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The week that was in Thailand news: Stiffs and pipedreams make for an amusing week!

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

C.I.S. - Covid Inertia Syndrome. I haven't seen it anywhere on the internet yet, only heard of conditions called "Lockdown Fatigue" or "Coronavirus Syndrome", the mental stress from constantly hearing about the virus.


I'm not stressed by virus news though I must admit that when my news editor sends me stories to translate that have Covid in them (50%?) I feel inclined to go and throttle his northern English neck for the sheer fun of it. 


No, for me it's CIS (better than the acronym for Pandemic Inertia Special Syndrome that would really be taking the mickey).


Many Thais are suffering from it too.


Well,  quite astute the rooster is.    I always find something he writes to show some insight , though i often don't agree with the "follow through".

Here mr r  has observed the draining effect that hearing a pronouncement constantly,  day after

day, can have on a human being.  He of course does not touch on the subject of being basically forced to wear a mask or face the scorching stares of the petrified public.Nor the other "measures" put in place to protect us for our own good.  This is all part of the "new normal" .......... and adjust or get banned, my Faceless friends. 

Now,  we ALL must swear by the chosen Mantra that proclaims we are in the midst of a pandemic that can wipe us all out.  Certainly it will not be me that risks any banishment from society , or thaivisa as it may,  by offering any objection to the narrative.  Nope,  I will just do the same as rooster and the rest of the world......  stay at home, slightly depressed but safe in the knowledge that food and netflix are just a click away.  

I do sometimes miss the outdoors,  think of getting down to the beach for some sun and exercise.

But cmon,  isn't it so much easier now when we don't have to feel guilty for just being lazy and

lifeless creatures.     Think i'll take a nap.          

5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Surely the plural should be "Loti?" I suggested


5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

CP should have just continued calling it TESCO (Thailand Everywhere Samesame CO...rruption).

Simple but effective. Keep it coming, rooster59


"When child abduction was likely more prevalent than it is today but when the news media didn't thrust bad news down everyone's throats every five minutes."


I cannot argue about the last half of this comment, like right on there Good Brother Rooster !!! …  The New Age !!! ... Of the Net ! ?  ... Well everything that has come from it … Including the Politicians, and the particularly bad ones who would like to change it all to be just like a TV Reality show !!! ... Who we must not mention. Right …


  But though not too worried about it, like this is only a thought, …  … But I am not sure about the first bit ? ???

Having thought myself, and also having has a pretty good Upbringing ? ... That the Breakdown in Child safety, could probably be associated with the Breakdown of Community ? ... ….  With the physical addition of some pretty deranging ??? And also cover up and hiding things, technology now being available, that no one ever had before either. ?


Like 50 years ago every one in every street just about knew what everyone else in the street was doing ! ? … And they watched them ! … So bad eggs would have been known, and known by the Children also, so everyone knew that they had a few problems, ? ... And they might have even tried to help them, ... in the old, Set Community help way ??? ... And the children, would have sensibly kept away ... ??? or well, probably jusy taken the <deleted> out of them !!! Har har ? ...


… But now everyone just drives in, and out, and people hardly even knows who lives next door ? ... And the Bad Eggs just go inside, close the door and go on line !!! ??? ... Like you kids do now also !!!


  Still to counter that, the Cops are all on line now also, and now seem to be very good at it, and ARE catching them as well also ... Right.


But well ? Possibly it would be quite fair to say though, that abuse and social in equality, and mistreatment of the poor WAS probably very much more prevalent then back in the Old days  ??? ...  So yes maybe sucessfull abductions also … ? Well I do not think so.


... But now the brief activists lines “There always has been abuse, but it was just not reported before” ? Always has been a point of discussion for me ? … Is that really the Problem ? … Or is it really that now, with the Breakdown of neighborhood, and the basic values in the community … Maybe there IS just MORE ABUSE ??? … And it is NOT because it was not reported ??? ….  It is because our society has changed !!! And changed for the worse !!! … With more People off the rails, and being able to hide it even better, …. And less people helping them ???  …..


...  But God bless the Cops, !!!  Who now are getting VERY GOOD with IT !!! … And tracking people !!! .. So YES, thinking about it there probably IS a LOT less Successful abductions, as they always can track them down a lot better … BUT ? is there More attempts ??? …There seems to now be a lot LOT worse outcomes in some marital disputes ! ? ... The wife and whole family burnt alive in their car just recently in North Eastern Australia I think ?


