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Royal Thai Police to undergo major reform


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The Royal Thai Police may be dissolved and turned into a ministry ...

Wonder if they'll call it The Ministry of Love

He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.

Edited by Thanet
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Not only the Royal Thai Army but also the entire armed forces, security agencies, independence agencies, judicial system, privy council, and the senate so that they are freed from political intervention. They are supposed be neutral.

Says the ###### that condones the murder of children for political reasons.

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Not only the Royal Thai Army but also the entire armed forces, security agencies, independence agencies, judicial system, privy council, and the senate so that they are freed from political intervention. They are supposed be neutral.

It's going to be a rather tough sell for you; after all, many of these groups helped create the exceptionally fertile environment for change the Thais now enjoy.

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Police who are currently in the process of paying their way through the ranks, are not going to be happy about reform. They are not paying their way through to give up on the rewards of finally reaching near the top!

Not a chance in hell they can reform the police properly, especially in the short term.

In needs a shift in mentality first.

Its not just the police either, the army as well.

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I've been around, worked on every continent, Thai police is one of the best I had to deal with. As far as I'm concerned they are doing a good job.

By that I assume you mean manipulate to see things your way, for a fee, of course.

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The police is doing a good job. Streets are safe, there is no major gang problem..

The main problem as I see it is the government inability to order the police to clear some major protest site, but that is more a political problem than a police problem. That a deranged monk be able to hire a private army, block a major road and create mayhem for 6 month is not acceptable.

Sorry but the police can't be held responsible for that, we are not idiots !

Tell that to the parents of the young lad that had a few bullets pumped into his head at dolphin circle in Pattaya a few days ago.

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I've been around, worked on every continent, Thai police is one of the best I had to deal with. As far as I'm concerned they are doing a good job.


Ahhh you're been a bit sarcastic


Actually not at all.

Clearly if you meet the police in a residential area or in a touristic area, they will have a different attitude. Now if it is a place well known for prostitution and drug business, what do you expect ? If you have friends in the force, you know their job is not easy.

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There are plenty of gang problems in Thailand. Just not as large scale and organized as in the US for example. The reason is that the biggest organized crime syndicate in this country (the BIB syndicate) won't allow the competition.

Funny - I was not think about the BIB syndicate when reading this - I was more on the idea it was the POLICE who do not like competition!

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All the top cops should be canned and new people with no pre existing allegiances should be put in charge

The slate needs to be wiped clean and given a fresh beginning

Most Thais now have a pretty low opinion of the police and this will not change until real change is implemented

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I've been around, worked on every continent, Thai police is one of the best I had to deal with. As far as I'm concerned they are doing a good job.


Ahhh you're been a bit sarcastic


Actually not at all.

Clearly if you meet the police in a residential area or in a touristic area, they will have a different attitude. Now if it is a place well known for prostitution and drug business, what do you expect ? If you have friends in the force, you know their job is not easy.

Half my in law family here are BIB or GIB. Lazy buggers, the lot of 'm. At least they are honest, which means no chance of any promotion. The stories I hear though will blow your mind.

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I guess we'll have to wait and see the details of the final proposal... but...

I'm not seeing how transforming the RTP into a Ministry and presumably putting a politically appointed minister in charge is going to help foster professionalism or ensure impartiality in local law enforcement.

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If they actually paid the police a decent wage, supplied them with vehicles (and gas money, many cops pay for their own gas to get to assignments!), and created an atmosphere of service to the country, then, and only then, would they ever expect to see some reform.

The majority of cops want to give service to their fellow Thais, but under the current structure it is impossible. You cannot expect current Thai police to take a stand and move beyond the corruption when on their salary they can't even afford to pay their kids school fees.

Edited by berg1666
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Who are richer the "higher ups" in the armed forces or the police?

From what I can can tell both have more money than 99% of their counter parts serving in first world countries. If it were up to me I would sack anyone that had more than 1 million bath in the bank as it is impossible to become that wealthy without corruption.

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Who are richer the "higher ups" in the armed forces or the police?

From what I can can tell both have more money than 99% of their counter parts serving in first world countries. If it were up to me I would sack anyone that had more than 1 million bath in the bank as it is impossible to become that wealthy without corruption.

They don't stick it in their own account. They put it in the accounts of one or more "mia nooys" - and those ladies know exactly what to expect if the cash disappears.

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