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If Trump is re-elected what does it say about the I.Q of the average American?


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On 10/17/2024 at 2:35 PM, mogandave said:

I support Trump, and I am university educated. 


I want the border closed. 

I originalists on the court.

I support the rule of law.

I support the electoral college.

I don’t want higher taxes

I don’t want more welfare 

I support meritocracy 

I am against DEI programs 

I believe in peace through strength 

I don’t want men in girls bathrooms

I don’t want men in women’s sports

I don’t want boys/girls taught that they can be girls/boys



Why do you support Harris? I assume you want/believe the opposite of everything I want/ believe, yes?

American natives don’t celebrate 4th of July to this day b/c the white settlers preaching the book of good spirits/morality still refuse to give up the lands they stoled….can we deport them and then close the border?

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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


He won.  That's why the electoral college elected him.  The popular vote is meaningless.


That's why I call it a demockery - because it blows raspberries at what the people actually say they want.


Or in the words of Bones: "It's democracy Jim, but not as we know it."

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I'm not a big Trump supporter, but do I like  Harris, no!


I was ready to give Harris a chance and listen to what she had to say.  However, after her Fox interview where she didnt answer one question... not one!  and only bashed Trump. Her answers were all the same. he's very bad you need to vote for me, even though I cant even tell you what I'm going to do and change from what Biden did.., but nothing, just laughs and blaming trump for everything.


I'm very saddened that the US only has these options for president.


Is a civil war coming? I certainly hope not,  but it doesn't look good.  If trump looses I'm worried what will happen, but if he wins I'm not sure if that is good for America either. 


OP so you're saying if someone votes for Trump they are stupid, what if they vote for Harris are they idiots?

(Calling someone an idiot implies that they are completely lacking in intelligence or common sense, while calling someone stupid may simply mean that they made a foolish mistake)

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6 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Nah, the point of the electoral college is to allow each state to have the same influence on who gets elected.  If they went by the popular vote, the states with the biggest population would control everything and states with smaller populations wouldn't have any say.  That wouldn't work out and states would probably end up seceding from the union.


It is essentially rooted in the slavery of the southern states who hang on to the undemocratic advantage it gives them to this day. Interestingly I just read that Joe Biden voted against its abolition a few years ago. History shows it's a clear attempt to prevent the people having their say.


I'll grant it may have made some kind of sense back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Especially with the state of communications then. Even pony express hadn't been invented. There's no democratic argument for it today in a national election with today's communications as long as the 'winner takes all' of a state's electoral votes persists. 


I don't see any other country following the electoral example of the 'shining beacon on the hill'. The dictators don't need it (!) and the democracies where parliaments and presidents are chosen by national votes don't want it. Understandably.


Every system has its flaws and is a work in progress. To my 'Marxist, lefty radical' mind that reads leftwing publications like The Economist and Financial Times the electoral college system as practiced is a flaw in and of itself.

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3 hours ago, BusyB said:


It is essentially rooted in the slavery of the southern states who hang on to the undemocratic advantage it gives them to this day. Interestingly I just read that Joe Biden voted against its abolition a few years ago. History shows it's a clear attempt to prevent the people having their say.


I'll grant it may have made some kind of sense back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Especially with the state of communications then. Even pony express hadn't been invented. There's no democratic argument for it today in a national election with today's communications as long as the 'winner takes all' of a state's electoral votes persists. 


I don't see any other country following the electoral example of the 'shining beacon on the hill'. The dictators don't need it (!) and the democracies where parliaments and presidents are chosen by national votes don't want it. Understandably.


Every system has its flaws and is a work in progress. To my 'Marxist, lefty radical' mind that reads leftwing publications like The Economist and Financial Times the electoral college system as practiced is a flaw in and of itself.

So you think a relative few high population urban areas should have control over the entire county. 


Fair enough. 

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22 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

You sound like you have a really high IQ. 

Is your advanced degree in Gender Studies or Education?  


It is not about me. Why is it that when you are given actual undeniable facts,  when the lies are challenged , you do everything to deny the truth and instead try to deflect?


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13 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Why is the Trump family buying their merchandise and sourcing their retail goods in China?

Because they are grifters who are sure that their cult members will not know or recognize how absurd it is for a man who promised them he was so very very rich that he would not need anyones money who then hawks golden sneakers, 100 k watches, and yes even made in china bibles to his cult members who lap it up and cheer at being fleeced by a conman.  

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9 hours ago, NickyLouie said:


You'd have to be incredibly stupid to vote for Harris.


Trump is winning big already, most intelligent Americans realize what needs to be done. 

What, wear daft red ball-caps............?  :huh:

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3 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


It is not about me. Why is it that when you are given actual undeniable facts,  when the lies are challenged , you do everything to deny the truth and instead try to deflect?


Correct, it is not about you, it's about you regurgitating nonsense and pretending you are stating facts. 


Just because you believe what you are regurgitating does not mean you are regurgitating facts. 