… Like yes …. I will have to get the new tracking app myself also pretty soon …. To be able to finally get back home to still somewhat traditional Thailand I think ?  ...  And to my family there again !!! … And then set my Computer up there.  !!! Right ?


… …  Or well ? .... It might just be over population, leading to over crowding ! ? … Like too many Rats in the Box ??? Right ? and not enough condos to go around ! ???

11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The owner had rejected mum's idea for a staid bakery and with the help of her "pretty" pastry packing pals had decided to put a bit of "oomph" in the French delicacies now all the rage in Thailand. 

I thought croissant originated in Austria ........ so surely it is a Viennese delicacy?

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Maybe it was the mention of the word "entrepreneur" in the headline that got to their prissy sensibilities. To me it seemed that Baiyok , jade who was a real gem, is a conscientious young lady doing her bit to help out the family in her freetime


Can someone explain how the above highlighted word would upset anyone's " prissy sensibilities " ??

Cos I can't, clutching at straws again eh.

11 hours ago, Mark mark said:

"When child abduction was likely more prevalent than it is today but when the news media didn't thrust bad news down everyone's throats every five minutes."


I cannot argue about the last half of this comment, like right on there Good Brother Rooster !!! …  The New Age !!! ... Of the Net ! ?  ... Well everything that has come from it … Including the Politicians, and the particularly bad ones who would like to change it all to be just like a TV Reality show !!! ... Who we must not mention. Right …


  But though not too worried about it, like this is only a thought, …  … But I am not sure about the first bit ? ???

Having thought myself, and also having has a pretty good Upbringing ? ... That the Breakdown in Child safety, could probably be associated with the Breakdown of Community ? ... ….  With the physical addition of some pretty deranging ??? And also cover up and hiding things, technology now being available, that no one ever had before either. ?


Like 50 years ago every one in every street just about knew what everyone else in the street was doing ! ? … And they watched them ! … So bad eggs would have been known, and known by the Children also, so everyone knew that they had a few problems, ? ... And they might have even tried to help them, ... in the old, Set Community help way ??? ... And the children, would have sensibly kept away ... ??? or well, probably jusy taken the <deleted> out of them !!! Har har ? ...


… But now everyone just drives in, and out, and people hardly even knows who lives next door ? ... And the Bad Eggs just go inside, close the door and go on line !!! ??? ... Like you kids do now also !!!


  Still to counter that, the Cops are all on line now also, and now seem to be very good at it, and ARE catching them as well also ... Right.


But well ? Possibly it would be quite fair to say though, that abuse and social in equality, and mistreatment of the poor WAS probably very much more prevalent then back in the Old days  ??? ...  So yes maybe sucessfull abductions also … ? Well I do not think so.


... But now the brief activists lines “There always has been abuse, but it was just not reported before” ? Always has been a point of discussion for me ? … Is that really the Problem ? … Or is it really that now, with the Breakdown of neighborhood, and the basic values in the community … Maybe there IS just MORE ABUSE ??? … And it is NOT because it was not reported ??? ….  It is because our society has changed !!! And changed for the worse !!! … With more People off the rails, and being able to hide it even better, …. And less people helping them ???  …..


...  But God bless the Cops, !!!  Who now are getting VERY GOOD with IT !!! … And tracking people !!! .. So YES, thinking about it there probably IS a LOT less Successful abductions, as they always can track them down a lot better … BUT ? is there More attempts ??? …There seems to now be a lot LOT worse outcomes in some marital disputes ! ? ... The wife and whole family burnt alive in their car just recently in North Eastern Australia I think ?


… Like yes …. I will have to get the new tracking app myself also pretty soon …. To be able to finally get back home to still somewhat traditional Thailand I think ?  ...  And to my family there again !!! … And then set my Computer up there.  !!! Right ?


