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Citizens frown at NACC decision clearing Prawit in luxury watch case


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

As i say many times, no better way to start the day, than with a good laugh.

Reading the above statement is just laughable that the clowns expect people to believe he did not break corruption law.

Yeah he did Col and he has got ofplenty of mates in the government who do also. They call it while collar crime and easier to get away with than blue collar crime

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

“Are we adhering to the rule of law or do we simply use it to favour some influential people?, ” he asked.


Law academics and judges must debate on this important matter, he suggested.

How about letting the population debate

this puzzling question, I'm sure they'll be

able solve it fairly quickly. 

Genuine watch for a upper class fake.


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1 hour ago, Expat Tom said:

Did you actually expect a different outcome ? This is not a Thailand problem. This is a worldwide problem. There is a two tiered justice system in the West as well as in Asia. There is one set of rules for those of power and privilege and another set you you and me. 

i am not sure but if you forgot to declare something, lets say at the border, maybe it would be confiscated, or pay a small fine. You wouldnt go to jail, or loose yr job. 

So he didnt declare some luxury items, so what. he isnt punished hard, just like you and me wouldnt be pushed in front of a the train.

Edited by herwin1234
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just another fine example of the Thai leading class playing their favourite game "charade", the Thai version comprises the famous elements "run & hide, lay 5 tracks but all of them dead after a while, lie wide-eyed / smilingly, plant a desaster into the future by using friends and friends of friends, steal openly, deny before being interrogated, accuse your neighbour/pal/family/peer/dentist etc. of wrongdoings, keep most assets overseas (or stash away in cash under your bed), buy dozens of SIM cards registered by a friend in Singapore, always keep 40 names & addresses each of Burmese, Laos, Khmer labourers ..."

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8 hours ago, Thechook said:

He's mother must have really chubby fingers and has he returned these watches to the friend who's name he couldn't remember.

I was thinking the same thing, seems to fit him almost as it was made for him, ehm

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They can clear him all day, every day. They can clear him left, right and center.


To me though, he will always be the Watchman.


Edited to add: By Thai standards, I would imagine there's immense shame in the fact alone that he had to wait this long to be vindicated. By a body stacked with guys he and his friend (the one who's still alive) handpicked. Now, I do realize it was a very complex and thorough investigation, but still. Makes me chuckle.


Edited by Caldera
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