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IQ has Zero to do with people fed up with the democrats 
Hopefully he learned after his disastrous 1st term ( he holds the rank of worst us president, Biden # 14) ) to take advice and maybe, just maybe, he will be more in tuned to what is good for America, NOT just what is good for him

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9 hours ago, NickyLouie said:


You'd have to be incredibly stupid to vote for Harris.


Trump is winning big already, most intelligent Americans realize what needs to be done. 



Praise the Lord and let's hope there are enough stupid Americans (I suspect there are) to vote for Harris.



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2 minutes ago, geisha said:

When I see and hear the Trump supporters, I feel frightened  of what will happen if he wins.  All Europe is worried.  These are difficult times not to be messed with. 


You're not alone.


There are japanese soldiers on tropical islands still fighting WW2 that are worried about Trump becoming President.

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27 minutes ago, geisha said:

When I see and hear the Trump supporters, I feel frightened  of what will happen if he wins.  All Europe is worried.  These are difficult times not to be messed with. 

Poor dude, get some rest and don't be frightened, Trump is not going to hurt you. 

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8 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Poor dude, get some rest and don't be frightened, Trump is not going to hurt you. 

Mate - this is what they 'feel' about Trump. Years of constant media lies and distortions and they believed them - every single one.  The Democrats have nothing of substance to offer - so they attack Trump - and that is all Harris is doing for the last few weeks - besides saying she grew up in a middle class family. This picture sums it up perfectly. 

hate trump.jpeg

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18 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Mate - this is what they 'feel' about Trump. Years of constant media lies and distortions and they believed them - every single one.  The Democrats have nothing of substance to offer - so they attack Trump - and that is all Harris is doing for the last few weeks - besides saying she grew up in a middle class family. This picture sums it up perfectly. 

hate trump.jpeg

Goodness! Is there any Kool-Aid left in the barrel?


US GDP growth under Biden since 2020 is three times greater than the average G7 nation.


The US' poorest State---Mississippi---has average income higher than the average income in the UK, Canada or Germany.


US stocks are at at all time high.


Infrastructure rebuilding is not a week that never comes, like under the felon, but a Bill passed in a bipartisan manner and now fixing roads, bridges, commo, airports, etc.


The first chip plants on US soil in decades are being built under Biden.


More Americans are employed today than ever, while the previous guy was the first President since Herbert Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans working than when he took office.


Crime is down under Biden. Example: a medium sized city---Boston---suffered 2 murders only in the first 6 months of 2024.


Your graph has the headings in error. Repubs want to control women's bodies, which hardly suggests 'freedom'. It was the felon (under indictment for his actions) that attempted to subvert free and fair elections.  Is "real journalism" Fox, which lost a case and had to pay almost $800,000,000 for defamation and lying about voter fraud and voting machines? "Ethical judiciary"....do you mean like Clarence Thomas? Justice Alito? Free enterprise...note the US GDP figures, which under Biden have been much better than under the last guy. As for Moral Standards, I have to assume that is meant to be a joke.


If Harris loses, it will be impossible for the US economy to sustain the same level of growth as has occurred under Biden-Harris. The crazy tariffs the (R) candidate has in mind will cause massive inflation, even worse than when he ran up a 41% increase in total US National Debt vs the first 240 years of the nation.


Of course, his 'concept of a plan' is probably----many people are saying---the best anyone has ever seen. LOL.

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12 hours ago, NickyLouie said:


You'd have to be incredibly stupid to vote for Harris.


Trump is winning big already, most intelligent Americans realize what needs to be done. 

Harvard or Stanford degree? (Both, here)


I voted for Harris. I would be happy to compare degrees and GPAs with you, or sit down to a controlled IQ test. Heck, I'll even spot you 20 points on the IQ test. Okay, I'll spot you 50 points. Might as well be fair.

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11 hours ago, ericthai said:
11 hours ago, ericthai said:

I'm very saddened that the US only has these options for president.

Is a civil war coming? I certainly hope not,  but it doesn't look good.  If trump looses I'm worried what will happen, but if he wins I'm not sure if that is good for America either. 


I think it is fair to say that the side far more likely to cause a 'civil war' is the Dems side.  That is based on all the riots and protests when they reacted so violently after Clinton lost and Trump won in 2016. Plus all the Reps did was protest outside Congress and when a few idiots walked inside they caused some problems- but no street protests and violence.    

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Just seen Kamala Harris interviewed on Fox.

No matter what you think of Trump if you vote for KH you will be having the stupidest person ever to enter the Whitehouse and that includes the cleaners and janitors.

As a Brit i find it hilarious yet unbelievable that you could consider voting for such a half-wit.

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10 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

Just seen Kamala Harris interviewed on Fox.

No matter what you think of Trump if you vote for KH you will be having the stupidest person ever to enter the Whitehouse and that includes the cleaners and janitors.

As a Brit i find it hilarious yet unbelievable that you could consider voting for such a half-wit.


That's the problem we Yanks face.  We have to choose between a narcissistic bombastic guy who should really talk less but did an OK job as president when he was in office, or an idiot who has never been elected to dog catcher and can't answer a simple question without cackling and showing how stupid she is.


Hard to believe our choices boil down to this. 

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