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Ladyboy Under The Bed Murder: Two Minors Admit Responsibility


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10 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

In the Pattaya One article if anyone cared to read the whole thing, " The teens had a record of assault-related cases which were still before the court. " These guys are on their way to being hardened criminals if they aren't already. Seems likely that they were up to no good from the start.

you are right vermin on arrival. at the ages of seventeen and fourteen if they can conceive of such horrible crime, it is time to really shock them to reality.they need serious rehabilitation.

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1 hour ago, Penicillin said:

Has anyone ever noticed that every perp here that gets caught for a crime confesses almost immediately ?

They must all have a troubled conscience that helps push them to take responsibility.


Or, it could just be the famous RTP "rigorous interrogation"

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this is a serious case of juvenile delinquents who seem to be well on their way to become hardened criminals.timely intervention only bring about some sort of salvation. multi prong treatment involving, psychologists, social worker and institutional rehabilitation may provide some answers.

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Please, lots of Thai men or youths want to have sex with Ladyboys and they probably planned the whole thing to do so.

Who knows why they killed her but her status as a ladyboy probably made them believe they may get away with it.

Meanwhile the police in Pattaya warn tourists about ladyboy sex workers. The female hookers are ok though, right? You can trust them with your credit cards and they never drug and rob farangs?


Join the dots . . .

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1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

This TV upgrade is driving me nuts.  I am trying to reply to the complaint about calling the two murderers "monkeys."   I agree it is inappropriate.  I would call them much worse things and apologize to the monkeys.   What ever happened to "No thank you." If you are offered sex and do not fancy the "offerer"'  just politely decline.  Where these two are probably going they might have lots more offers and not have the opportunity of declining next time, or the time after that or the time after....... (you get the idea).  I bet they never though of that.    Tranny or not, nothing justifies their response; particularly not just because they were offended at "her" proposition.  Can I call them emotionally immature, murderous idiots?

If these two did indeed commit this crime, it's difficult to know what to do with them. The 14 y/o is a minor and possibly the 17 y/ too; if one can callously murder someone at that young age you're clearly a danger to society. It's possible they may have been physically or psychologically abused themselves...a tragedy all around.

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How does the hotel maid make the bed with new linen and not see ANYTHING? no less smell anything. The thoroughness of maid makes me never want to stay in a hotel room or at least in a cheap hotel room, do they actually clean anything? They basically wipe down everything they can reach, no cleaning. 

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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

A beautiful lady whose life was tragically cut short...wishing you a fabulous rebirth.


You said it. A beautiful person indeed.



The teens had a record of assault-related cases which were still before the court.

Police have initially charged them with premeditated murder and body concealment.


Too young to receive the full swing of justice. One day soon they'll be out to kill the next one.



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4 hours ago, rapom said:


Probably not, but a 28 yr old can.   Read the whole article.


Always good advise...


they (murdering youths) claimed to have befriended the ladyboy on Facebook, before meeting him and taking him to their hotel room.


ergo a charge of premeditated murder

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This is a Thai on Thai murder comminted on one Thai by Two Thais.There is no foreigner suspect here.There is no complicated structure to the crime .The two kids have admitted it.

Does it really matter what doesnt add up.Blood,no blood,strangulation body under bed and the maid didnt discover it for 3 days.There is no money to be made here.Its low class crime committed by low class perps,on what is considered a low class person.Theorise and dectect all you want but the outcome will be 'out of sight out of mind' quickly forgotten and we will never know the out come of the trial,if there ever is one.

I have to say though,that this ladyboy looks familiar,i am sure i have seen her on Soi Diana,She had fair hair,and i thought she was one of the pretty ones.Her appearance was somewhat striking.

Before silly posters start with their silly jibes and childish accusations,the answer is NO!

And as for the op that said to confess so quickly,they must have a troubled conscience.Ha! The day i meet a Thai with a troubled conscience,is the day i will buy the whole village a beer.    RIP. you didnt deserve the ending.

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6 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

How did the Police know where to find these 2 teenagers ?


You don't know much about police investigation do you ?   First of all the CCTV footage would had revealed their faces so they could search for them . Secondly , Thai teenagers are not the smartest in the world so they  would probably give away their location on FB or other social media channels.  


