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Thailand's massive vaccine rollout begins in earnest on June 7 - foreigners included


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1 hour ago, robsamui said:

(Grin) I personally could spend a day collecting the same format of information from 20 different sources and footnoting and referencing each and every source at the bottom. Would that make it "credible"?

You'd spend 3 or 4 hours checking every reference, would you? ????


Having said that . . . I've just spent a while with this article (dated 29th May)
and there is a significant difference in the figures - particularly the alarming "9%" of the AZ (last column). I can/t find any reference at all online to this 9%  effectiveness against the B.1.617 strain.


I'll ask a mod to remove this chart I think . . . it might be misleading or out of date now . .  


Pretty comprehensive review of the state of play so far isn’t it?


two things struck me.


1. If Thailand keeps playing the one jab and you’re vaccinated card then it will come back to bite them in the “you know what” later. It seems clear that in many aspects one jab is significantly less effective than two.


2. Although based on somewhat limited data, AZ seems fairly ineffective against the variant first identified in S Africa (beta?)


Thanks for posting the data. 

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Everyone should be worried about the language used. How can EVERYONE get vaccinated when not EVERYONE wants to? This is scary stuff. Forced inoculations or even just pressuring people to get injected is a violation of Human Rights.

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20 minutes ago, couchpotato said:


Many people are very negative on the Sinovac vaccine, but no one says why (except a few who obviously don't like anything Chinese).

So I would like to know why the negativity (especially since it has now been approved by WHO.

I haven't seen any adverse reports on Sinovac, has anyone?



All the vaccines including the so called, mythical 'good ones' have rare adverse side effects.


In Australia for example, there has been around 20 reports of vaccine induced thrombocytopenia, among 2 million doses of Astrazeneca, resulting in a handful of truly life or death illnesses, and one confirmed death. In South Korea, there has been one report in 3 million doses.  UK and Europe reported much more, so it makes you wonder whether Covid19 itself is not also an issue.


The Pfizer seems to be increasingly connected with heart issues. There were reports right from day one of people keeling over- rare again, thankfully.


So, yes Sinovac will likely be the same. There was a report of temporary paralysis.  But imo the fact that it uses conventional methods is likely to be make it as safe as a vaccine can be, although somewhat less effective.  


Side effects appear to be very mild, and being something of a coward, I hope I get Sinovac.





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48 minutes ago, edogthong said:

Everyone should be worried about the language used. How can EVERYONE get vaccinated when not EVERYONE wants to? This is scary stuff. Forced inoculations or even just pressuring people to get injected is a violation of Human Rights.


No one is being forced yet and I think by years end most of Thailand, if everything goes to plan will reach herd immunity.


As for anyone not getting vaccinated, I would think you can kiss travelling overseas good bye unless you show your vaccine passport sadly, the world has become such a paranoid place to live in with this fast spreading virus that kills a higher percentage of the very old, and those with pre-existing conditions.




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Thailand's massive vaccine rollout begins in earnest on June 7 - foreigners included...

...right at the end of the line, but before tramps and the homeless.

And for US expats thinking they may get one of the US Covid shots to be donated by the US Governments to Thailand. 

You're not Chinese, so no shots being delivered to you, a citizen, by your embassy. 
And you're not Thai, so you'll be at the end of the line but before tramps and the homeless.. 

Don't expect to get a quality US made shot for free.  No, you'll need to make an appointment at a private hospital and pay 3 to 5 times the production cost of the vaccine to get a US made shot. 

In the meanwhile the US Government donates shots and $30 million USD for the benefit of Thai citizens while both the US and Thai governments take a dump on US citizens.
After spending 8 years in the US military and a life-long tax-payer, it's nice to know that US citizens mean nothing. 

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7 hours ago, internationalism said:

they have delivered yesterday 1.6mln of AZ, there should be another 4.6mln to the end of June.

The rest is still sinovac

I think many people will be fooled into believing that they are getting the AZ.

Anutin just ordered 11mln of sinovac, it will be coming already in June, till August.

By the end of August thailand will have 20mln sinovac and 26mln the AZ (if there is no delays or quality problems).


Thai were vaccinated from March, foreigners sometimes from July (the is a waiting line for appointments)

Something is better than nothing if it means it will bring back Thailand from the brink

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26 minutes ago, CelticTam said:

I know it is not strictly relevant, but I live in Vieng Chan, Laos,. You know, that poor little country next to Thailand. I received my first jab (AZ) on 28th March - just rolled up to the hospital, signed the papers (in English), joined the fast track queue for over 60s. Received my first jab  and registration card - in and out in just over 1 hour - more than enough staff and great organization, Due my 2nd jab, 28th June - but it seems you are able to receive your 2nd jab after 8 weeks, so if I can gather a group of 10 people we can turn up at the hospital now and I will receive my vaccination. No charge.  I am in contact with my Thai wife daily and I get the impression that she will not get her first vaccination for a few months.

