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Dr Yong: You can't eradicate Covid - virologist compares three strains for Thailand's three waves


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23 minutes ago, rabas said:


He has 21,016 Google Scholar citations. How many do you have? He has published over 400 important papers (indexed in the PubMed database)  in fields such as medicine and virology.   According to Google Scholar  Prof. Yong has a phenomenal lifetime scientific research impact score (Hirsch index, or h-Index) of 66:  Here is what that means ( h-index)


"... after 20 years a "successful scientist" would have an h-index of 20, an "outstanding scientist" would have an h-index of 40, and a "truly unique" individual would have an h-index of 60."


He is also famous for work on vaccines and important research on the spread of the avian influenza including H5N1 in animals.  Maybe someday some of his work will help save mankind.


Your turn to google.



One of the best kept secrets of the Internet is that 1 TVF post = 9.81 Google Scholar citations,  so there are quite a few people here ahead of Dr Yong ????

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An post with an unsubstantiated claim has been reported along with replies.   For those interested in the study of Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies, here is a link:




The above link by @ThailandRyanis a little easier to read:  




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10 hours ago, RafPinto said:

He said that the first wave was the Chinese version of the virus. Testing revealed not much quantity of virus. 


Never heard of the "chinese version".


British version.

Indian version.

South-African version.

And now, the Thai version.

I believe he was referring to original virus type originating in China. In western countries it was forbidden to make reference to the Wuhan China origins in large part because it was considered offensive to Asians, and would upset  Mainland China. The same groups which forbid the use of the Chinese reference have no issue with the use of  terms such as UK variant, or Brazil variant.

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14 hours ago, Xonax said:

Next wave will be a Tsunami due to the lack of procurement of vaccine.

Why bother with vaccines that may soon be much less effective?  Just wait until the next model year for the latest and greatest.  Maybe Russia will come up with a Sputnik V-8 turbo. 

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14 hours ago, Susco said:

Seems there are others that share his opinion


Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Are Coming



“As the virus spreads, it is rapidly mutating,” the company’s chief scientific officer, Melissa Moore, said on the call. “Some of these new viral strains appear to be even more transmissible than the original strain… We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to neutralization by our current vaccine.”

The company said that it tests new variants in the lab against its vaccines, and is “constantly” making and testing new versions of its vaccine. But it warned that the process is not instantaneous, and that the company’s agility is limited by the complexity of the work."

All the current vaccine;s can work and stop you from going to hospitals and having a Bad results your body can still fight it. up to 75% when you contact any of the strain;s now out, The UK.and USA have done tests 

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10 hours ago, connda said:

Fauci published a paper in 2012 arguing that "Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments (gain of function) and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."  (Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus: The Way Forward, Anthony S. Fauci, mBio. 2012 Sep-Oct; 3(5): e00359-12.)

Gain of function experiments are ones that create deadlier version of viruses in a lab setting that have more in common with bio-weapon research. 

And then today?  Viola.  More and more data is surfacing indicating that this whole affair may be the result of gain of function research that leaked from the Wuhan lab.  US intelligence agencies are now investigating (MSNBC et.al). And it's establish fact that the Fauci's NIH supplied the lab with $600,000 in funding (NyPost et.al). 

So correct.  All of these pathogens will be kept in labs for "research" until some lab worker screws up, gets contaminated, and passes the pathogens into the wild.  As long as there is research, bio-weapon or by another kinder,  gentler name such as "gain-of-function", the world in just one lab accident away from another pandemic.  The difference is that Dr. Yong should have added, the virus will never be allowed to be eradicated.  Makers of Covid tests, vaccines, and PPE are the huge winners now riding a cash cow of epic proportion.  And men like Bill Gates promise the world that another worse pandemic is coming (how would he know?).  But I have no doubt.  There is huge money in pandemics nowadays.


There are huge financial  losses in pandemics too

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On 5/29/2021 at 11:29 AM, JonnyF said:

This Junta stooge has no special knowledge or insight.


He is just listening and repeating what real virologists say.


Grandpa Google.

On the contrary.  He is a world renowned, respected  expert.

Edited by onthedarkside
flame removed
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16 hours ago, Virt said:

There are new vaccines under development where they hope it will give life long protection for Corona , so hopefully they manage to do the trick. 


Bought stocks just in case, cause that will be a game changer if they manage to give life long protection. 


Meanwhile it's going to be a bumpy ride.

