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SURVEY: The Royal Wedding -- did you watch or not?


SURVEY: The Royal Wedding -- did you watch or not?  

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2 minutes ago, CGW said:

Lets be honest, it got a hell of a lot of publicity, the Royal PR machine, which obviously includes the British Brainwashing Corporation went all out on this to try guarantee their jobs for a few more years!

What country are you from...?

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Wonder how many of their German family were invited, more than the British side I imagine? though nor sure there is actually any British blood in there family chain!

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Seems many enjoyed the circus, courtesy of the British taxpayers, so I suppose it was worth the money.


Not my cup of tea and a bit boring how CNN hijacked the thing to be a racial thingy. Harry got the best looking broad in that household now, savvy fella.

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I don't have a TV so I couldn't even if I wanted to.    Loads of my friends were posting about it on Facebook, but I saw no mention of any websites that were streaming it.   

I've watched a few short clips and it looked nice, bit more extravagant than a normal wedding, but not much more from what I could see.  

Good luck to him, she's a babe and I often lusted after her while watching suits.  It's a shame she won't be on the show anymore.


Edited by seancbk
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2 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I don't have a TV so I couldn't even if I wanted to.    Loads of my friends were posting about it on Facebook, but I saw no mention of any websites that were streaming it.   

I've watched a few short clips and it looked nice, bit more extravagant than a normal wedding, but not much more from what I could see.  

Good luck to him, she's a babe and I often lusted after her while watching suits.  It's a shame she won't be on the show anymore.


Maybe she could get a job on 'The Royle Family' as a replacement for Caroline Aherne. ?

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15 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


Seriously please tell a little about what you found interesting regarding the  Royal Pageantry.   


That's a sincere question.


Please don't devolve this to a Trump/USA Brit kind of thing.


I'm asking what you found worth your time watching the royal wedding?



Ok, with some seriousness.  I enjoy history and learning of other cultures.  This adulation of Royalty is completely foreign to my beliefs and my country. So are native rituals and religious beliefs usually different than mine.  That doesn't mean I can't be interested in possibly learning something.  As I said.  It is not something I want any part of but it does stem from British history and this wedding will now become part of it. Clearly this was an event of worldwide attention. There is a lot of conversation that an American spin was put on many aspects. I like to have some first hand knowledge as I know it will be a huge topic of conversation and debate as seen here.


The comments of some posters here of tax issues, and other British concerns are not my business and I comment on this topic half tongue in cheek.  It was a type of entertainment on a lazy afternoon.  I certainly didn't plan a schedule around it. At the same time as the wedding I was watching MotoGP qualifying and flipping channels. :)


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14 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I don't have a TV so I couldn't even if I wanted to.    Loads of my friends were posting about it on Facebook, but I saw no mention of any websites that were streaming it.   

I've watched a few short clips and it looked nice, bit more extravagant than a normal wedding, but not much more from what I could see.  

Good luck to him, she's a babe and I often lusted after her while watching suits.  It's a shame she won't be on the show anymore.



Impressive observation!


  Normal wedding?

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Dare I suggest it's more of an english thing than Scottish thing.

When people say things like the queen of england my usual answer is 'never heard of her, I know who the Queen of the UK is though' 

It's similar to people who stick up a Union Jack and call it the english flag. It either shows a complete lack of knowledge or a solidly mis-placed sense of self importance and a similarly mis-placed national pride.

I've often wondered if we hadn't had two world wars would they have dropped the German family name and gone over to being called Windsor?

At her Coronation the title(s) she was given was 

Queen of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and her other Realms and Territories.

Nowhere does it mention queen of england.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think he was referring to your claim to have served in the ENGLISH army. It's been the BRITISH army for a good while now.

My country's army eliminated it's EME years ago, and combined it with some other corps, but the present army probably hasn't much more to maintain than a couple of trucks and a bicycle.

No, they sold the trucks.

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4 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

I don't want to see or know taxpayer's money wasted for any anachronistic royal celebrations 

I don’t think you know much about how the Monarchy is paid for? 


The Crown estates are vast - the Queen takes a small percentage- I think 15% - of the income - and pays taxes.


So you might think -is this unfair - they own so much . It’s often quoted that the Monarchy costs about the same to each person as a Starbucks latte .


Then you get into an argument about ownership - I was brought up in an Elizabethan house within a huge estate. It’s the same , it’s historical.


The taxpayer should be more concerned about foreign aid ( £billions ) , corruption, benefits, illegal immigrants etc etc etc 



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2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Seems many enjoyed the circus, courtesy of the British taxpayers, so I suppose it was worth the money.


