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34 minutes ago, Presnock said:

Ours are long haired Siberians too.  The ancestors according to our neighbor who raises them, have been in Thailand for many generations.  Our spend really hot weather inside with a/c too but have slept outside in their own very large dog house buildt from some company in bkk. Their dog house coms equipped with fans and they seem to sleep well.  Now, even at 11 years old they do not sleep with a/c and during winter time no fan even, they do wear a "shirt" during really cold nights and never seem to have any problems with that.  

Unfortunate they are working dogs, specially for colder countries, and also need space as well regulary hard work to thrive, and breeding these dogs in warmer climates is just pure egoism, as well buying them. 


Siberian Huskies need lots of exercise, usually a minimum of two hours a day. Brisk walks, runs, hikes, and games of fetch are all great ways to exercise your Husky. They also excel in agility sports. In addition to physical exercise, Huskies also need mental stimulation like puzzle toys to help beat boredom.



19 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:


Those of us who ride motorbikes know just how dangerous they can be when they decide to chase you out of the blue for no reason. It has nothing to do with being aggressive or not, if one of them decides he doesn't like the look of you for a reason only he knows, he will often trigger his mates and launch a pack hunt on you. It also happened to me back in the day when I used to go out for jogs (now I have a treadmill at home).


I had a friend in Phuket whose beloved cat was mangled to death by the dogs outside her house. She was heartbroken. She would never have poisoned them, but she hated the damn things and ended up moving because of them.


Some dogs are a real problem in Thailand and it is something which should be addressed through public policy, IMO.

Dogs game is to chase pray, and if you stop, rise your hand, they stop. You move, they chase, that's their game

8 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I have evidence to the contrary. People don't respect animals in this country like in the west, with some exceptions I have seen. Poison is used here a lot, and on humans also. It's another cowardly act along with many others.

Yes it has been known here to use cyanide so you can steal a friend's phone and car.

So I guess a annoying dog doesn't stand much chance.

Mine fenced in and only goes out on lead. I don't want her licking anybody.😄

14 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Unfortunate they are working dogs, specially for colder countries, and also need space as well regulary hard work to thrive, and breeding these dogs in warmer climates is just pure egoism, as well buying them. 


Siberian Huskies need lots of exercise, usually a minimum of two hours a day. Brisk walks, runs, hikes, and games of fetch are all great ways to exercise your Husky. They also excel in agility sports. In addition to physical exercise, Huskies also need mental stimulation like puzzle toys to help beat boredom.



well they sure did a lot of exercise daily in the large lot running and jumping plus playing with our daughter for hours.  I learned that have developed quite a bit of vocabulary and can understand when I talk to them knowing what they are familiar with.  Anyway not my choice of dogs bu this is my second family and we had our share in the first family so I let these two ladies choose and paid dearly for them.  Vet continues to say they are healthy and appear happy,

12 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

There's always TWO sides to the story ,and I'm swaying towards the Thai man 

It's obvious your dogs were outside barking at people maybe even trying to snap or bite  at passersby but we know for certain they were barking constantly.

No one just poisons dogs for the heck of it , especially a Thai person,

Good riddance I say 


It’s a shame what happened. I don’t like dogs and I’m in no way ashamed of it but would never harm a domestic animal even though those thoughts have passed through my mind countless times- endless barking been bitten a couple times and wanted to delete them permanently. It all comes down to the owner of the pets, do you want to p!ss-off the neighbors and the community or keep things in control? Because if the owners of pets can’t keep control of their animals then something is likely bound to happen. Originating source of the problem is where the blame lies.

  • Agree 2
16 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:

So somehow your dogs die from some poison and you're  going to retaliate by punishing your wife?

Maybe it was meant for her.

  • Haha 2
17 hours ago, bubblegum said:

Rat poison.


Nobody gives a F..


I'm leaving this FF place for good.


No more money to Thai wife and family, wife can come with me if she wants but guess  what... right.  

With the street dog problems in Thailand, poisoning dogs has become a "normal" ting. It is cruel, but too many dogs makes people hate them!!

  • Agree 2
11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why were they out where he could throw rocks in the first place? Are you saying he threw rocks into your property where they were confined. I used to ride a bike and if any dog tried to bite me I'd have beaten it with a pole I carried, but they always ran away too fast when they saw the pole. I also carried rocks to throw at any that didn't run away when they saw the pole.

Just seeing the stone usually worked.

