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Aged 70, active, feeling healthy and now an ex-alcoholic, I had my first blood test for 16 years yesterday.... Liver, kidneys and  urine etc levels ok but I got:

Cholesterol 242 (should be 150 - 200)

Triglyceride 161 (should be <150)

LDL-CHOC 160 (should be <130).

No surprise I suppose but the good doctor (he'll be around 60, Chinese -Thai, good English)  recommended:

Eat beef AND pork. I thought pork would be a no no.

No poultry. As long as it contains no skin and isn't cooked in saturated oil, I should have thought that this was a healthy food. We have ducks, chickens and geese.

No eggs. I thought eggs had been re-established as healthy unless you have diabetes

No prawns. I guess he means seafood generally. I don't believe this although the amount of chemicals and antibiotics present in prawns might be a good reason to moderate consumption.

No butter or lard, cut down on sugar. I thought lard had been rehabilitated?


I spent an hour or so on internet today trying to find definitive answers.

Any recommendations as to who to believe?

I have always been a believer in moderation as far as eating is concerned and if I don't get any convincing information I shall continue as before apart from the sugar and butter recommendation.



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your feeling fine ....  what's your issue. 

3 minutes ago, cooked said:

I spent an hour or so on internet today trying to find definitive answers.

Any recommendations as to who to believe?

believe you want to enjoy what time you have remaining or live like a vegan and no more joy in life  ?   live and let live ...


At 5 years your junior and with health stats not too dissimilar to yours, I decided not to get uptight about it (other than adding a bit more fibre to my diet and getting more exercise). Wading through all the confusing research out there, I had an epiphany . :smile: -- the worry was probably more of a worry and more likely to take years off my life. As I said, just make minor adjustments and see how they go. 


Maybe look at your cheese and falang foods intake?

I gave up cheese, cause there ain't any good stuff where I live, and my Ch level dropped a small amount. I reckon it was the cheese.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


Believe duck/goose/shrimps and any organ meat have always been considered extremely bad.  Chicken less so if eating white meat.  Eggs are high but so good otherwise that exceptions are allowed is my understanding of current recommendations.  Believe lard is considered better now (but it was way down before).


Do you have any cardiac issues?  Have you had any stress test or even EKG?  Believe the lipids levels is especially important to us that have such issues. 


Prawns always have been high in cholesterol.

Eggs like you said have been proven healthy. 

Chicken without the skin is good


Why don't you go out and buy some fish oil capsules (would be best to buy on ebay) these help with your healthy fat levels. 

Lard has been proven not as bad as sugar.. but that was more for weight loss / gain.. not so sure if it has been proven ok for cholesterol. 

Cut your sugar.. eat more veggies and things will change. Also *kuch kuch* exercise would help  (but hard at your age)


believe you want to enjoy what time you have remaining or live like a vegan and no more joy in life  ?   live and let live ...


<deleted>, he's 70 years old, not 100!  If he looks after his health and eats a good diet, then he could have another 30 years of active life :)


I'm mainly a vegetarian (because the available meat in my location is low quality).  I have a very happy life.  Please don't associate not drinking beer or eating cr*p food with a miserable life.

26 minutes ago, robblok said:

Why don't you go out and buy some fish oil capsules (would be best to buy on ebay) these help with your healthy fat levels. 

Be a bit careful as this can cause bleeding issues - especially if combined with the 81mg aspirin than many take for blood thinning.  There are also other drugs those of use at higher age often take that can add to the bleeding potential so best to use all drugs, even those we do not often consider drugs, under doctor supervision.


The advice you got is outdated. We know now that it is not the case that the amount of cholesterol you ingest directly alters the amount of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. It is much more complex than that.


The single most important thing to do diet wise involves not fats but sugars, as insulin resistance is closely linked to elevated lipids.


Avoid/minimize processed carbs and absolutely avoid things made with a lot of sugar.


Brown bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. minimize pasta/noodles (or use whole what pasta)


Avoid processed (canned/packaged/frozen) foods


Avoid bad oils like palm oil (which is pretty much anything fried that you get at a restaurant or street stall - but you can have fried foods at home if you use healthy oils). Vegetable oils (Sunflower, safflower etc), olive oil are good.


As for meat, just avoid the fat and skin and keep portions on the small side in favor of more vegetables. 


Eggs in moderation are fine if not fried in an unhealthy oil.


The above dietary advice will not only usually improve lipid profile but will also help prevent development of type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers.


The other important bit is: more exercise, which does not have to be in a gym, can be anything that has you up and moving around more.

