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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

Those who can afford to take a calculated gamble. In the history of Thailand in our lifetime, there have been no reasons to be worried about the big international banks.


3 Million Baht is only around £70K. There are many who want tor retire to Thailand to whom this is pocket money.


As I said before, Thailand is not the reserve of the poor. Many well off people want to live here for various reasons.

3 million - pocket money. 



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9 hours ago, mommysboy said:

What's this got to do with the price of eggs?


"Pocket money."



It's got to do with what the previous poster Flustered said. He said there are many for whom this amount of money would not be regarded as significant.

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4 minutes ago, lkv said:

It's got to do with what the previous poster Flustered said. He said there are many for whom this amount of money would not be regarded as significant.

I would question whether 'many' would consider 3MB as insignificant.  It's certainly a significant amount for me and I am doing ok.  My father was wealthy towards the end of his life but he became wealthy by managing his money well and making careful stock investments.  Even being wealthy, I'm sure he would have considered 3MB to be a significant amount of money and not to be taken lightly. 

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Why do so many FMs believe that Thailand is for those who are on the breadline. I agree that it is a great place to live if you are limited in your income and want to have a better quality of life than that in the UK but this is only one point of view.


The vast majority of my Farang friends in Thailand are here because they want to spend there last few years in a warmer climate, to enjoy the beautiful scenery that Thailand has to offer, to enjoy healthier food and in general make the most of their final years. As a bonus, the money buys more and they can live a better life. Also, nearly all of them belong to Rotary clubs or other organisations helping the local populace with school funding and water projects.


To these people, 3 Million Baht is not a lot although none of them use this system as it does not exist. All of them are either on an OA or an Elite visa. Without exception, the main aim is to live with as little hassle as possible. Many use a lawyer or agency to sort out extensions and even 90 day reporting and why not?


I thought the "you have it so why can't I" attitude had been left behind with the benefit scroungers in the UK but it would appear that there are some of them over here in Thailand who cannot bear to see others with more than themselves. The attitude taken in India would be far better. Wealth is something to aspire to not envy.

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One thing that should be remembered in this visa discussion

is that Thailand does absolutely nothing for expats..

No Dole

No heath care plans
No help with housing

They give absolutely no help what-so-ever about anything..

I doubt they would even give you a glass of water at the immigration office...


Compare this with the huge amount of benefits and red carpet

treatment the so-called refugees and illegal aliens get in

America and Europe.....


So I get really tired of reading posts here about expats not

pulling their weight here in Thailand...Just because a expat

is not living in a 5 million baht condo,does not mean he

is not pulling his weight...

Virtually all expats are pulling their weight...If they were

not they would be living on the street...



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3 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

One thing that should be remembered in this visa discussion

is that Thailand does absolutely nothing for expats..

No Dole

No heath care plans
No help with housing

They give absolutely no help what-so-ever about anything..

I doubt they would even give you a glass of water at the immigration office...


Compare this with the huge amount of benefits and red carpet

treatment the so-called refugees and illegal aliens get in

America and Europe.....


So I get really tired of reading posts here about expats not

pulling their weight here in Thailand...Just because a expat

is not living in a 5 million baht condo,does not mean he

is not pulling his weight...

Virtually all expats are pulling their weight...If they were

not they would be living on the street...



Largely true about expats in Thailand,  we expect and get NOTHING, with the possible exception of expats getting emergency treatment at hospitals before they realize they won't get paid. I reckon that happens sometimes. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Largely true, with the possible exception of expats getting emergency treatment at hospitals before they realize they won't get paid. I reckon that happens sometimes. 

In Britain, and even in the US a foreigner is at least stabilized in the ER, without payment.


Another thing being, I hear reports increasingly from expats of acceptable service at Thai State hospitals for reasonable cost. An old friend living in the Nong Khai area no longer visits BKK for eye checkups as the local hospital is good enough.


I'm not sure how one would fare for big stuff like bypass surgery etc.

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

Why do so many FMs believe that Thailand is for those who are on the breadline. I agree that it is a great place to live if you are limited in your income and want to have a better quality of life than that in the UK but this is only one point of view.


The vast majority of my Farang friends in Thailand are here because they want to spend there last few years in a warmer climate, to enjoy the beautiful scenery that Thailand has to offer, to enjoy healthier food and in general make the most of their final years. As a bonus, the money buys more and they can live a better life. Also, nearly all of them belong to Rotary clubs or other organisations helping the local populace with school funding and water projects.