Must have been a right pain in the arse having to lug around a pole and some rocks every time you wanted to go for a walk or a bike ride!

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, Celsius said:

If they were your dogs they would live inside the house

You mean like the Member who posted that he wanted to buy and then keep a Pitbull in his condo?


My question for the OP is are you sure the poisoning was intentional? A lot of toxic chemicals are used in farming communities which pets sometimes encounter accidentally. Between motor vehicles, accidental poisoning, ticks, snakes, dog fights, etc., pet ownership can often end in tears here. Sorry for your loss. 


I just adopted a dog. Without a fenced yard, all I have been able to do is keep a close eye on him, and bring it indoors at night.

  • Like 1

Why on earth would someone poison friendly well trained dogs that followed your commands sit stay heel.

It's not like your dogs were running around like wild animals untrained with pack mentality right?

That would never happen if you loved and respected your dogs.

Dogs need an Alpha to follow and that's you.  You give them the training and the discipline that dogs richly deserve.

Right? 😄

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, Celsius said:

If they were your dogs they would love inside the house


11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's only a slow death if someone doesn't put them out of their misery.


BTW, the rats die that way too but it doesn't stop people using rat poison, so less hypocrisy about animal cruelty would be appropriate. A bad dog is just as much a pest as a rat IMO.

A bad dog is a danger.

7 hours ago, Hummin said:

What you asking is perfectly normal most places in Thailand and do not lead to poisoning of dogs by normal people. 


However, if the dogs kill chickens, it happens more often rat poisoning being used in baits for the dogs coming to their land. As much potentially killing the surrounding dogs, they also kill their own dogs. 


First hand experience.


Most dogs are just soi dogs, and attach to house because they feed them. 


We have two soi dogs who live freely and good watch dogs, and I have one muscle dog who are trained and never leaves the land without us, as well sleep inside during the night. 


Unluckily we do not know where the OP lives. But assuming it is in the countryside, people there have often a much more utalitarian view of dogs; they are not pets, they are tools to be useful, emotionally not much different to a cow.


As long as they are good guard dogs, they get food. As soon as they chase chicken, bite neighbors or bark too much, they are seen as a nuisance to be removed.


Poisoning them is still something I see as extreme and unusual, especially if there was no prior history.


Either the dog ate a poisoned bait that was not specifically targeted at it, but one to get rid of soi dogs, or, indeed rats -- but then the question would have to be asked, why his dog had access to it.


The other is a targeted attack, by throwing bait into his locked compound. But then I am surprised by his assertion, that the police would do nothing, especially if he seemingly has witnesses to who it was. My only explanation would be, that the police would see it as a domestic dispute between neighbors, and then they are often quite unwilling to interfere as long as they think that both sides are equally in the wrong.


Maybe you need to put a little bit more effort into it, if your dogs and you are blameless victims. In Isaan you would talk directly to the village elder to get it sorted, in the city I would be a bit more assertive with the police and go in person to the local station, bringing your witness right with you. In both situations I would be sure that a friendly, unexcited, direct talk to the appropriate authority will bring results.


As your dogs had a certain value, expect a good percentage (50%?) to go into the coffers of authority, when the perpetrator has to pay up, but TiT.

3 hours ago, tmd5855 said:

My wife and I started rescuing dogs when I retired out in the country.


We have blind, brain damaged, epileptic fit prone and crippled dogs as the result of road accidents, have been given disabled dogs free by vets to free up cages when owners do not pay the medical fees.  Rabies and normal jabs/checks add up to a lot of expense.


R.T.A. gave us two sable GSD's one (Sniffer) who had lost a right rear paw in a trap down south and no longer could jump and another used only for breeding, she arrived at 9 years old and is now 13.

R.T. Airforce (Korat) gave us a male and female GSD that were not vicious enough for guard duties.


At one time we had 11 dogs now down to 8, we have kennels and our property is just under a rai fully walled all around.

Locals who come our home for these past 10 years cleaners/builders/gardeners all remark at the docile nature of the German Shepherds who have all been trained as all large dogs should be. There are 4 motorbikes in a carport ranging from 650 down to 125 with lots of tools.


Only one instance in 10 years we thought the dogs were attacking a cat/snake in the workshop whatever/whoever left some denim and a lot of smeared blood, they never went the local hospital since we called the police who went looking for a savaged bleeding guy, but, no one with dog wounds went the local hospital.


Our house front doors are never closed, at night the dogs all sleep in the house with full access to go outside.