… …  Or well ? .... It might just be over population, leading to over crowding ! ? … Like too many Rats in the Box ??? Right ? and not enough condos to go around ! ???


markie mark.... not sure you will have too many fans,  but rumak is one who appreciates a little rambling train of thought .   Poetic license and all, lost on much of the internet generation as well as the geriatric warriors.

make life a bit interesting and lyrical i say,  step away from the generic questions and answers to

where originality and hopefully some humor might shine through the clouds of fear that cover almost all of humanity nowadays.   It seems to me almost impossible to imagine the lightweights of today ever trudging through the ice and rain with their wagons ,like the pioneers of the past.

heck, just a sniffle or loss of internet for ten minutes can send many to the suicide hotline.


as you like to Capitalize,   rumak prefers not.   viva la difference .   when all the world becomes one faceless robot ,  the few that remain true will be seen with sardonic grins , walking defiantly through the pendocalypse humming long forgotten bob dylan songs

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  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Maybe it was the mention of the word "entrepreneur" in the headline that got to their prissy sensibilities. To me it seemed that Baiyok , jade who was a real gem, is a conscientious young lady doing her bit to help out the family in her freetime


Can someone explain how the above highlighted word would upset anyone's " prissy sensibilities " ??

Cos I can't, clutching at straws again eh.

Here’s the thread Rooster was referring to:



Makes interesting reading !!

Some posters letting their imagination run riot !!

10 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Maybe it was the mention of the word "entrepreneur" in the headline that got to their prissy sensibilities. To me it seemed that Baiyok , jade who was a real gem, is a conscientious young lady doing her bit to help out the family in her freetime


Can someone explain how the above highlighted word would upset anyone's " prissy sensibilities " ??

Cos I can't, clutching at straws again eh.

Yes answered Well later on here below in these blogs, and with the post of Roosters original inspiration ... but just Briefly I would say that here in Thailand (Woops, I am actually still shut out of it I am afraid ... Ho hum) ... So, ... In Thailand  English language circles, the  highlighted word  "entrepreneur" would imply prostitution I think ?  Like also close to English Humor also I think ? ... Right Rooster ?


... Like way back when I used to live in Soi DonTong Larn, Soi Yipsong (22), off Sukhumvit, one of the girls that I used to platonically live with there, applied for her passport, and got it easily enough, but when she showed it to me, I did appreciate that Thai People DO have good sense of Humor, ... if they like to let it out !!! ...  as they had Listed her profession as "Merchant" Right !!! ..... (Like selling What ? ) ...  And well I think that for sure 5 foot high, but active +++ Gee, only ever had had one thing to sell !!! Right ??? .. And I DO wonder where she is now !!!  ... Like wen she nearly nailed one of her boy friends with the spike of her high heeled Shoe, in the over pass near Cowboy, ? or was it the old ambassador,  ? ... !!! ... I did realize that only being 5 foot tall did not preclude her from having a LOT of Passion !!! .... And I would now put a 50/50 bet on her, being in Switzerland, ? or Sweden my self ??? I think ? Right ...

3 hours ago, rumak said:


markie mark.... not sure you will have too many fans,  but rumak is one who appreciates a little rambling train of thought .   Poetic license and all, lost on much of the internet generation as well as the geriatric warriors.

make life a bit interesting and lyrical i say,  step away from the generic questions and answers to

where originality and hopefully some humor might shine through the clouds of fear that cover almost all of humanity nowadays.   It seems to me almost impossible to imagine the lightweights of today ever trudging through the ice and rain with their wagons ,like the pioneers of the past.

heck, just a sniffle or loss of internet for ten minutes can send many to the suicide hotline.


as you like to Capitalize,   rumak prefers not.   viva la difference .   when all the world becomes one faceless robot ,  the few that remain true will be seen with sardonic grins , walking defiantly through the pendocalypse humming long forgotten bob dylan songs

“markie mark.... not sure you will have too many fans,  but rumak is one who appreciates a little rambling train of thought .   Poetic license and all,...” 


Thanks rumak, 


Yes I was a bit nervous about posting that one, like being 65 and parentless here in Australia, I AM very VERY careful posting subjects like that, AND occasionally, when talking to children in the street, or on public transport also, as, as Rooster said, the Modern .. Sensationalist ? Media has made it pretty dangerous to talk to children around here, when you are over 50 years old I think !!! Right ? …


And well so have the few ? creeps who are off the rails, and DO interfere with them, and younger Woman, often badly ! on occasion also, … though usually mot right out in in the open, on Public transport right ! ? … …. Like never talk to them if their parents are not there right. 


… And well, I just talk very loudly ! and obviously, and openly and state quite loudly that as I am 65 I have made it, I do think that I may have some wisdom, as well as entertaining things to say to them !!! ….  Like Treat them with Intelligence and brighten up their days !!! … In this very VERY over controlled world of ours now.  … But well you now ? … We always I guess have to be really REALLY Careful !!! … As being accused of being a pedo, is a pretty easy thing to accidentally have done to you these days I think.


