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Man shoots wife in head after she refused him liquor money


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14 hours ago, jadee said:

Sad for the baby's sake, but I'm sure he'll be looked after by relatives. I'm more curious about a) how the man can afford a gun and ammo but not a drink? and b) 11mm? What pistol is chambered for 11mm? I've heard of 0.44 caliber but 0.433 sounds a little obscure.  

0.44 or 0.45 is equivalent to 11mm, those are the common off the shelf rounds.


Hope they pick-up the guy trying to cross provinces or laying up somewhere local.

What a thing to do because you can't have a drink, kill the wife & leave a baby parent-less...

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again we see the thai male ego/face thing in action, its really pathetic the way so many thai males think bit then you only have to look at how they were raised to see why, they are not number one. So sad for the wife's family and of course the baby, what happened to the ban on alcohol if he wanted money to buy it, local seller must not have been following the law but thats is not unusual in Thailand either, money is more important than the law

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2 minutes ago, chrissables said:

On another thread you said the ban was good because it would stop domestic violence! 

Yes it was good, but seemed the ban was not done correctly otherwise this guy could not have bought alcohol and would not have had to kill his wife as he could not buy it.


So this is just a confirmation of the link of alcohol and domestic violence. Anyone blind to see it is crazy.


Had the ban be full proof this guy could not have bought alcohol so he would not have needed to shoot his wife as he could not buy it anyway.

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 I suspect there are many wives who are going through terrible times since the government banned all alcohol sales they say that the ban will end on 30 April I can see a lot of people falling down drunk on 1st May ( May Day ) public holiday I don’t think the banning of alcohol was a very good idea.

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1 minute ago, crazykopite said:

 I suspect there are many wives who are going through terrible times since the government banned all alcohol sales they say that the ban will end on 30 April I can see a lot of people falling down drunk on 1st May ( May Day ) public holiday I don’t think the banning of alcohol was a very good idea.

I think its safe to say many wives were saved by the ban. Otherwise they might have ended up like this one. In places where the ban was upheld well the wives would not have to spend money on alcohol. Now they need all the money for food. This ban helped them. 


Just look at the link between alcohol and domestic violence. If you do your research you see there is big link.

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19 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes it was good, but seemed the ban was not done correctly otherwise this guy could not have bought alcohol and would not have had to kill his wife as he could not buy it.

The pro-prohibition crowd will never understand the issue. You can not ever stop people from drinking. By "banning" alcohol all you achieve is boosting the price. I hear a small beer sells for approx 300B these days in Bkk. So a regular drinker that drinks 10 bottles a day which cost 500B before now must find 3,000B per day. And stopping is not an issue. Alcoholics/addicts will move heaven and earth to get their stuff. Nothing is more important to them. And then people with no understanding of the issue claim it makes households safer!? The mind boggles.

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12 minutes ago, robblok said:

I think its safe to say many wives were saved by the ban. Otherwise they might have ended up like this one. In places where the ban was upheld well the wives would not have to spend money on alcohol. Now they need all the money for food. This ban helped them. 


Just look at the link between alcohol and domestic violence. If you do your research yu see there is big link.

You don’t have to tell me anything about alcoholism I suffered years of it as a child to the extent I couldn’t stand it any more and ran away from the hell I was forced to live in . Alcoholism is a disease just like drugs it eats your mind and body away so much so that those around you either go the same way or choose to leave that terrible environment I chose the latter . The government should have provided a free hotline as well as medication for those alcoholics and there are a lot of them in Thailand before placing a blanket ban on the sale of alcohol sadly this poor woman won’t be the last to lose her life it was only last week I read of a father in Bangkok battering his young son to death and although it gave no reason I ask myself was it down to him being unable to get the dreaded drink or drugs.

Edited by crazykopite
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1 minute ago, TopDeadSenter said:

The pro-prohibition crowd will never understand the issue. You can not ever stop people from drinking. By "banning" alcohol all you achieve is boosting the price. I hear a small beer sells for approx 300B these days in Bkk. So a regular drinker that drinks 10 bottles a day which cost 500B before now must find 3,000B per day. And stopping is not an issue. Alcoholics/addicts will move heaven and earth to get their stuff. Nothing is more important to them. And then people with no understanding of the issue claim it makes households safer!? The mind boggles.

Same goes for drugs you can never stop people from it yet right wingers like you seem to want to uphold that ban. Drugs are drugs right.. just like alcohol.


A ban is not perfect but if enforced it would limit them and a lot could not buy and would be saved but some would of course get their stuff, just like drug addicts. But for a large part it works.