1 hour ago, robblok said:

Prawns always have been high in cholesterol.

Eggs like you said have been proven healthy. 

Chicken without the skin is good


Why don't you go out and buy some fish oil capsules (would be best to buy on ebay) these help with your healthy fat levels. 

Lard has been proven not as bad as sugar.. but that was more for weight loss / gain.. not so sure if it has been proven ok for cholesterol. 

Cut your sugar.. eat more veggies and things will change. Also *kuch kuch* exercise would help  (but hard at your age)

Why bother?  The body does not metabolize these fish oil capsules the same way as when it is sourced from the actual fish. The same for Vitamin supplements. Most of it is excreted. 

If the OP really want to lower cholesterol the only tried and true method is;

1. Exercise,

2. Vegetarian diet  that can be broken with oil content fish like wild salmon, mackerel, herring

He can try this for  90 days and see the difference.  


If you are overweight and inactive, this will explain why the cholesterol and triglycerides are high. If you are smoking, stop and watch the cholesterol  improve by 5-10%

3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Why bother?  The body does not metabolize these fish oil capsules the same way as when it is sourced from the actual fish. The same for Vitamin supplements. Most of it is excreted. 

If the OP really want to lower cholesterol the only tried and true method is;

1. Exercise,

2. Vegetarian diet  that can be broken with oil content fish like wild salmon, mackerel, herring

He can try this for  90 days and see the difference.  


If you are overweight and inactive, this will explain why the cholesterol and triglycerides are high. If you are smoking, stop and watch the cholesterol  improve by 5-10%

Reviews are mixed on fish oil.. some say it is good and can be used by the body.. others say no.. I prefer to take them to be sure. My cholesterol has always been great because i got a healthy diet, exercise and take fish oils. 


Going vegetarian no need for that unless of course you like it.  

3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

The advice you got is outdated. We know now that it is not the case that the amount of cholesterol you ingest directly alters the amount of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. It is much more complex than that.


The single most important thing to do diet wise involves not fats but sugars, as insulin resistance is closely linked to elevated lipids.


Avoid/minimize processed carbs and absolutely avoid things made with a lot of sugar.


Brown bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. minimize pasta/noodles (or use whole what pasta)


Avoid processed (canned/packaged/frozen) foods


Avoid bad oils like palm oil (which is pretty much anything fried that you get at a restaurant or street stall - but you can have fried foods at home if you use healthy oils). Vegetable oils (Sunflower, safflower etc), olive oil are good.


As for meat, just avoid the fat and skin and keep portions on the small side in favor of more vegetables. 


Eggs in moderation are fine if not fried in an unhealthy oil.


The above dietary advice will not only usually improve lipid profile but will also help prevent development of type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers.


The other important bit is: more exercise, which does not have to be in a gym, can be anything that has you up and moving around more.


Sheryl is right. A healthy lifestyle, which means avoiding man-made foods and doing regular exercise, should put years on your life. Cholesterol is not the villain it is painted by Big Pharma and their lobbyists in the medical profession. You can't live without it and the older you are the more you need it to maintain and repair damaged cells - particularly in the brain which mops up 25 percent of the stuff.


I know there is a lot of confusing stuff out there, but for some common sense on cholesterol I recommend vids made by Eric Berg and John Bergman, starting with these.



i have high cholesterol also i think its not just a case of cutting out the foods you mention as the body make a lot of cholesterol in some people. it also helps to eat thing that help reduce the cholesterol that the body keep making like chick peas, red beans ect. but very hard to keep cholesterol numbers down unless you are a salad freak.


This is tough and I have been watching youtube clips too... I am a bit wary of the people selling books... your cholesterol levels sound just about like near everyone I know, which would make it normal and make me wonder about the new normal of low cholesterol which is great for selling statins... 


Cholesterol is the stuff of our brain and liver and some say very necessary and levels unimportant??? I don't know...


I just learned that salt is 1/3 salt, sand and glass!!! - and the glass cuts, the cholesterol is good in that it patches the cut but if enough cuts, it piles up and closes the arteries... 


I guess everyone agrees that sugar is bad and that it is in near all processed or "packaged" foods... in other words, near 80% of the supermarket. 


On youtube, "60 minutes, food flavorings" should yield you an interesting expose into the food business and what you are eating. 


Good luck - it is a journey and I think a friend of mine said it best, "We are all chemistry sets" - and what might work for one might not work for another... 


Thanks for the mostly helpful answers up to now, Sheryl confirmed what I had suspected. Reading snippets of information here and there just complicates things. Thanks Sheryl.

