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Most Thais believe they can resume normal life after all get first vaccine shot – Super Poll


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1 hour ago, ikke1959 said:

Normal life will be when the whole country has their second jab and than after 6 weeks, people can start slowly to take the normal life back. But with this slow  and delaying working Government it will take at least 2 years before things get normal again

Nothing will be normal worldwide until Covid is eradicated, and that possible will be a never ending story

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1 hour ago, Dialemco said:

It is likely covid will be with us indefinitely and we will have to learn to live with after it is under control  with revacinations required every year for the most vulnerable. Tourism should resume on a much smaller scale some time next year.

Hooray mate You hit the nail right on the head The Covid virus will be with us forever as the Flu virus is they will never eradicate it The magic word is VIRUS  and it has no intention of ever going away

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5 hours ago, Willy333 said:

“78.2% of the respondents are confident that they will be able to resume their normal life, once every Thai has received their first dose


6% are confident that Thailand can reopen for economic recovery after every Thai is vaccinated with the first dose”


Is it me or these survey numbers always sound made up?


Probably are. Who is going to check them, and (allegedly) asking 1,051 people and applying their answers to 69 million people is pointless anyway. How are these people picked? Age, profession, location? Was Somchai in Nakhon Nowhere asked?

I say allegedly, because years ago I worked for a month for a company that offered property ownership time shares. I had to call people who had supposedly shown interest when stopped in the street, but in reality many of the phone numbers had simply been taken from the phone directory. Some of the people who had 'shown interest' weren't even alive. No wonder my boss was concerned when he discovered that my regular job was as a journalist.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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5 hours ago, Willy333 said:

Is it me or these survey numbers always sound made up?


There was a Super Poll back in the early junta/coup days that had "98.4% Approval" for the junta.


Super Polls are really only useful for gauging the regime's concerns and/or intent. 


They usually indicate the polar opposite of reality.

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Totally wrong thinking.  Large test in UK proved that for the Indian varriant for AZ Pfizer and Moderna after 1 shot was only effective for 33% for all and only came much much higher effective after second. That also why UK government reduced the time between both from 12 to 8 weeks 

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Was not there a super poll just the other week where majority did not want and were scared tp be vaccinated?


having video of a guy collapsing and turning into zombie seconds after receiving vaccine hardly puts any confidence , while he is turning into zombie , nurses running around not knowing what to do and according to the clip being circulated in thai groups guy actually dies.

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