I am not against alcohol in a normal setting but during a lock up it will only increase violence. The link between domestic violence and alcohol has been well established. 

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1 minute ago, crazykopite said:

You don’t have to tell me anything about alcoholism I suffered years of it as a child to the extent I couldn’t stand it any more and ran away from the hell I was forced to live in . Alcoholism is a disease just like drugs it eats your mind and body away so much so that those around you either go the same way or choose to leave than fully I chose the latter . The government should have provided a free hotline as well as medication for those alcoholics and there are a lot of them in Thailand before placing a blanket ban on the sale of alcohol sadly this poor should won’t be the last to lose her life it was only last week I read of a father in Bangkok battering his young son to death and although it gave no reason I ask myself was it down to him being unable to get the dreaded drink or drugs.

Thing is the government in this country shoots first then thinks. Your right more should have been done then just banning it. Maybe real alcoholics should still have gotten it. But not too much otherwise there would be resale. Again really difficult to uphold a real ban. 


But just like with other drugs alcohol is addictive only to a smal part of the people using it. Many can use it safely. That is the problem how to ban it for addicts (with help to make them quit) but keep it for normal users.

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

strange that he left her dead with the money still in her hand, obviously not premeditated just a fit of rage from an alcoholic.

My GF says he maybe left the money so the deceased's ghost didn't come after him!!!! 

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15 hours ago, sungod said:

In a country that uses metric, could be a generic term for .44 or .45.


11mm is not a standard size I'm aware of.

Yes the rest of the world call it. 45acp

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Same goes for drugs you can never stop people from it yet right wingers like you seem to want to uphold that ban. Drugs are drugs right.. just like alcohol.

No idea where this wholly false flame came from? As a libertarian I strongly advocate the legalization of each and every drug known to mankind. Up to the user if they want to take it or not. Ignorant people that want to ban everything under the assumption that it will eradicate the substance are living in a dream world. I can leave my home and return in under 2 minutes with a baggie of heroin, although it has been illegal for 80 odd years, and it costs a fortune. Total failure on the part of the prohibitionists. This lady died due to ill thought out prohibition of alcohol, and you bang on about "right wingers"? 

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22 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

No idea where this wholly false flame came from? As a libertarian I strongly advocate the legalization of each and every drug known to mankind. Up to the user if they want to take it or not. Ignorant people that want to ban everything under the assumption that it will eradicate the substance are living in a dream world. I can leave my home and return in under 2 minutes with a baggie of heroin, although it has been illegal for 80 odd years, and it costs a fortune. Total failure on the part of the prohibitionists. This lady died due to ill thought out prohibition of alcohol, and you bang on about "right wingers"? 

Well 'up to the user' sounds OK, but IMHO that statement or attitude can't really stand alone because in a civil society nobody can ignore that they must respect the rights of others to go about their daily activities and assume a civil society  provides some level of safety / some level of respect for others.


On the other hand if folks want total freedom to do as please with no controls then they must accept that if someone shoots them or their wife or kids then they must accept it without recourse.



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21 hours ago, jadee said:

Sad for the baby's sake, but I'm sure he'll be looked after by relatives. I'm more curious about a) how the man can afford a gun and ammo but not a drink? and b) 11mm? What pistol is chambered for 11mm? I've heard of 0.44 caliber but 0.433 sounds a little obscure.  

In fact, the uninformed jorno is relaying an old ...french interpretation; caught within their metric obsession of the time: 11.43mm. is the name they gave to the US Army service handgun's caliber: the Colt 1911, which chambers a then new caliber called .45ACP (for Automatic Colt Pistol).

If you please, 'jadee'.

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You want an irrational guy to think rationally?


OK, I'm driving 100 kph in a 30 zone.....HOLD ON, let me pull over, think, re-asses, and then continue...


OK, I'm in a fight, he pulls a knife, I see a knife.....hold on, let me sit down, re-asses, consider....


This guy drinks, likely a lot, and has no money.  You then want him to act like someone who doesn't drink a lot and has money.  He obviously has a violent temper, but you want him to think like a person who isn't violent.


We are giving advice as we rest in bed, sip tea, listen to classical music.....while this guy is drinking fermented something to forget about living underneath some sticks in 40 degree weather with 20 baht to his name.  

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22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

If only they could stop and think ....just before they shoot,stab or strangle

their wives to death,if i do this ,what will the consequences be,but it seems

they never do,all because he wanted more alcohol,look for him at his mother's

house,a popular place to flee to.

regards worgeordie 

stop and think -- hahahahahaha

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