New variant from Vietnam seems to spread through air a lot faster. 

Not good. 


As for vaccines I got 1st shot of Pfizer 5 days ago, but still no antibodies detected in todays test, so I hope I'm not one of the few that can't develop proper antibodies. 

You got the best vaccine at present........ like the past V1 some years ago


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12 hours ago, mrfill said:


What happened to the original SARS? That disappeared with no vaccine.


And smallpox hasn't been seen for over 40 years.


I rather suspect that some governments may have hoped that SARS2 (Covid) would vanish like SARS did and planned accordingly. It looked a great plan as it meant that they didn't have to do much and spend even less. It failed.

They never dissapeared...... They are under control.... Somehow 

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The first strain was the Wuhan strain, since it was the first place in the world where people started dying from this virus.  Of course the Chinese do not want to admit this fact, and will try to say it came from anywhere else except from their country.  I appreciate the brave people of Wuhan for getting the word out before they were silenced by their great government.


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15 hours ago, aussienam said:

Looks like this doctor may want to avoid China for a while or he may find himself in a re-education camp or prison cell for daring to mention the 'China' variant.  We all know China is perfect and never does anything wrong.  Their leader is their God.  Just read the CCP controlled media reports. 


It's interesting news that they are finally coming to understand that in 17 months since this virus surfaced that they cannot say what species crossed over, unlike Sars 1 which they found in 3 months and MERS in 9 months, but to date nothing, apart from speculation from China, e.g. came from imported frozen peas....Lol, or the US army that was training there in October....Lol.


Yet all the time that they knew about it, they kept quiet, i.e. 3 staff members from the Wuhan Lab were admitted to hospital in November 2019, each a week apart from each other, yes you guessed it, Covid like symptoms, which takes about a week to surface, but hush hush, then Dr's started putting one and one together and badda bing, badda bang, badda boom, they then said it was from the wet markets, while all the time knowing it was highly likely that it escaped from the Wuhan lab, some from the US came out in Feb 20 and again in March 20 making adamant statements that there was no way in the world it could have escaped from the lab, they even produced letters from 5 top biologists/virologists stating the same, long of the short, they forgot to state that they had a interest to say that, as Fauci's department was providing them money for research which was then passed onto another company which was then passed onto the Wuhan lab.


It's all coming out now, more and more Biologists/virologists are coming now supporting what others were stating earlier, that the virus can be tweaked so that it can be made, and wella, presto, you have Sars 2.


You know that when the mainstream media of the world is now pushing this news, the cat couldn't be held in the bag for much longer, suffice to say, the cat is out of the bag now.



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2 minutes ago, Fromas said:


The only new news would be those "intelligence reports."  Biden has ordered an investigation. Check back after 90 days.




If memory serve me correct, he blocked Trump from setting up an investigation when Trump was saying all along, it's from the lab.

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20 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


If memory serve me correct, he blocked Trump from setting up an investigation when Trump was saying all along, it's from the lab.

No, there was a rather secretive investigation underway that was terminated by Biden.  The investigation was under Pompeo's Department of State.   It was investigating whether Covid was a developed as a biological weapon.  



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21 hours ago, Virt said:


Meanwhile it's going to be a bumpy ride.

New variant from Vietnam seems to spread through air a lot faster. 

Not good. 



Vietnam has uncovered a new Covid-19 variant combining characteristics of the two existing variants first found in India and the UK - ah the best of both worlds !

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1 hour ago, canopus1969 said:

Vietnam has uncovered a new Covid-19 variant combining characteristics of the two existing variants first found in India and the UK - ah the best of both worlds !

Mix that in with the Thai variant and Covid19 will truly be multi-cultural

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8 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Our history  books  will reveal credulous people with unfounded opinions


Very true, unfortunately, I have a feeling we won't all be reading the same books. 


8 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Haven't you ever been told not to believe everything you read and see on the internet? 


Exactly! There might actually be some hope for you.  


Nowadays, we live in a world where we do not believe in anything, we just manage ourselves to believe. 

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6 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

They never dissapeared...... They are under control.... Somehow 

Yes they did. Smallpox is the first disease to be eradicated - due to vaccination, The only virus still existing is locked up in high security laboratories - hopefully not in Wuhan .....

SARS was not as infectious as Covid-19, and was eliminated by strict infection control i.e. quarantine and contact tracking. Does it still exist in animals? Faint possibility.

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