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Red Bull Boss: Thai media reports he is in Dubai


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Killed a police  man...drug  charges  ...

If they really wanted him  a reward  for  a few  million  would be posted world  wide

He would be found in days  ( However   took long time to find Ronald  biggs but he was  clever not an arogant rich  apendage!)

They  dont want to find him  too many will go under  if he  goes  down

Good Luck Thailand 

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I'd imagine that a Thai of considerable wealth can easily assume the identity of a fellow Thai citizen of similar age who has passed away. Heck, even migrant workers from neighboring countries have been caught doing just that.


Then there's of course there's also the option to buy another country's passport. Thanks to the ineptitude of the RTP, he's had plenty of time to buy many!


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  • "He said the RTP has not received any information from the 194 countries that are members of Interpol after a Red Notice was issued a couple of weeks ago. "

Just completed a search of Interpol Red Notices, see hereunder, and there is NO red notice, so more lies by the RTP




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They  will never get him as long as his no good crooked family keeps lining the police pocket. They should put his mother and anyone else that is supporting him in jail but they will not because they police are just as more more crooked than his family. NEVER BUY ANY RED BULL PRODUCTS

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9 hours ago, connda said:

...thumbing his nose while flipping-off the Thai judiciary, and government, and the public - and laughing, laughing, laughing right up to the day that the statues of limitation expire at which time he'll return to mother Thailand to the open arms and apologetic embraces of the Thai elites while grinning like an idiot.  

Same probably as Taksin will.

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4 hours ago, tonysilly said:

The country of Thailand is suffering, people have no jobs, money. People die on the roads every day and they are worried about this stupid rich boy!!! Leave him alone. He is never coming back to Thailand.  Help Thai people please. Pattaya, aonang krabi, phuket, Samui and Bangkok are suffering... 

To get ordinary people to conform and respect the law, justice has to be seen to be done, especially where wealthy people are concerned. Otherwise ordinary people will just ignore the law because they believe it is merely to suppress them and protect the rich

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13 hours ago, connda said:

...thumbing his nose while flipping-off the Thai judiciary, and government, and the public - and laughing, laughing, laughing right up to the day that the statues of limitation expire at which time he'll return to mother Thailand to the open arms and apologetic embraces of the Thai elites while grinning like an idiot.  

I think you mean 'powdering his nose'

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14 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Quite right. Here is how it works:


1 - The investigator in charge dictates the letter to a police clerk who types it up on a 100-year-old manual typewriter;

2 - The letter then needs to be signed by the investigating officer before being submitted to the police chief for endorsement; which of course can take about 1 - 2 weeks as the police chief always is busy practising his golf game;

3 - The letter then needs to be translated into English, which takes between 6 and 8 weeks;

4 - The English translation must be signed by the investigating officer and endorsed by the chief of police; another 2 weeks down the drain;

5 - A low-level office is dispatched to go buy a postage stamp, which will take him at least 1 day;

6 - a committee researches the actual address of the authority in the U.A.E. to where the letter is to be mailed; time effort: 3 months;

7 - It turns out that the letter's weight is too high for the postage stamp, necessitating another trip to the post office; chalk down 1 more day;

8 - The letter is finally delivered to the post office and sent on its way, taking about 3 days to arrive in Dubai;

9 - As it turns out the U.A.E. addressee has moved to another location in the meantime, with the result that the letter is being returned to Bangkok as "undeliverable"

10 - repeat steps 1 to 8

Sounds pretty much correct...however, they want to send the letter to the UAE embassy in Bangkok I understood.

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18 hours ago, sweatalot said:

what does that mean?


A well known politician ? An infamous Thai politician residing in Dubai comes to mind


Or did the well known politician assist the press to get the information?

Yes, exactly. And what kind of assistance? Assistance to the boss or assistance to the police and to the people of Thailand to get him back to face Justice? Usual <deleted> journalism or translation of Thai into English in news articles commonly encountered on these pages.

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