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Is Thailand Value for money


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I think it is better value for money in many aspects...just have to remember that you don't actually own anything  just renting it  unless you are already a multi billionaire multinational company and even then can still get screwed over  (Hopewell)

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40 minutes ago, Celsius said:

This place would be a hard pass with anyone who has brain.

So where do you live?

Or are you part of those who, according to you, have no brain. 


Personally, I guess I would still live in Thailand even if I would be rich.

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24 minutes ago, Denim said:


So  ....um....where is your brain right now then ???


Well, yes. A bunch of predictable posts followed.


The thing is, I am allowed to change my mind. The beauty of it is I am not stuck here. I can leave whenever I please. If I was once dumb and full of cuum it does not mean I should choose to remain stupid.

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39 minutes ago, SingAPorn said:

Foreigners and westerners rarely get a good deal in Thailand as they are usually cheated and overcharged.


It depends.

If you are in the middle of Pattaya and Thais see that you are new in town then don't be surprised if they try to get a lot of money from you.

If you have some experience some Thais will still try, but then it's up to you if you let that happen.


I don't know if this is good news or bad news, but Thais don't only try to make money from unexperienced foreigners but also from their own brothers and sisters from up country.

I heard enough stories from Thai who arrived at a bus depot or airport inside Thailand and then the locals try to overcharge them just like they do with foreigners.

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55 minutes ago, Celsius said:

Is Thailand a good value for money - if you have money?


Those who have money would never consider Thailand period.


That is the truth of it. Thailand was & always will be a race to the bottom price wise.  Yes you can live a somewhat better life in Thailand than most western countries on the same budget but it is still a budget life filled with low quality food, products, home & condo construction, even the air for part of the year in most places is of poor AQI quality.


Recent floods that left towns floating in diarrhea water due to open sewer systems + the lack of any planning or warning not to mention zero help by police or military during the mini catastrophe showed exactly how things are done here. Imagine a really large problem.


Expats who live in Thailand are 99.9% folks that found they could not have a decent life anywhere else.

That is not a bad thing & also not a put down on expats who choose Thailand for that reason.


Thailand would do well to remember that is the reason too.

Because while those expats cannot afford a nice life in their country they do help Thailand in many ways by spending their dimes here.


But to your question I would say 101% NO Thailand is not good value for those who can afford better of course not.

Thailand is good value for those that cannot afford better period

Edited by mania
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9 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Didn’t you just leave, went back to Canada and slagged Thailand off big time, then in the flicker of an eye you were back here ??


Sorry, but can’t believe anything you write on here.


I DID.....and will do the same again

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54 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

Foreigners and westerners rarely get a good deal in Thailand as they are usually cheated and overcharged.

True, but where can old man like me get company of beautiful, sexy babies (not hookers!) to be with me?

So, it's worth every penny they steel from me.... and get this; More they steel less I complain!


That way the word gets around "He's SO dummy!" and more and more come to me 😉


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Thailand is good value for money.




House in Australia 20 million Baht. Equivalent house here 5 million baht.


Rent here 10 K baht/MONTH. Equivalent rent in Australia 10K baht/WEEK.


Car registration in Australia 16K baht. Here, less than 2K baht.


One hour massage here, 200 baht. In Australia, 1500 baht minimum.


Not just value. I don't know of too many other places in the world, where I can enjoy a GF who is 23 years younger than me.


Anyone who has a brain can negotiate Immigration requirements quite easily. Perhaps the OP's brain cells don't stretch that far.

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32 minutes ago, GypsyT said:

True, but where can old man like me get company of beautiful, sexy babies (not hookers!) to be with me?

So, it's worth every penny they steel from me.... and get this; More they steel less I complain!


That way the word gets around "He's SO dummy!" and more and more come to me 😉


STEAL = nick, half-inch,   STEEL is the place which just shut down in Wales.   555

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1 hour ago, Celsius said:

In my opinion it was always bad value, even 11 years ago when I moved and cad$ was worth 30 baht.


1 hour ago, Celsius said:

This place would be a hard pass with anyone who has brain.

and your point is???

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7 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


200 Baht for a massage?


What a rip off.


I go to the monastery here, and pay no more than 150 Baht.


 Can beat that, 120 an hour, always have 2 hours, blindman masseuse, never had better anywhere.

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53 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

It's not about the money.


For me it's living amoungst the most beautiful, polite, friendly, easy going people in the world.

It's the food, the weather, the beaches, the country, it's amazing.


Sadly, but good for me, some of the young Thai women get pregnant to a deadbeat father who leaves before or shortly after the birth of their child, now the young mother needs to leave her child with her parents, go to the city to work, now she must pay monthly rent for accommodation, electricity, water, pay costs for commuting to and from work, buy clothing for her and her newborn, food for her and her newborn, monthly payments to her mother (child's guardian), for caring for her child etc., because Thailand does not provide this young mother a single mothers pension, or Social security payments or even garnish of the fathers wages as done in the west. 


Sadly the costs for the above adds up, now this beautiful, petite, very young woman must look elsewhere for a better paying job, she now has a debt so most times must work in the sex industry to make ends meet. 


Don't feel too bad for these women.


Most of these mothers are just as bad as the fathers.


Half of them told the father to get lost and denied access to the kid. 


They don't do "grown up" divorces here; It gets childish very quickly. 


They are good at abandoning the kids with the elderly and heading for sin city to do what they do best.


Money is the only thing that really matters.

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Thailand is cheap because it's lower quality. That's just a fact as far as I'm concerned. But is it a good value for money? I think we  all agree it is or we wouldn't be here.


When I go back to US is very apparent how much things in Thailand are lower quality but you get what you pay for. We know that going in and I personally enjoy the more simple life anyways so it works out perfectly.


I think people with serious money and expecting a high standard of living would struggle here. Sure you can lock yourself down in the most affluent parts of the country but you need to leave your house eventually and then you'll experience what the real Thailand is like. 

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