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Why you as a farrang live in Thailand


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19 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

So back to the OP why do you live in Thailand ?

Why not live in your home country because it was cheap

to live in Thailand but the point is if you do not have an

income from you home country or any were else how

would you live in Thailand ? I am glad I moved back I can

have anything I like I don't get harassed or double charged

do get free medical treatment  and so many other things

I only speak on behalves of Australians 

Only medicare isnt free in Australia unless you are on a pension or some form of government benefits. Employees pay a medicare levy as part of the compulsory tax component on their gross income, or a reduced levy if they take out private health insurance. The fact that its a compulsory tax that is automatically garnished from ones gross income doesn't equate to a free healthcare system. Then add to the fact that most doctors in Australia don't bulk bill and charge their patients a gap payment means that health cover is far from free. 

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3 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

Only medicare isnt free in Australia unless you are on a pension or some form of government benefits. Employees pay a medicare levy as part of the compulsory tax component on their gross income, or a reduced levy if they take out private health insurance. The fact that its a compulsory tax that is automatically garnished from ones gross income doesn't equate to a free healthcare system. Then add to the fact that most doctors in Australia don't bulk bill and charge their patients a gap payment means that health cover is far from free. 

Wrong gap cover applies to private health insurance not public..There are plenty of doctors that bulk bill and public hospitals are 100% free but of course elective surgery can take a year. If your not a pensioner and have a work permit here than what is the problem in staying in Thailand?

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21 hours ago, Parsve said:

The only rights I am asking for is that my reports should be equal handled whatever IO I go to and whatever officer that I happen to come to, that the police and other officials treat me as anyone else, even treat me as if I was a thai, that is what democracy is about, no one is “better than another”.  Probably there are corruption also in Australia (I have never been there so I do not know) and in USA, but in no way as it is in Thailand.

I also would like to see Thailand as a country, like other democratic countries where you not have to pay more for getting street food or get into for example a museum or a national park just because you are a “farrang”, that is another part of the democrat policy. I would like to see Thailand treat their own people equal never the less if they are poor or rich. I would like to see the police make people following the rules and laws that are decided of the government.

If you can tell me that any of those statement I have  mention above is wrong, I will apologise.

does Thailand have Social Security for it's seniors?  if no why?  i see so many old Thai's sleeping rough.  is their income tax?  no?  why?  where does all the money go?  just wondering. 

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20 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:


So back to the OP why do you live in Thailand ?

Why not live in your home country because it was cheap

to live in Thailand but the point is if you do not have an

income from you home country or any were else how

would you live in Thailand ? I am glad I moved back I can

have anything I like I don't get harassed or double charged

do get free medical treatment  and so many other things

I only speak on behalves of Australians 

No, you do not. You speak on behalf of yourself, nobody else.

Not every Australian has or will get a pension. There was a thing called superannuation introduced well over 20 years ago. Some of us have done well out of it. Can't get or need a pension.

Edited by emptypockets
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3 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

No doubt you also have a security guard with passes issued to residents.


And those guards can be less than useless. A friend of mine lived in such a community with such a security guard, and the disappeared the same day my friend's house was broken into and his SUV stolen along with everything else after they found the keys. The police demanded 100,000 to investigate (track down the security guard), which resulted in my friend having enough of living in such a s******e of a country and he returned to Australia.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I think you missed the bit about having a wife here. That's why I stay. Some here have said they would walk out on the family and leave because they are sick of being treated as a potential criminal. I wouldn't do that. Perhaps the authorities should clean up their own criminals first, but they probably wouldn't know where to begin and most of the time the police either don't care or are in on the criminal activity themselves. But foreigners make easy targets.


You're at it again though, aren't you. Trolling away. Putting you on my ignore list obviously doesn't work so I'll check for a way of blocking you. We exist on different planets. I'd be less polite but would be sent to the corner by the moderators.

Sorry this is a thread about, "Why you live in Thailand" and I thought that what you were posting about.   Although it did seem a bit odd discussing Spain but who am I to judge. 

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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

does Thailand have Social Security for it's seniors?  if no why?  i see so many old Thai's sleeping rough.  is their income tax?  no?  why?  where does all the money go?  just wondering. 

I believe you can google Thailand Social Security.  That's one of the great things about living in Thailand is an uncensored internet with great speeds. 

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5 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


And those guards can be less than useless. A friend of mine lived in such a community with such a security guard, and the disappeared the same day my friend's house was broken into and his SUV stolen along with everything else after they found the keys. The police demanded 100,000 to investigate (track down the security guard), which resulted in my friend having enough of living in such a s******e of a country and he returned to Australia.

Happened to me once too.  Most Farang treat the guards like 2nd class citizens. I brought ours some soda when we went out at night and established a rapport with the fellow.  Paid off in the long run as he told me when my GF was messing around on me. 

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8 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

one of the great things about living in Thailand is an uncensored internet with great speeds. 

Source please?


Before you get me started. 


PS: Now he's going to take a screenshot from speedtest, wanna bet?


Digital gateway a la China Marcus, they call it.

Edited by lkv
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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

That has nothing to do with what I said. I'm referring to he BULLYING posts we always get, saying just go home if you're not totally thrilled with everything here. OBVIOUSLY if your feeling or experience is as EXTREMELY and TOTALLY negative as you describe you would have already left. I find that a cheap deflection from my overall defense against the BULLYING. Again, it has no value. It's stupid, obnoxious, and mean. Probably many of the people posting such garbage don't even LIVE here and don't like their unrealistic FANTSIES of what living here would be disturbed. 

What's with the CAPITALISATIONS? Is it a US/Trump thing? Really annoying.

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6 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Now now Marcus, the speeds may be great but uncensored? Surely you jest?


Here's a link for more details. It's best if I don't say any more...



I've used a VPN in Thailand for 10 years with no problem.  If there was any serious intention of censorship they would have system like China.  Any time you need any information about Thailand feel free to ask. 

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7 minutes ago, lkv said:

Source please?


Before you get me started. 


PS: Now he's going to take a screenshot from speedtest, wanna bet?


Digital gateway a la China Marcus, they call it.

Me.  I have no problems with censorship especially google.  Does Thailand censor your google searches.  I know they do in China but this is the first I've heard in Thailand. 

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2 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I've used a VPN in Thailand for 10 years

Why the VPN? Isn't it uncensored, freedom of speech, anybody can comment anything they like?


What are you worried about?

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

That has nothing to do with what I said. I'm referring to he BULLYING posts we always get, saying just go home if you're not totally thrilled with everything here. OBVIOUSLY if your feeling or experience is as EXTREMELY and TOTALLY negative as you describe you would have already left. I find that a cheap deflection from my overall defense against the BULLYING. Again, it has no value. It's stupid, obnoxious, and mean. Probably many of the people posting such garbage don't even LIVE here and don't like their unrealistic FANTSIES of what living here would be disturbed. 

You dont have to read the threads. You could leave the forum. Just a thought.

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8 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

If there was any serious intention of censorship they would have system like China.  

"Not as bad as" logical fallacy.


It's not as bad as China, therefore it's good.


Enjoy the VPN Marcus.

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6 minutes ago, lkv said:

Why the VPN? Isn't it uncensored, freedom of speech, anybody can comment anything they like?


What are you worried about?

I used a VPN in America.  Far more necessary than Thailand.  Thailand I don't care what anyone knows about me.  America now that's a different story. 

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Just now, marcusarelus said:

I used a VPN in America.  Far more necessary than Thailand.  Thailand I don't care what anyone knows about me.  America now that's a different story. 

Ah right so it's worse in America therefore Thailand is good.


Not as bad as.


I understand.

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