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Probably the parents of the real leader of the gang could afford the brown envelope. The school had to make an example of at least one pupil. Passing him on to another school if he is the trouble maker will just move the problem to the next school. 

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50 minutes ago, keith101 said:

So she wants the school to discipline the boy or as she puts it the correct direction instead of her doing it which is the parents job not a teachers . 

Por has obviously done a runner, rule him out!

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43 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

Probably the parents of the real leader of the gang could afford the brown envelope. The school had to make an example of at least one pupil. Passing him on to another school if he is the trouble maker will just move the problem to the next school. 

Yes good point, or maybe the gang was gathering information on Mukdahan school yard activity and the monthly payment from the Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs didn't make it through due to Covid-19 


I dont think they bother with child psychologist in Thailand or do they? My daughter is a child psychologist in England she's the head of a special care center 

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Most children around this age are either craving love & affection ,this the only way they know how to get noticed.

This young fella definitely need some effort put back into him.

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19 hours ago, keith101 said:

So she wants the school to discipline the boy or as she puts it the correct direction instead of her doing it which is the parents job not a teachers . 

This is so funny that it almost makes me laugh.


As to 11 years old and in gangs,  Yes it happens I was in one at age 9 and although we did not terrorize teachers,  They had a things called straps, yardsticks and rulers as well as the brutal we will call your father. 


It is easy in Thai schools these days to terrorize teachers.  If you have been a teacher in a Thai government school you know this.  Especially for the young female teachers.


The kids do not care if they learn they know that they are going to pass.  11 means he is Pratom 6 and therefore a senior boy in the school and they know next year they will be back to being minnows in the ocean again.


Remember teachers are not allowed to touch a student but students are allowed to touch teachers and threaten them.


By kicking out the ring leader the Director is sending a message to all the other students that he is not going to take it.


GOOD ON HIM  More school directors need to take this root.  Unfortunately it is not likely that any school in the area is going to take him if he is a troublemaker so the government may have to step in.




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  • Haha 1
19 hours ago, keith101 said:

So she wants the school to discipline the boy or as she puts it the correct direction instead of her doing it which is the parents job not a teachers . 


True of course, but there is a historic aspect to this matter, partly meaning that in the past teachers handed out regular severe discipline (I'm meaning in the past and still some teachers today), and parents were frightened to comment to either the teacher or the head. 


Plenty of past examples of parents trying to talk to the head and being told 'the teacher is doing his/her job and teaching discipline' and then telling the parents to g


Years ago I attended an informal discussion, on the panel 2 retired respected educators who shared deep insights into the history of teaching in Thailand (which is not actually that old) and how teachers were allowed/expected to discipline children, to some extent to the point where parents were expected to butt out. The 2 panel members were actually strongly advocating very serious changes to Thai education including specifically serious changes to the roles of parents and teachers. 


A very senior bureaucrat from the Thai ministry of education was also on the panel (an old dragon) she made it very clear that there was nothing wrong at all with any aspect of Thai education and she made it very clear 'you criticize Thai education and I will be after you'.

















He needs to be assessed and treated by a psychiatrist (which they do have in Thailand).  He might be bi-polar or one of the many other mental issues that can affect people to help him to cope with it and make other people's lives safer.  I am shocked that the Head of his School did not arrange for this to be done, although it would be great if his Parent took on this task, but they sadly probably have not considered it and would be more concerned with loss of face.  Alternatively a chat with a "friendly" policeman might do the trick.

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1 hour ago, Mywayboy said:

This young fella definitely need some effort put back into him.

When I played up at school my ole man put 6 lace-holes into me... he said if I did it again he had another 6 on the other foot... that learnt me !

He was a man of few words but his actions conveyed everything, when I grew up I respected him enormously.
I also told him being an engineer was wasted.. he could have played for England as a striker.

20 hours ago, keith101 said:
21 hours ago, webfact said:

She also reminded him that it was a teacher’s job to give children the correct direction, not just send them away.

So she wants the school to discipline the boy or as she puts it the correct direction instead of her doing it which is the parents job not a teachers . 

Of course. In Thailand it is always, always someone else's fault.


