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Calls to ban smoking in condominiums in Thailand


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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I never smoked in my life. But I had and have friends who smoke. And I go to bars were officially smoking is banned but nobody cares. And I am just fine. Let smokers smoke. Have a little tolerance.

It makes sense that people don't smoke in offices or i.e. a bank. But people who smoke their whole life should be able to go on the balcony or in front of the door or wherever and have a cigarette (of cigar, or pipe).


If smoking is soooo bad then make it a crime to sell cigarettes. And maybe also make it a crime to sell alcohol.

And maybe to be sure don't allow any car with more that 50HP or a top speed over 100km/h. 

I am sure there are many other rules and laws which would be for the "benefit" of the people.
Yeah, sure.


Enjoy life - and let the smokers enjoy their life.

Most of us have some habits which others don't like. Should all be illegal? Over to you.

Well said

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5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I was a smoker for around 35 years, and quit just under three years ago. 


Ban smoking in Condos? Hell yes!


Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


  1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
  2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
  3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
  4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
  5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
  6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
  7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
  8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
  9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
  10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


Ban smoking everywhere!



You are a typical ex-smoker still smarting from stopping!

I smoked from 1966 till 1978, just stopped one day in October of that year, never smoked again.

Never made an anti-smoking tirade

If somebody wants to smoke in his own house, power to him, if I don't like the smell, I stay away from his house.

Maybe once a month I am in the company of a smoker, don't think that will harm my health; driving a car, being in traffic, surely is worse for my health?

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12 minutes ago, Wiggy said:

Good. I’m fed up with picking up cigarette butts on my balcony from the careless ****heads that drop them from their balcony. 

That is a valid point. 

Complain to the management. In my building they have a fine for that, I think 2000B or something like that.

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30 minutes ago, mickymouse1 said:

B.H, why not ban drinking too? Alcohol is a health risk .

Prostitution too is a threat to health as it can easily spread diseases.

Old cars in the roads ,pollution  etc etc are all danger to health.????????????????????



You are either struggling to comprehend the issue or deliberately missing the point. 




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IF your kids scream all day long, disturb the neighbours and you do nothing about it, you are antisocial. 

IF you cook strong smelling food all the time and the smell disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you play your TV or music too loud and it disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial.

IF you fail to clean your Condo and it attracts cockroaches, ants etc which may spread to the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you have dogs which bark all day long and disturb the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you smoke on the balcony or indoors and the smoke disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial. 


This proposed regulation is simply about having consideration for others. It is borne out of necessity for some people are simply antisocial and have no regard for others. 




I remember being at a restaurant while my son was about 1 yrs old (sleeping in his pushchair), it was about 7pm, we were sat in the outdoors part. Yes, smoking was allowed there, but the weather was cool. No one was smoking, the tables were empty. 

A group of 4 came in, sat at the table next to us (next to the push chair). A woman, 1 meter from my son, looked at him, looked at me, then lit up a cigarette, the smoke went straight into his pushchair and she made no effort to prevent that. 

I was fuming and had words with her before we moved to a different table. 

She had no idea what she had done wrong. After all, she was sat outside and people were permitted to smoke outside !!!


It is this attitude of ’some’ smokers which upsets people and it why this is such a divisive issue.


The issue is perhaps not so much about smoking itself, but the sense of entitlement some people express for their rights when totally disregarding the rights of others. 





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Smelling someone's second hand smoke is just like having to smell an open sewer, and arguably more of a health risk. Why should other people accept having to smell another's pungent drug addiction? Sitting on a balcony with a cold beer and getting a nose full of someone's smoke is just nasty.


Perhaps letting people only smoke indoors at their condo, and only if the front door is sealed around the edges, that would be acceptable. Hallways filled with smoke? Nasty.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

stopping smoking by law would be better for everyone's health and save money.


If they really want to sell this, they need to focus on the safety rather than the health angle. It's very common for people who are drunk and/or tired to simply fall asleep while smoking, sometimes starting a dangerous fire. It's still up to smokers (at least as far as I'm aware) if they want to risk their own health by smoking in their rooms, but they have no right to risk the safety and well-being of their neighbours. An argument along those lines of community responsibility is more persuasive to the libertarians among us than trying to force everybody to look after their own health, just because some politician said so.

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6 hours ago, WorriedNoodle said:

I have a condo and so does the guy next door. Whenever he goes on his balcony for a smoke the stench wafts into all the neighbors condos including mine. It seems reasonable said guy should leave the building for a smoke.

I often have the same issue. Annoying. I thought smoking on balconies was banned few months ago? 


6 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Biggest problem I had in my condo was a screaming kid about two doors down.

Lets ban kids from condos. 

Yes, that is also very annoying.


5 hours ago, robblok said:

But I dont smell people smoking 5 meters away in the open air. 