So why or what is wrong with the wife and I having more than 2 dogs

not vicious enough,

what the heck does that mean?

I am almost sure they did not tell you that and if they did they have no clue.

  • Haha 1

How do you know it was rat poison? What is the evidence you claim to have?  I’m just curious. Isn’t radiator coolant (or is it antifreeze) the usual suspect?  I’ve heard stories of mixing food with broken bits of glass. That would definitely be a bad way to go. I take that one with a grain of salt as I imagine the dog would probably get a new painful crunces and some cuts to the tongue, gums, and rest of the mouth before swallowing. 


I've had dogs poisoned in the dead of night by thieves chucking poisoned meat over the garden wall. A rotten way to die. Nothing much I can say other than I fully understand your anger. Move on as best you can under sad circumstances.

34 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


Unluckily we do not know where the OP lives. But assuming it is in the countryside, people there have often a much more utalitarian view of dogs; they are not pets, they are tools to be useful, emotionally not much different to a cow.


As long as they are good guard dogs, they get food. As soon as they chase chicken, bite neighbors or bark too much, they are seen as a nuisance to be removed.


Poisoning them is still something I see as extreme and unusual, especially if there was no prior history.


Either the dog ate a poisoned bait that was not specifically targeted at it, but one to get rid of soi dogs, or, indeed rats -- but then the question would have to be asked, why his dog had access to it.


The other is a targeted attack, by throwing bait into his locked compound. But then I am surprised by his assertion, that the police would do nothing, especially if he seemingly has witnesses to who it was. My only explanation would be, that the police would see it as a domestic dispute between neighbors, and then they are often quite unwilling to interfere as long as they think that both sides are equally in the wrong.


Maybe you need to put a little bit more effort into it, if your dogs and you are blameless victims. In Isaan you would talk directly to the village elder to get it sorted, in the city I would be a bit more assertive with the police and go in person to the local station, bringing your witness right with you. In both situations I would be sure that a friendly, unexcited, direct talk to the appropriate authority will bring results.


As your dogs had a certain value, expect a good percentage (50%?) to go into the coffers of authority, when the perpetrator has to pay up, but TiT.

They also drive the dogs to the other side of mountain, but the villagers there do the same, so on both sides of the mountain there is dogs stuck in no man's land, for once and awhile come down to the village and find food. That's when poison baits is placed out when chickens starts to disappear. 

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Has the OP actually replied yet to the questions asked? I can't be arsed to read them all, seems like a bull<deleted> story?

agree ....   no clarity by the OP.   Troll topic for sure. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There's a lot of information missing from your story, first of all why did they poison your dogs? Were your dogs loud, were they barking a lot, were they bothering people, were they biting neighbors, were they creating a nuisance?


People don't just poison dogs randomly.

They do in Thailand.

27 dogs poisoned in one day/night in a friends village, by a Thai chap who just disliked and was afraid of dogs.

All the dogs were very friendly, didn't bark, didn't attack or bite anyone.
He objected to them walking past his gate.



  • Confused 1
  • Haha 1

This post is ridiculous because he does not give the full story.

People dont kill animals just for the sake of it.

There must have been good reason.

Maybe the dogs were aggressive, a nuisance all day long.......I just moved from a house, we had 2 dogs in the next house barking all fecking day!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean all day, every day.......owner did not give a damn.

I thought about killing them many times..........thinking and doing are two different things however.......but i can understand why someone would kill nuisance animals.

Yesterday i was walking on the beach........a popular beach, always people there.......a stray dog saw me, up went its ears and it came hurtling towards me.......why?  I managed to scare it off by looking like i was throwing a brick at it.......but why did the bloody thing go for me?

In this case, if it bit me, would I be justified in returning with a tasty snack for it laced with poison?

or is it ok for dogs to go round biting people for nothing?

anyhow.............without the full story, his post is stupid

  • Agree 1
5 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Must have been a right pain in the arse having to lug around a pole and some rocks every time you wanted to go for a walk or a bike ride!



But probly better than getting your arse bitten off.



20 hours ago, jvs said:

not vicious enough,

what the heck does that mean?

I am almost sure they did not tell you that and if they did they have no clue.

That is how the Thai were translated into English.

More than likely they did not have enough "Aggression" in them to attack, bite and hold down so failed as security/guard dogs. 

Though the fortunate/unfortunate guy who broke into the workshop leaving blood and clothing behind would class them as vicious. 

See can mean the same in a different context.


Term used from translated Thai were 'vicious'

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