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How You Went from Faith to Unbelief in God

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you sound just like my mom. 


to answer the original question. facts and evidence. i mean there is a clear cut winner emerging the more we learn as a species. 


in the modern world with all we know about the universe, science, and technology were supposed to take advice from a population who could barely read or write ? who  believe in a mysterious all knowing and seeing being living in a magical realm ? 


i have given you all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use.....kinda rings true with this one. meaning you sound high when you talk like that in today's world.

Edited by mr mr
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Given the potential size of the universe, I'd be very surprised if there weren't superior beings around. 

Having faith in one individual (or three) just doesn't make sense. There's many alternative religions around. 


However, one thing they have in common is a promotion of how to get along with your fellow man in a civilized manner.

Sadly this is/has been exploited by the leaders of all faiths. To an extent that some are not considered to be the right kind of; Buddhist, or Christian, or Muslim, et al. Culminating in all kinds of atrocities.


I do not and will not ever, entertain any organised religion.

One day I'll find out if I'm wrong.

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I am an atheist, never believed anything you mentioned.
Went to my family's church until I was 18, then I thought 'never again'.

It didn't help that the priests were openly racist but closet homosexuals.

Where was Christ and his cross when millions of children got buggered by clerics?
Didn't see him help much, maybe he liked watching.


Edited by orchis
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I sat in a classroom as a 7 year old listening to an old spinster teacher explain that Mary was a Virgin, and that Joseph wasn’t the father? There was something a bit off about that story (as well as the other ones) ... firstly, Joseph never consummated the nuptials, and someone else slipped in in front of him, and he bought the story that it was God! 

These are stories. Stories traced back to a time when people believed all sorts of nonsense about how we got here. They never made any sense to me as a youngster, and they make even less sense today. 

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23 hours ago, pomchop said:

Organized religions are the greatest con job ever sold to the human race. 

Pomchop, what a well written article -- you nailed all the aspects of why religion is a sham. Would the OP like to respond to all the aspects of pomchop's treatise? I thought not.

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On 6/12/2020 at 9:21 PM, Pilotman said:

I never did believe in ghosts, poltergeist, spirits, goblins, little green men, or a God. How can one possibly believe in something that runs counter to all logical scientific thought and for which there is precisely zero hard evidence.   Once you add, that more misery, wars, death and evil has been caused by adherents to one religion or another, usually against each other, you have a set of belief systems that are highly damaging, dangerous and destructive. Put God worshipping in the same box as astrology and mind reading.  

I went to Sunday school etc., like a good kid for years.

I got conscripted into the army and went to Vietnam.

During basic training my platoon went to the 2 hr session by the camp chaplain.

Chaplain pleasant enough guy, kept saying 'ask me any questions, any questions'.

A few recruits did, then I put my hand up and said 'excuse me sir I've always been confused where the bible came from'.

Chaplain went berserk and gave me a mouthful of abuse for being insulting, and called some soldiers to take me to the commanders office with a short note about my behavior.

I was paraded before the camp commander and all in 1 minute sentenced to additional kitchen cleaning duties for the next 3 months for being rude to the chaplain.

Didn't do much to give me any faith in the bible, god jesus etc.


But I'll add, very often during recruit training, especially just after long sessions in the jungle etc., we would suddenly come across a small army land rover with a Salvation Army officer, a big urn of hot sweet tea and big trays of freshly cut sandwiches and never one word about god, jesus, let us pray etc. And the same but less often in Vietnam.

In Vietnam I never saw or was aware of any other chaplains being present. 


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