Zero cases zero deaths too i bet (according to the government)

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:




As for anyone not getting vaccinated, I would think you can kiss travelling overseas good bye unless you show your vaccine passport 


Eww sneezing spaghetti sneeze GIF on GIFER - by Thorgadred


I don't believe it at all, I don't think that tour operators airlines, hotels etc ...  give up at least 60% of potential customers. Yeah, because this will be the percentage of unvaccinated. Despite the pounding and suffocating propaganda by the media system, and the governments

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1 minute ago, fleccer said:

I don't believe it at all, I don't think that tour operators airlines, hotels etc ...  give up at least 60% of potential customers. Yeah, because this will be the percentage of unvaccinated. Despite the pounding and suffocating propaganda by the media system, and the governments


I hope your right, as I have read that a few airlines are stating that, Qantas for one.


At the end of the day, some might say, as they are now, certificate that you have been tested within 36 hours of testing and then you will have to pay for the quarantining at the hotel in your home country for example, which is not cheap, got us by the short curly's for now, either way.

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2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I hope your right, as I have read that a few airlines are stating that, Qantas for one.


At the end of the day, some might say, as they are now, certificate that you have been tested within 36 hours of testing and then you will have to pay for the quarantining at the hotel in your home country for example, which is not cheap, got us by the short curly's for now, either way.

in any case, anyone who requests vaccination book, green pass and so on must be boycotted, after all the world is big

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7 hours ago, Crossy said:
7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Lady in Pattaya wrote on FB that she waited 7 hours to get vaccinated and still didn't get to the front of the queue.


It's these long waits with loads of other (potentially infectious) people that puts me off even bothering. The concept of timed appointments just doesn't seem to exist here. My good lady has regular hospital visits but the "appointment" just says 8AM like everyone else's, get there early to avoid the queue ???? 


Similar to when I make my three-monthly trip to my local hospital to see my drug dealer (doctor). They introduced a numbering system six months ago. Last time my wife went there at 6am to get an early number, got #1, but when we were there dozens were seen before us. Of course, being Thai she just sucked it up instead of asking how #1 was actually #1+++++. The answer would have made no sense anyway.

I'm off to buy my next supply on Friday. Was going to go today but it's HRH's birthday so the hospital is closed to all but emergencies (I know, far beyond belief but TIT). I'll check then on registering for the vaccine, see if they have any idea what is happening. Among all the conflicting messages I gather that we can register from the 7th, and this thread seems to suggest we'll be jabbed from July. As an over 60 I'd be one of those in a 'priority' group and would also be in line for AZ. We'll see.

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45 minutes ago, CelticTam said:

I know it is not strictly relevant, but I live in Vieng Chan, Laos


You are correct, totally irrelevant.


1/10th the population, pariticpating in COVAX.


Thread is titled, "Thailand's massive vaccine rollout begins in earnest on June 7 - foreigners included"




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A call to Bumrungrad today revealed that the hospital does not expect to have its own vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) until September or October.  In the meantime they can help you register for a government-sponsored vaccine through a website that is only for the use of diplomats and international organizations.  There doesn’t appear to be a website on which we ordinary foreigners can register.  So perhaps lost in translation was the newspaper statement that “ordinary foreigners” will be able to register for vaccinations which will be administered starting on June 7th.  It is not clear whether foreigners without a pink card will ever be able to register in the Bangkok area.
Maybe things will change when Thailand receives vaccines donated by the US.



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8 hours ago, Litlos said:

Be nice if there was a usable way for all foreigners to register nationwide as promised. I will not hold my breath waiting having seen the fustercluck of a rollout so far.





Plenty of Thais have the same thoughts/wishes.

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16 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

 In the meantime they can help you register for a government-sponsored vaccine through a website that is only for the use of diplomats and international organizations.  There doesn’t appear to be a website on which we ordinary foreigners can register.  So perhaps lost in translation was the newspaper statement that “ordinary foreigners” will be able to register for vaccinations which will be administered starting on June 7th.



There's been an update and better information on the website you're mentioning, that is supposed to be open to general population expats starting June 7.  You can read the detail in the series of posts that begin at the link below in another thread (Read the whole series of posts, not just the first one, so you can understand just what's going on):



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really and just how exactly are foreigners suppose to register.


Sure go see your local health visitor did that, they came round 4 times taking the exact same details amd not heard a thing back?

So see your local hospital, yup did that and after about 45 minutes of going from on administration to another eventually found a little office tuck in the corner near the front entrance that produced a form that was totally empty apart from the detail boxes filled that in and they said we will phone you ????

Nope not heard a thing. Yet wife who register at same time(oh she is Thai by the way) has her appointment on 7th June ????


So, please do not say everything is rosy in the garden and we are all getting vaccinated. They have NOT yet introduced a system for foreigners to register. 

We keep hearing that ALL will be vaccinated, foreigners included, yet nothing is evident in practice.

Yes loads of Thais, well it is their country after all, are inline to get vaccinated.

I even hear that a vaccine is available for your dog and cat. Yet foreigners???

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

"As an over 60 I'd be one of those in a 'priority' group and would also be in line for AZ. We'll see."

Don't hold your breath on that one.

Your neighbours thai cat or dog will probably get a vaccination before us over60s farangs ????????

1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:



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