There were remarks about alcohol: I do enjoy a good beer occasionally (which excludes most Thai beers) but I also enjoy having some money left over at the end of the month.I don't smoke. I am advised to take more exercise. I finished 140 metres of garden wall a few weeks ago and am at present renovating the poultry house and compound. In between taking the dogs for walks and gardening I'm not sure where I can fit in time for 'exercise' which I find to be a ridiculous notion.

53 minutes ago, robblok said:

Reviews are mixed on fish oil.. some say it is good and can be used by the body.. others say no.. I prefer to take them to be sure. My cholesterol has always been great because i got a healthy diet, exercise and take fish oils. 


Going vegetarian no need for that unless of course you like it.  


The body does not metabolize these fish oil capsules the same way as when it is sourced from the actual fish.


That is what a very good friend told me also (he is a nutritionist) but my doctor here still recommended me to take those capsules.

I am taking one capsule Omega-3 oil (2000 mg) a day since February this year and I will continue to until my next check up and blood analysis in August : then I will see the effect on myself


There was just a study released this past year; Danish, I believe that stated the finding that while people with naturally lower cholesterol did have lower incidents of coronary artery disease, those people whose cholesterol was reduced by dietary or pharmaceutical means did not benefit by any reduced risk.


OP step 1 walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week and then increase the time to a hour each day as your body tells you it is getting stronger. Get small dumb bells and do a routine with them. Do some stomach routines to avoid back problems. Start to listen to your body, it tells you what is good for you and what is bad for you. If you eat fatty food and get heart burn you know to avoid it. If you walk for too long you would not feel well etc. To get cholesterol under control by diet alone is not going to work, you need to get fit. Try to get a fitness buddy, it makes it easier. Take 2 days off every week to give your body chance to recover, you are not 30 anymore.


As for your diet, moderation and balance is key. Eat as many as possible fresh fruit and veggies. Increase your protein in take as a percentage of your total diet. This increase should be through plant protein, beans etc. As for pork, it has very little fat in the muscle (meat). The fat on pork is easy to remove compared to beef. Start to eat steamed food and eat more soup type dishes. Avoid deep fried food. Avoid processed food. Avoid marinates or any additive of which the contents is unclear (normally loaded with sugar or salt). When you eat eggs eat them boiled or poached. Use olive oil, not cheap oils. Watch your water in take, you are starting to sweat more thus need more water and even mineral replacements (no energy drinks). Start to make your own food from scratch instead of buying take away. When you have finished a week and have kept to your diet and fitness routine, spoil yourself with something you like to eat.


There was a program on BBC called Trust me I am a doctor. In one of these programs they did a test on the effect of oats and almonds on cholesterol (you can watch it on the internet). The bottom line is eat a bowl of oats every morning with a handful of almonds and the effect maybe as great as that of statins. There is something in oats that binds cholesterol and prevent it from entering the bloodstream. I add raw linseeds and roasted sunflower seeds, with 3 bananas, milk and a teaspoon of pure honey.


Good luck.


If you are a snack food junkie cut it out also juice cut it out. It has been proven many times that the food we eat has very little affect on cholesterol the body makes adjustments for high cholesterol taken thru diet. I have a cholesterol of around 105 to 130 or so I eat everything to bring it up guess no happiness here. I would love to see 150 at a min. but not happening

15 minutes ago, dddave said:

There was just a study released this past year; Danish, I believe that stated the finding that while people with naturally lower cholesterol did have lower incidents of coronary artery disease, those people whose cholesterol was reduced by dietary or pharmaceutical means did not benefit by any reduced risk.

There isa great book called the Cholesterol Myth if you lower your cholesterol levels using drug you may increase your life span by a few months over 20 years.


I am about 3 years your senior with average cholesterol and not concerned as I know I would die without it and recent reports indicate if it is too low like 150 you are in risk of breast cancer (for women) and other nasty stuff for men.    I would not see a doctor regarding proper nutrition ideas...period...end of story.    They are antiquated in their knowledge.    Better to see a chiropractor who is also a naturopath or just someone who really has a clue.

I have been studying nutrition and wellness for 40 years and I agree with much of Sheryl with some additions.

Use Himalayan Pink salt, which has 85% sodium chloride and 84 trace minerals to get all of your minerals required for your body and let go of while salt which is toxic (in these areas especially) and is 97% sodium chloride and 3% bleaching agents to remove the true color and remove the trace minerals.

Brown bread is not specific so see where you can access to other than white bread, which is the worst, and there are some small cottage industries making really good bread..a minimum of ingredients is usually a good sign and you will not find good bread in supermarkets in Thailand IMO.