I do and smelling it is annoying for me.

Edited by Mak25
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6 hours ago, quake said:

sorry but you have not quit long enough to start lecturing people.

come back in 5 years time.

Oki, I will support what he wrote and I stopped 31 years ago after smoking for 25 years from the age of 13. I don't want second hand smoke creeping into my life when at home, or anywhere else.

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17 minutes ago, Card said:

Oki, I will support what he wrote and I stopped 31 years ago after smoking for 25 years from the age of 13. I don't want second hand smoke creeping into my life when at home, or anywhere else.

Ok, move then.



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25 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That is a valid point. 

Complain to the management. In my building they have a fine for that, I think 2000B or something like that.

Maybe because they're smoking on the balcony cos they're banned from smoking inside their condos?

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48 minutes ago, Katipo said:

Smelling someone's second hand smoke is just like having to smell an open sewer, and arguably more of a health risk. Why should other people accept having to smell another's pungent drug addiction? Sitting on a balcony with a cold beer and getting a nose full of someone's smoke is just nasty.


Perhaps letting people only smoke indoors at their condo, and only if the front door is sealed around the edges, that would be acceptable. Hallways filled with smoke? Nasty.

It's preferable to have people outside on the balconies smoking. Reasons: The smoke will disperse better in an open environment. The smoke will not change the color of the interior walls, or smell up rooms.. Smokers will not start fires by leaving lit cigarettes on furniture, or falling asleep while smoking in bed. Some are that stupid.

I quit smoking in 1983. I'm reasonably tolerant of smokers, if it gets to be too much I move away.

Having said that, I had a very clear rule when I was a landlord in Australia. Smoke outside if you must. I will take steps to evict you if I smell smoke inside during an inspection. It was written into the leases, and my tenants presumably believed me.

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7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I was a smoker for around 35 years, and quit just under three years ago. 


Ban smoking in Condos? Hell yes!


Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


  1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
  2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
  3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
  4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
  5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
  6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
  7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
  8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
  9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
  10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


Ban smoking everywhere!



Hopfully the police are allowed to have access to your condo to make sure these rules are followed and large fines are imposed

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I am quite happy with the no smoking in restaurants and bars....I really didn't think it would be enforced when the law came in.

In their own Condo's no, not if they want to---I don't know how you would really be able to police that.


**I've never smoked.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

IF your kids scream all day long, disturb the neighbours and you do nothing about it, you are antisocial. 

IF you cook strong smelling food all the time and the smell disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you play your TV or music too loud and it disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial.

IF you fail to clean your Condo and it attracts cockroaches, ants etc which may spread to the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you have dogs which bark all day long and disturb the neighbours, you are antisocial. 

IF you smoke on the balcony or indoors and the smoke disturbs the neighbours, you are antisocial. 


This proposed regulation is simply about having consideration for others. It is borne out of necessity for some people are simply antisocial and have no regard for others. 




I remember being at a restaurant while my son was about 1 yrs old (sleeping in his pushchair), it was about 7pm, we were sat in the outdoors part. Yes, smoking was allowed there, but the weather was cool. No one was smoking, the tables were empty. 

A group of 4 came in, sat at the table next to us (next to the push chair). A woman, 1 meter from my son, looked at him, looked at me, then lit up a cigarette, the smoke went straight into his pushchair and she made no effort to prevent that. 

I was fuming and had words with her before we moved to a different table. 

She had no idea what she had done wrong. After all, she was sat outside and people were permitted to smoke outside !!!


It is this attitude of ’some’ smokers which upsets people and it why this is such a divisive issue.


The issue is perhaps not so much about smoking itself, but the sense of entitlement some people express for their rights when totally disregarding the rights of others. 





If the inside of the restaurant is non-smoking, and smoking is a big deal for you, why not sit inside the restaurant?

About 2 or 3 years ago I was sat outside a bar/restaurant (Hooters) in Bangkok smoking and drinking in the designated smoking area. A guy turned around and asked me if I could go somewhere else, which I refused, it was a designated smoking area and he could easily go inside, he wasn't eating either.

(I gave up smoking 5 months ago, after 45 years as a smoker).

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Im a smoker but I never smoke in the house Ive got my little area outside by the well and the pumps with my little plastic chair I even turn the fan around so it cant blow back into the house, which it does sometimes.

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I am all for banning smoking in public buildings, public places, etc. But when it comes to banning smoking in private residences that is a step too far. If you want to smoke in your own residence go ahead. None of my concern what you do in your own home.

Edited by ThomasPaine
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For rented condos and common areas this may work but if somebody owns the apartment you can't dictate what they do. As an ex-smoker of 25 years it doesn't bother me in small doses, however I don't know how anyone can stand the old smokers rooms in airports, never could.

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