn't the worst thing in the world.

Queing is a Brittish invention LOL

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

What's your rush?

I'm retired, plenty of time, standing in line in air-con isn't the worst thing in the world.

The later in life you get, you may not think like that at 80+

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8 hours ago, BritScot said:

One thing I have realised over the past few years is how stupid people are. Accepting lockdowns and in the uk publicly telling people they were using Phyops against their own people a fact that still disgusts me (being ex army). Then watch people sleep walking into digital currency  with the power banks and governments already welding. I tokenly carry an oz silver coin in my pocket to remind myself its real value and not made up. Everyone should read about the Bradbury pound (it scared the hell out of the Bank of England because it had real value).


"Phyops"? I'm from the UK and never heard of it - mind there are more acronyms flying around these days than 737's!


Googled it and it came up with nothing for "Phyops" - but it had this:- 

https://www.google.com/search?Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning%2C



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2 hours ago, bkk_mike said:

In Hong Kong, you use Octopus for the small purchases. It came out early and is basically accepted everywhere and is quicker than paying cash.

If Rabbit could have managed to do the same - get accepted by everyone from market stalls to McDonald's for small purchases, you wouldn't need cash in Thailand either.

The last time I used cash here was the hairdressers in January, and I took it out of the ATM especially for that. But the last time I used cash was my last trip to Thailand - because the ridiculous ATM fees effectively force you to take out large amounts of cash.

I spend many months a year in Hong Kong and have used the Octopus card there for over 2 decades.


A while ago they introduced a new Octopus card with your photo on it and entitles "Elders" to pay only $hk2 for most bus,ferry and train trips.

Excellent !


Here in TH , being on marriage extensions where I'm required to photocopy months of pages of my bankbook, deducting or withdrawing small amounts  constantly (QR code payments etc ) soon fills up the book, as evidenced when doing an "Update"


I've already required several new bank books...which is a slow procedure in the bank as many of you know.


So I withdraw larger amounts from the ATM periodically, leave the bulk of it safely at home, and only put back 500 or 1000 baht into my wallet.


IF I find myself wanting to buy something of higher value, then I use my BBL Debit card  

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38 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Whilst I understand the evolution of monetary payments, anyone that cannot see that it is going to lead to a significant rise in shoplifting I would debate has woken up with some shockingly ugly women after a night out !!   🙂

Significant rise in shoplifting, significant decrease in pickpocketing

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Sweden is preparing for war (with Russia), and therefore cash is again important and shall be protected as legal payment, in case of the fancy electronic systems are nor working, which can simply be due to cyber attacks even without at physical war...:whistling:

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Nothing worse than standing in a line behind some guy or gal, fooling around with their phone trying to get the payment app to work so they can pay for a 20 or 40 baht item at 7-Eleven. Or an 80 baht coffee. There have been times I've been so frustrated with the four or five minutes that this person is fooling around with their phone that I pulled out 20 or 40 baht and handed it to them. Here, take it, pay for it move on please.


In my opinion real man always carry cash. I hope that digital currency never takes over. I love having a wad of cash in my pocket. Always have and always will. 

that’s strange , i’ve never known a 7-11 to take scans 🤔 

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2 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

you dont like his  opinion so you are going to hit  him, speaks  volumes.

I for one can understand his frustration. Being a little disabled myself, it can be very annoying with someone stood behind you, muttering and tutting. My attitude then is to go a little slower, knowing their time will come one day. My sincere hope is that their problem is five time worse than mine. Being Rampant Rabbit must have disadvantages, I guess?

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2 hours ago, farang51 said:

Sorry, if this is a stupid question. I see many write about QR codes and phones; is it not possible to pay using contact free payment with the chip on a credit card?


In Denmark, which I believe was the frontrunner in digital payment, not Sweden, we use contact less payment with a credit card. Very fast and very convenient.


I was in Denmark about a month ago. When ever I paid cash, people were so surprised. Yes, a quick tap of the payment card on the machine and all is well. I lived there 25 years ago and even then we used the DK card for most payments.


The QR code system using the mobile is far too slow. If shops and so on had a small card terminal then it would be ok for a cashless society, but then how would you pay the small street vendors and motorcycle taxis?

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Just now, koolkarl said:

Every time these airheads pay with their phone, they are cutting their throat and mine too.  It is the ultimate government control over everyone, a cashless society where all info is stored on a computer forever.  And you wonder why most people are poor.



Agreed.....   If only we could go back to the bartering system and remove all centralised control.... 

... But its too late we're in the digital age already...   If only there were a decentralised system... 






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3 hours ago, itsallmine68 said:

Dont give up your control and that is cash The minute you use anything that someone else can see you are giving them control.


Giving them control of what exactly ???


Unless you are keeping your cash under your mattress your money is all digital already - you just remove it from an ATM into cash form.

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2 hours ago, ftpjtm said:

I love QR payments. I use them all the time and have my app logged in and ready to scan when the cashier is ready to accept payment. Takes a matter of seconds for the payment to process. 


I'm frustrated waiting behind someone digging through pockets of change to make thier cash payments, and hate walking around with a wad of bills and pocket full of coins.


I also avoid 7-11 because they're the one major retailer I know of who won't accept QR payments. Whatever electronic payment system they accept is ridiculously slow and consequently they always have long check out times. My wife pays cash at 7-11 and uses thier app to collect "points". Waiting for her to dig out her coins to make a cash payment, and then coax their app to life results in the consistently longest checkout time possible IMO.


Fortunately Tops Daily and Mini Big C accept QR payments and checkout time is always faster 


Agree....   and the argument you use is one I often use to counter the boomers complaining that cashless payments are slower.


IMO - cashless is faster, because I'm used to it.  Its faster most of the times I see it, becasue most of the people I see using it are used to it. 


BUT... there are times when its slower because someone is used to cashless payment (QR Code, or a Tap-n-go')....  


It is the very same people who are disorganised or just habitually slow, who are the same people who take an age to get their money out of their wallet then count out exact change or get left waiting for change etc... 




Pro's and cons for both systems - but the 'slow' argument that I often read on here is so very flawed and is an example of nothing other than someones cherry picked bias. 





7-11 used TrueMoney Wallet (stupid IMO)... but if you know that and have that read at the Check-out, its a quick as any other payment. 




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