To these people, 3 Million Baht is not a lot although none of them use this system as it does not exist. All of them are either on an OA or an Elite visa. Without exception, the main aim is to live with as little hassle as possible. Many use a lawyer or agency to sort out extensions and even 90 day reporting and why not?


I thought the "you have it so why can't I" attitude had been left behind with the benefit scroungers in the UK but it would appear that there are some of them over here in Thailand who cannot bear to see others with more than themselves. The attitude taken in India would be far better. Wealth is something to aspire to not envy.


Rubbish.  I dont see anything other than a sly rant.


3 million baht is rather a lot by sane standards- 99% of normal people will agree.

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5 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


Rubbish.  I dont see anything other than a sly rant.


3 million baht is rather a lot by sane standards- 99% of normal people will agree.


Trying to suggest that 3 million baht isn't real money to most people is simply ragging and bragging. Shamefully CRASS. 

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6 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


Rubbish.  I dont see anything other than a sly rant.


3 million baht is rather a lot by sane standards- 99% of normal people will agree.


4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Trying to suggest that 3 million baht isn't real money to most people are simply ragging and bragging. Shamefully CRASS. 

I think that proves my point. thanks


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1 minute ago, Flustered said:


I think that proves my point. thanks


I think it proves your ignorance. 


I also think there are many millionaires who would regards 3 million baht cash aa a big sum.  Don't ever go in to business- wrong attitude altogether.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Trying to suggest that 3 million baht isn't real money to most people is simply ragging and bragging. Shamefully CRASS. 


There are a lot of people who do have millions of Baht available, especially those who sold property in their home country before they retired here.


I know one guy who sold his apartment in Gotheburg and spent about 20% of the funds on a large villa style house, he knows he won't need it for the full 30 years on the usufruct due to his age but the other 80% of his money is left sitting in the bank.


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Just now, ukrules said:


There are a lot of people who do have millions of Baht available, especially those who sold property in their home country before they retired here.


I know one guy who sold his apartment in Gotheburg and spent about 20% of the funds on a large villa style house, he knows he won't need it for the full 30 years on the usufruct due to his age but the other 80% of his money is left sitting in the bank.



Yes fine, I do that to a smaller extent.


But 'a lot' ?


Are you sure?

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11 minutes ago, Flustered said:


I think that proves my point. thanks


I wonder if I asked any of these dudes for a fast 3MB loan how many would consider the amount to be 'pocket money'.  Sorry, no collateral  but I'm only asking for pocket money so no big deal. 

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19 minutes ago, newnative said:

I wonder if I asked any of these dudes for a fast 3MB loan how many would consider the amount to be 'pocket money'.  Sorry, no collateral  but I'm only asking for pocket money so no big deal. 

I think the phrase 'pocket money' was unfortunate and Flustered is getting hammered and a better phrase is 'would not break the bank'.  If they had a 3m investment type visa for 10 years (actually costing 2.2m as I have 800k already) I'd take it up as long as my 3m was safe to use again. It would be worth the investment and I'd consider it a 'sunk' cost of 300k a year just to give me peace of mind. But it's not fair to say all of us would consider 3m 'peanuts' although a small few might consider it that way if they had 300m here but I know of no one with that sort of wealth here. I have about 30m here but don't consider 10% of that 'pocket money'.  


Probably Flustered just typed too quickly as there are not many who can just throw in 3m without a second thought.

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Along with the overall idea of this scheme, that being a 5 year Visa at reasonable cost, I would like to see a system whereby expats can pay into a hospital group for basic coverage.
The basic coverage would be room, nurse, doctor of choice & say free services up to specialist level, icu & mri, etc.
Medical Insurance here us worthless, all the insurers exclude anything illness or procedure ever undertaken, will not cover you after 70yo & want to sign you up for worthless life insurance that excludes all previous illnesses if you die.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Obviously, many people are very much, but the reality remains that the Thai visa system for retirement is still very accommodating to people of moderate wealth levels. 

plus the very accomodating income tax system pertaining to income and capital gains generated abroad.

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On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Flustered said:

Those who can afford to take a calculated gamble. In the history of Thailand in our lifetime, there have been no reasons to be worried about the big international banks.


3 Million Baht is only around £70K. There are many who want tor retire to Thailand to whom this is pocket money.


As I said before, Thailand is not the reserve of the poor. Many well off people want to live here for various reasons.

You normally walk around with 3,000,000 in your pocket? I am duly impressed. 

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