… Those Bodies in the barrel looniest, well Criminal Murderers from Adelaide’s Northern suburbs, who recently killed the lower level victims around them, and put their bodies in barrels and then in the old Snow town bank vault, and told the locals that they were dead Kangaroos to explain the smell … Well they used to accuse all of their victims I think, of being pedos, as they tortured them, before killing them, and then stealing all of their social security numbers and subsequent dole checks ! … Like accusing them of being pedos was their excuse, before killing them, to steal their Dole checks !!! …


They obviously had been watching 60 Minuets right ? … Or the Chanel 7 Large camera in your face pap before they did it I would guess. ???


… So if I got any complaints about my considering of the subject of Children’s safety … which the activists have been discussing around me, on odd occasions since I was in High School … I was just going to report myself, and ask the moderators to delete it. …


But well you an obvious intelligent man, and well Roosters Column reeking of it, as well as a lot of Good Old English Humor right !!! … I will just leave it there I guess.


So well that is it for this one, …  and bring on the next Point of considered Discussion, next week ? and Thanks “Rumak” … Like is that Russian ??? … And Thanks to Rooster also, for the Forum.


Mark mark … Which is Thai right …. “Too Much Too Much.”


Ps. Just having thought about it like writing it then sleeping on it, is a REALLY Good way of forcing you self to think about it a bit better, ? Right …


I think that the Children in Australia are now MORE safe then before ! … As they are much better looked after ! BUT they have a lot LOT less freedom, as the Community and environment, as the IT De Humanizing, and reduction of “Neighborhood” and the “Too Many Rats in the box” situation, makes it Much MUCH More dangerous for them now I think,! …  So they HAVE to be looked after a Lot better !!! …


  But well in Australia? Well without a second of Doubt, or a thought that the Melbournie Fems, might just kick me in the Balls …. I DO think that of our social problems now in Australia, the most important one, and the one that needs to be addressed first … IS Violence against Woman !!! … And well the next ? …


… Well then you could investigate … Violence against MEN (Occasionaly Like me ?) I think !!! … Like the usually alcohol fueled bashings, in the city, and outside of Night clubs, and in entertainment venues in Australia, is just way WAY out of hand I think ? …. Like living in Thailand and spending time in Germany ! I have not seen it there, but well yes I think that it is way too much in abundance here right now. … … well in the so called danger zones any way I think ?


….  Though yes, ! …. I only see it on TV of course ! Right Mate ! 


… And See you. … Next Week ?


Mark mark

2 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes answered Well later on here below in these blogs, and with the post of Roosters original inspiration ... but just Briefly I would say that here in Thailand (Woops, I am actually still shut out of it I am afraid ... Ho hum) ... So, ... In Thailand  English language circles, the  highlighted word  "entrepreneur" would imply prostitution I think ?  Like also close to English Humor also I think ? ... Right Rooster ?


... Like way back when I used to live in Soi DonTong Larn, Soi Yipsong (22), off Sukhumvit, one of the girls that I used to platonically live with there, applied for her passport, and got it easily enough, but when she showed it to me, I did appreciate that Thai People DO have good sense of Humor, ... if they like to let it out !!! ...  as they had Listed her profession as "Merchant" Right !!! ..... (Like selling What ? ) ...  And well I think that for sure 5 foot high, but active +++ Gee, only ever had had one thing to sell !!! Right ??? .. And I DO wonder where she is now !!!  ... Like wen she nearly nailed one of her boy friends with the spike of her high heeled Shoe, in the over pass near Cowboy, ? or was it the old ambassador,  ? ... !!! ... I did realize that only being 5 foot tall did not preclude her from having a LOT of Passion !!! .... And I would now put a 50/50 bet on her, being in Switzerland, ? or Sweden my self ??? I think ? Right ...


Thanks for the explanation, now it seems to make sense, but I have to say that even as a native English speaker I would never have associated the word entrepreneur with prostitution in a million years, my bad I suppose. :sorry:

  • Thanks 1
4 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:


Thanks for the explanation, now it seems to make sense, but I have to say that even as a native English speaker I would never have associated the word entrepreneur with prostitution in a million years, my bad I suppose. :sorry:

Well, where I used to live ... and Back then, ... Australian and Brits ? often would have I think ? Though well, Things might have changed so Thanks. ... and on we all go. ... 

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