Coconut oil and Olive oil are the absolute best to cook with and possibly rice bran oil but safflower and sunflower are showing up to be GMO in many places.    It took me years to understand that cooking with water is best and then add a little oil afterward.

Regarding meat, if you cannot find grass fed beef, I would not buy unless you know the source and the fat in small amount are good for you just like other good fats, avocado, coconut, etc. and ask more questions about the source of everything you are buying.

I eat 3-5 eggs at a time and cook as little as possible favoring poaching or soft-boil or cook with coconut oil.

Good Luck to you!

1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

The advice you got is outdated. We know now that it is not the case that the amount of cholesterol you ingest directly alters the amount of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. It is much more complex than that.


The single most important thing to do diet wise involves not fats but sugars, as insulin resistance is closely linked to elevated lipids.


Avoid/minimize processed carbs and absolutely avoid things made with a lot of sugar.


Brown bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white. minimize pasta/noodles (or use whole what pasta)


Avoid processed (canned/packaged/frozen) foods


Avoid bad oils like palm oil (which is pretty much anything fried that you get at a restaurant or street stall - but you can have fried foods at home if you use healthy oils). Vegetable oils (Sunflower, safflower etc), olive oil are good.


As for meat, just avoid the fat and skin and keep portions on the small side in favor of more vegetables. 


Eggs in moderation are fine if not fried in an unhealthy oil.


The above dietary advice will not only usually improve lipid profile but will also help prevent development of type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers.


The other important bit is: more exercise, which does not have to be in a gym, can be anything that has you up and moving around more.

Sheryl's advice is spot on...   I would add that altering diet has only a small effect on cholesterol levels..   keeping your weight down and exercise are equally important...  I'm not saying not to worry about your diet.. Sheryl is right... eat unprocessed food.. lots of vegies & salad... good oils  and keep the alcohol intake down.. oily fish in your diet is good too.. salmon, mackerel, tuna.. etc..


Google.. effect of diet on cholesterol levels..  http://www.ravnskov.nu/2015/12/27/myth-3/


I would also recommend getting (if you have't got one) a blood pressure monitor and checking your blood pressure regularly..  it goes up and down quite a bit normally but should be somewhere between 115 and 130... if not consider speaking to a Dr about an anti-hypertensive medication .. not the Dr mentioned above..   As we age the capillaries lose their elasticity.. and stroke risk is increased with high blood pressure..  it used to be thought that 140 was ok for our age but recent research recommends much lower.. that is systolic pressure.. the higher number  ..the lower number ..diastolic.. is less important... unless so low that you are dizzy when you stand up.. around 80 is good..  ..High blood pressure has implications for heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease as well..  following a good diet, weight control & exercise is good for high cholesterol and  is also good for you blood pressure level.. 


Lazada has blood pressure monitors for as little as 700 Bt.. I've got the 700 Bt one and it works just fine..  good luck..


Reference:  American Society of Hypertension  ..  world leader in hypertension research..  http://www.ash-us.org/






I like you my numbers are high, it runs in my family,  since when I turn 40 I was told of the problem and I'm not overweight and exercise and I mean a lot!

The answer is Moderation!   I don't drink, smoke but my weakness is roast pork, fry chicken skin, ice cream, chips I'm not willing to give any of it up!  I don't like fish and if I eat fish it is got to be boneless and fried, so in place I eat lots of fruit and veggies. 

Again moderation, hard if not impossible so due to my age and habit I take the pill to help out but that can be dangerous too since the pill is so good it makes you think " I'll eat that and make sure I take a pill. 


So I do a combo, so I can enjoy.  good luck


I am at the 60 zone and fighting both cholesterol and type 2.


My advice



I eat a lot of salad and veggies,

Fish  and chicken are ok as far as cholesterol is concerned.  

Stay away fro  processed foods and anything that is white as it has had the crap beat out of it and is not normal.