When I was at school and misbehaved we got the cane accross the <deleted> and if our father found out we would get a clip accross the ear as well, I think I turned out ok as have many others like me so maybe this is what is needed.

2 hours ago, time2093 said:

Another sad pathetic excuse of a Thai parent that cant discipline her own child and wants the school to do it for her.

True, but sadly many parents don't discipline their children because they are afraid if they take disciplinary action or even make simple comments about 'not nice to do that' their children won't love them.


Lecturing bachelor students at the 2 so called prestigious unis I had a couple of incidents: 


- Big strong 19 yo old boy picks up a heavy student chair with writing table arm attached and throws it at a girl who refused to go out with him. Girl's arm broken in 2 places. Not the first incident with this boy, a few months earlier he king punched another boy in the classroom, all his front teeth wiped out.


Dean calls boys father and asks him to come to campus discuss this broken arm incident. Father comes, father annoyed his time is being wasted and says so. Dean says 'please talk to your son and explain to him he cannot behave like this and he cannot hurt other students'.


Father response (he's a loud scaly Thai politician): 'NO, I want my son to have fun at university' and walks out.


- I put a very arrogant girl in a small team (from memory 5 members x 6 teams) to do an end of course case study and presentation. She came to maybe 50% of the compulsory sessions to prepare their report and presentation but just talked and laughed on her phone to her friends and left early. Several times I took her aside and told her she had to show contribution to the team work. Her basic rude response 'what for, they can do it'


Throughout the last weeks in the semester I spoke many times about the presentation and made it very clear (with a printed handout and a note on the class facebook page) that:


1) all members of each team had to take part in the team presentation, 2) all students had to be in the classroom at the start time, and 3) I would not be announcing in advance in advance which team came first to make their presentation etc. 4) Any team which was missing a member at the announced start time would automatically fail the case study.


Final day come arrogant girl mentioned above not in the room. She throws the door open about 1 hr late walks in and disrupts the presentation in progress. I told her to leave the room, she refuses, 3 boys waiting for their turn quickly bundle her out of the room as I inform her 'your team fails'.


When the remaining teams all finished I asked the team missing the arrogant girl to wait outside for few minutes but don't go anywhere. I discovered arrogant is waiting outside and ready to rip me apart (as she had already done to 2 other professors). 


I quickly spoke to the rest of the class 'I guess it's unfair to punish the rest of her team, If you all agree I will change the rules and allow them to make their presentation. One of the mature intelligent boys said 'can I please suggest to take the vote but with an added point, Khun XXX (arrogant girl) not allowed to participate and she fails' Instant verbal agreement with his point. Vote taken. everybody agrees the team be allowed to make their presentation etc...). I asked the boy who had spoken up to quickly bring the last team in and everybody clapped. The boy bringing them in stopped arrogant girl from coming in through the door, and he says to her 'you fail, you can't come in' and he quickly closed the door and locked it.


Girl now repeatedly kicks the door. 


Later same after the dean of the faculty called me and asked 'are you on campus?', Yes 'can you please come to my office'. We talked 20 minutes, he agreed with my actions.


Then the parents come in with 2 of the girls aunts who are both professors at the same uni.


Aunties attack me, parents say nothing, but within another minute the dean said 'I agree with Dr. xxx's actions, there is no further discussion. Dean tells me this family have several kids like this the parents never discuss anything with them, never remonstrate them for anything, never teach right and wrong, 


Girl didn't return the next semester and one of the students announced that she went to Singapore to study. Two months later she came back and pleaded with the dean to allow her back. Dean tells her she's banned. She went home and abused her parents for ruining her life. 



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On 8/10/2020 at 8:57 AM, keith101 said:

So she wants the school to discipline the boy or as she puts it the correct direction instead of her doing it which is the parents job not a teachers . 

Bit quick to criticize given that you don't know the circumstances.  She may well be a struggling single mother or even have a useless drug addled abusive husband adding to the problem.  The school should offer to work with her, not just ship the little darling off to another school.  They have a duty of care but in Thailand, taking responsibility is something is simply not going to happen.  Shame on them!

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