Not my cup of tea and a bit boring how CNN hijacked the thing to be a racial thingy. Harry got the best looking broad in that household now, savvy fella.

Why do you say it’s courtesy of the British taxpayers?


A repeating theme - please explain 

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 We have our Disneyland you have your Royal Family , I don't see what's the problem . Though i must admite , The rides at Disneyland are far superior.

On an unrelated subject.I  enjoy  a grilled cheese sandwiches but sadly I am out of cheese, I think I will look in the refrigerator again. perhaps there is some I didn't see.

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10 hours ago, vogie said:

When they freeze their oap pensions, yet can afford to fork out £60 million of tax payers money for this charade it sorta leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

a £ 500 million in additional turnover in the U.K, an estimated 1.9 BILLION who watched this all more-or less, so a 1/2 cent  per viewer ( no football mach even comes close to that ) , even the Chinese CCTV, so a lot of Chinese tourists to expeect to buuy their "made in China"souvenirs back,   this is the best marketing show at lowest cost on earth. 

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

No did not watch,but the wife was very interested in it ,

has Ladbrokes started taking bets on how long it will

last yet .....

regards worgeordie

could be a good money earner for Ladbrokes, I would not bet on it as I actually think they will be a twosome when I pop my clog's, and I do not expect that for many decades. 

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I didn't see any of it and am pretty ambivalent to it all really. However, when it comes to the UK royal family there are the passionate supporters and the haters with many of varying degrees of position in between the extremes. This whole situation, when looked at in the cold light of the day, is basically that they have no power really, influence very little and do as the elected government says pretty much as a diplomatic tool, a huge pull for tourism dollar with a large charity benefit related and focused dimension too (many charities need their royal patrons to attract donations).


Yes, they cost money but they probably bring in more money for business and government tax revenue through tourism related stuff than they cost, I reckon. Although, main thing is they have no political power really...unlike many of their peers of royalty around the world, without mentioning any names, and the UK royals truly are a constitutional monarchy that do what the elected government tells them to do to the benefit of the government in many ways. Also, the future of the UK royal family seems to be OK as William and Harry are not arrogant dicks which cannot be said for many of their other peers from around the world. 


Other thing to contemplate is that a country's royal family in a democratic western country will only prosper and continue if they are popular enough with the public...however brainwashed you consider the public to be on stuff in general. The UK royal family is popular with a large section of the public and so, as such, should be used and allowed to operate in a democratic country that wants it...but if this ever changed then that's a different matter and I would think they are all acutely aware of this point. 

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The millions of pounds spent for this wedding could have just about built a new hospital. Royals are a dying race, time to move on and stop wasting endless amounts of taxpayers money for people who are mere figureheads for a country.

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22 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

a £ 500 million in additional turnover in the U.K, an estimated 1.9 BILLION who watched this all more-or less, so a 1/2 cent  per viewer ( no football mach even comes close to that ) , even the Chinese CCTV, so a lot of Chinese tourists to expeect to buuy their "made in China"souvenirs back,   this is the best marketing show at lowest cost on earth. 

Wow, in that case you'd think they would do right by the oap's and pay them their increases. Does that mean I can expect to see an extra fiver in my pension this month.

I don't like soap operas on the TV, never mind in real life.

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9 minutes ago, DUNROAMIN said:

The millions of pounds spent for this wedding could have just about built a new hospital. Royals are a dying race, time to move on and stop wasting endless amounts of taxpayers money for people who are mere figureheads for a country.

Absolutely, and let's tear down all those old buildings, the castles, palaces and churches, anything built before 1990 should be done away with, just not energy efficient - Capability Brown gardens, give 'em to Barrets to build new houses on, the people will thank you! :post-4641-1156694572:

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3 minutes ago, DUNROAMIN said:

The millions of pounds spent for this wedding could have just about built a new hospital. Royals are a dying race, time to move on and stop wasting endless amounts of taxpayers money for people who are mere figureheads for a country.

Nobody actually reads posts.


The Queen always comes out top of the most respected woman in the world .


The Royals are more popular than ever - the republican movement is microscopic.


The concept that they cost the taxpayers vast amounts of money is flawed 


Explain - how much do they cost? 


If Trump a wonderful president ( that is the sort of thing the republicans think we should have instead of the Monarchy)  comes to London on a state visit - the costs will be far greater . Rather wonderfully in the UK we can go out on the streets and protest - he won’t do it . 


Will you all be up in arms - out on the streets whinging about new hospitals?


I think not .  



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