I would say good job by the police. 


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1 hour ago, Sphere said:

The 'other' paper reports it was actually the ladyboy who checked into the room.


But, do carry on with the speculation.


Re read paragraph three of both stories... (TV and Patt One)


Unless their is is another version not linked.... In which case we are working from an uneven playing field.


thr check in phase, by the ladyboy, could well be the "joining fee" payment and ID check, or similar


but... Yes.... Speculation makes the forum go round and round

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

If these two did indeed commit this crime, it's difficult to know what to do with them. The 14 y/o is a minor and possibly the 17 y/ too; if one can callously murder someone at that young age you're clearly a danger to society. It's possible they may have been physically or psychologically abused themselves...a tragedy all around.

What suspects say in an interview as to their reasons for committing a crime should never be taken at face value.  They had time to collude before being apprehended and therefore of course they could have concocted a version of events that makes them look like they were provoked or defending their actions.  

It happens time and time again people read a reported confession from a police interview and therefore believe it - even if it inculpates them.  The real reason could have been way more sinister.  For example - a deliberate luring of a sex worker into a hotel room for a premeditated murder plot to get off on some sick perverted thrill.  Could be a myriad of other legitimate reasons that we may never know.  But anyway if it is a confession nonetheless it will likely convict if deemed an admissible confession but can be determined as mitigating circumstances to reduce ultimate sentencing if as in this case the accused have outlined a liability reducing reason for their actions.  

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26 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

my brain hurts.


RIP ladyboy.


Here is what you can take away from this story.


Ladyboys can be victims just like everybody else.

Young Thai boys can sometimes be dangerous even when they are not on their scooters.

Thai maids don't sweep or look under the bed or mattress.

Sometimes people put up with strange smells in their hotel room.

Human bodies start to leak fluids after a period of time.

The Thai police are good at catching other Thais when they have a clear photo.




Don't forget:


Thai machismo: A 17 year old Thai male befriends what he THINKS is a pooying on FB, travels to Pattaya and has a violent reaction to the truth.


Thai Law 101: Confessions automatically commute any possible death sentence to a custodial one.

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7 hours ago, Canuk23 said:


After 3 days that would be decomposition fluid !!!

Yes. In a hot, humid climate like Thailand a dead body would start smelling within a couple of hours. By 3 days you would expect the whole hotel to be stinking. Did they wrap it up?

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10 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

This is yet another story that does not add up.


We've learned that the body was under the bed for 3 days, yet maid cleaned the room, failing to not only miss the body, but also the pool of blood at the base of the bed.


The next guests also failed to at least notice the  pool of blood.


How did the Police know where to find these 2 teenagers ?


A 14 year-old looking for work ?


17 and 14 year-olds befriend a grown man of 28 dressed as a woman ? And then strangle him ? Was this act pre-planned ?


The story reveals little information, yet creates confusion. 








10 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

This is yet another story that does not add up.


We've learned that the body was under the bed for 3 days, yet maid cleaned the room, failing to not only miss the body, but also the pool of blood at the base of the bed.


The next guests also failed to at least notice the  pool of blood.


How did the Police know where to find these 2 teenagers ?


A 14 year-old looking for work ?


17 and 14 year-olds befriend a grown man of 28 dressed as a woman ? And then strangle him ? Was this act pre-planned ?


The story reveals little information, yet creates confusion. 







Incorect they probably befriended what they belive to be a woman who probably told them she could help them find work. Or they knew she was a ladyboy as thats what they wanted to be.What happens after that we will never know. They probably booked in under there real names which is why police knew where to look. As for this pool of blood miss reporting I guess as they admitted to strangling her. Easy for maid to miss body most Thai bed bases go down to floor with a void underneath. 14 year old looking for work I guess he may look older and if he was a ladyboy wanna be there would be work for him there unfortunately.  So really yes it does add up.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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9 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

interesting case or murder,how 2 younger people could strangle  older person

I think there was a smash into  the ladyboys head first, knocked him out and then finished by strangling. I'd also imagine the 17 year old was bigger and stronger than the ladyboy.

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