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house visit

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We made our escape to the in-laws' upcountry about two weeks ago. On the way up the wife's sister was already on the phone with friends in the moo ban, including those in the pu yai's crew. They wanted my ID, already had my passport photo on my phone, sent it through Line. Upon arrival we all posed for a photo. Then for the first few days they came by to do paperwork, checking boxes saying that we weren't sick, and checking our temperatures. After that, just smiles and asking if everyone's OK. A rather pleasant experience.

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10 minutes ago, wazzadg44 said:

If I had arced up about ID or not showing passport who knows where that would lead to

Who would care?

I'm not in their system, so I usually avoid this sort of nonsense.

If they're doing something house to house I'll go along with it.

If it's just racist/xenophobic harassment, I'll not play ball.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

We made our escape to the in-laws' upcountry about two weeks ago. On the way up the wife's sister was already on the phone with friends in the moo ban, including those in the pu yai's crew. They wanted my ID, already had my passport photo on my phone, sent it through Line. Upon arrival we all posed for a photo. Then for the first few days they came by to do paperwork, checking boxes saying that we weren't sick, and checking our temperatures. After that, just smiles and asking if everyone's OK. A rather pleasant experience.

because they were polite?

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18 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

I had a group out the other day, clearly coming to my house because I’m a foreigner, didn’t check anything but handed out a pamphlet and saying if you go out you have to wear a mask. 

I fully expect they will do house to house “checks” at some point, most being conducted by the village headman. 

Di they visit your house only? How do you know any answer to my question?

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I had a visit last night as well by 3 persons (1 x male, 2 x females) about 10 minutes after returning from work. Living in P'lok (Chinnalapat). I was just putting the prong collar on the dog for his walk when they arrived and had to take him inside (he's a bit territorial) so the missus dealt with them. Asked a bit about travel history and wanted to see my passport, no mention about returning with a certificate AFAIK.


This has nothing to do with immigration and is a directive from the governor & mayor of Muang, P'lok. The following is an extract from an email I received a few days ago which was forwarded:


"My wife is in an alumni group with the governor of Phitsanulok AND the mayor of Muang Phitsanulok.  This just came out in long announcement that her alumni group received from them.  It is from the horse’s mouth – NOT a rumor.  The text is many pages and is in Thai.  It is a Phitsanulok order, not a national one.


TODAY forces are coming out to interview EVERY foreigner in Phitsanulok Province, regardless of nationality.  Each puyai ban in each mooban will be in charge of the project.  They all know where you are.  They will ask what you have been doing, where have you been, what are your movements and plans."

Edited by chrisinth
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1 hour ago, Colabamumbai said:

They have no business to be at 

my door. 

No business, at your door in your home country ????


But you are in Thailand, and things work a little bit different here.

It works the way 'they' see it as being effective, whether you want nor like it or it's not correct or doesn't make any sense to you.


People living in larger cities might not have seen this, but the locals with blue caps and yellow scarfs, are community volunteers.

They work throughout the year on many projects for their district/villages, from baking cupcakes to helping traffic around the temple at larger 

events and now also helping to check people's temperatures etc. They work together with, and at order from the local municipality.


I do understand Britmanstoo logic, people meeting many people from door to door, could be a risk when knocking on your door.


And then we have Thai logic clashing Western logic again.


Foreigners who said, I stay in Thailand, it's safer here than in their home country, have not thought it completely through what could happen in Thailand if it really escalates here, too.


Now you are here and stayed put. Just try to not make yourself crazy if things are not working the way as you would expect it to see happening back in your home country.


Not in normal times and not in Corona times (i.e. door to door checks from volunteers, long q's at immigration, only foreigners 'likely' to have corona etc.)






Edited by RedPill
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48 minutes ago, scorecard said:

My Thai son is also very careful about talking to / giving things to monks. All stems from his 3 months as a novice many years ago, seeing many monks drinking, smoking, gambling, getting fast food and whisky delivered in the evening, watching porn regularly and making young boys / teen boys sit and watch the full on porn,  and  and trying to take teen (and older) girls to their cabins, having a lot of cash in their yellow shoulder bags, etc.


About every 60 days he and his wife take their 3 daughters to a local temple to a temple so that his kids grow up having experienced the basics of temple activities etc.,  but my son, and his wife, won't allow the monks anywhere near his daughters. 


People who come to our house are never allowed inside the house, even with a uniform have to have solid proof of who they are or my son will quickly but politely tell them to leave. Several times he's asked for the name and telephone number of their boss, 99% of the time they quickly disappear. 





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Here at my villa in Naklua volunteers came and checked every house and posted something on the wall. They did ask about our travel but didn't ask for a passport or anything. They even asked my wife to rat out any neighbors that might be sick or not social distancing. It was all really friendly. I don't see any issue with that either, it is just caution.

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18 hours ago, wazzadg44 said:

Some very interesting comments-first up HE did not appear in a uniform of any sort. Had on casual clothes and the cap.scarf. I was inside and my wife was outside when he arrived and the first I knew of it was when She came in and asked for my passport. I went out and was handed a form (in Thai) that a previous Falang had added his name and age. That was it for me-my wife did all the rest and I went back inside. HE left around 5 minutes later to see the German chap next door. Could have been Or Bor Tor or Tessabaan-not immigration. He could have also shown my wife ID when he arrived. She did not say so but I am used to getting only half the story because of "can not say English". Not many Falangs out here where we are-HE had only 3 on his books. If I had arced up about ID or not showing passport who knows where that would lead to-I have had a very enjoyable ten years here and intend to have another ten so I will not rock the boat unnecessarily.


 At the cave rescue:


Hundreds of local and foreign volunteers help with rescue, SE Asia ...


Royal Volunteer Spirit Program (904 VorPorRor)


 Royal Volunteer Spirit Program (904 VorPorRor)





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