OH yeah eat in moderation.  Unlike what mom told you it is ok to leave food on your plate


Cholesterol is not bad, it's necessary.  Your triglycerides are high and you can fix this ... it's very unlikely that your LDL cholesterol is high due to dietary sources.  Best assume that Dr's no nothing about nutrition ... they are not trained for this so no reason for them to know any more that you do.  Cholesterol is produced by the body in response to inflammation to protect itself plus a few other things.  Some people have high levels just based on heredity.  There are three main types of cholesterol (apart from triglycerides): HDL (this is good, you need more) and two types of LDL (A and B).  Type A LDL is mainly harmless, type B can be a problem.  In Thailand they can only tell you your total LDL, they don't have available any of the tests to sort out your A vs B.  Maybe have that checked next time you are back to your home country or in Hong Kong or Singapore.  Don't not take cholesterol lowering meds.  They have nasty effects that degrade your quality of life and health and there is a mountain of evidence that lowering cholesterol with meds does not extend life.  If I were you, I would attack the cholesterol problem by removing those things that are causing inflammation.  There are many but a short list: check ingredients in household and personal cleaning products, are insecticides being used where you live (stop), get sugar out of your life including all sources of carbohydrates, increase the fat content of your diet (saturated fats are OK), eat veggies with every meal esp green color,  use good oils (olive, coconut, almond, avocado, macadamia etc), lose weight, don't do long slow cardio, do strength training and interval training, meditate twice a day (reduces stress and cortisol), start intermittent fasting etc.  If you can give up drinking, then these changes will be easy.  I have done all of the above (with great improvement to health and happiness) but can't give up drink.


There should be no issue with beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, eggs, fish etc.  Diet is not the main source of cholesterol.  Eating more of these ill not reduce your cholesterol though - did the Dr really tell you that?  Butter is fine, lard not as bad as it was thought (both carry a heavy calorie punch though so watch out).  Margarine and cooking oils like canola, soy, peanut, etc do cause inflammation so are to be avoided. 




I am NOT a doctor, but I play one at home all the time....if you are not comfortable with your current doctor's report....seek out others in and around your area.....sooner or later you will get the answers you seek....and in the meantime....enjoy your life. ??????


I dropped my Cholesterol to 180 by eating more vegetables and white meat chicken no skin in your case I take a low dosage of cholesterol Meds for 3 months then recheck your blood levels also try to use less sugar 


If you really want to change something in your next blood test result:


1- steamed vegetables(no fried).

2- chicken breast only, no skin.

3- eggs without yoke. 

4- salmon fish (light fried with little canola                    oil or grilled better). Frozen full Salmon at Makro if available at your area.

5- Black beans.

6- No white rice( rice berry is ideal)

7- low salt and sugar 

8- No red meat , no seafood

9- lime as much as you can, if you have no problem with.

10- Wheat bread 


I do folow this diet.+ at least 500 Vit c everyday. Vit B as well but not everyday.

I drink beer but not too much. 


Dont forget exercise. 


I could lower my gf cholesterol by the same diet. 


Good luck with your next test. 


5 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

OP step 1 walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week and then increase the time to a hour each day as your body tells you it is getting stronger. Get small dumb bells and do a routine with them. Do some stomach routines to avoid back problems. Start to listen to your body, it tells you what is good for you and what is bad for you. If you eat fatty food and get heart burn you know to avoid it. If you walk for too long you would not feel well etc. To get cholesterol under control by diet alone is not going to work, you need to get fit. Try to get a fitness buddy, it makes it easier. Take 2 days off every week to give your body chance to recover, you are not 30 anymore.


As for your diet, moderation and balance is key. Eat as many as possible fresh fruit and veggies. Increase your protein in take as a percentage of your total diet. This increase should be through plant protein, beans etc. As for pork, it has very little fat in the muscle (meat). The fat on pork is easy to remove compared to beef. Start to eat steamed food and eat more soup type dishes. Avoid deep fried food. Avoid processed food. Avoid marinates or any additive of which the contents is unclear (normally loaded with sugar or salt). When you eat eggs eat them boiled or poached. Use olive oil, not cheap oils. Watch your water in take, you are starting to sweat more thus need more water and even mineral replacements (no energy drinks). Start to make your own food from scratch instead of buying take away. When you have finished a week and have kept to your diet and fitness routine, spoil yourself with something you like to eat.


There was a program on BBC called Trust me I am a doctor. In one of these programs they did a test on the effect of oats and almonds on cholesterol (you can watch it on the internet). The bottom line is eat a bowl of oats every morning with a handful of almonds and the effect maybe as great as that of statins. There is something in oats that binds cholesterol and prevent it from entering the bloodstream. I add raw linseeds and roasted sunflower seeds, with 3 bananas, milk and a teaspoon of pure honey.


Good luck.

Thanks for the advice which I will consider seriously.

However: Exercise: sorry, BS. You may have read that I just finished 140 metres of garden wall and (consequently) I won't be buying any dumbbells any time soon, I really, quite earnestly, believe that this whole "take some exercise" business, in my case at least, is a load of B***s. I actually do believe that physical work is good for you. I do go swimming, the best exercise available, now and then

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