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Just reads like a sensible risk management exercise now things in the West are coming back under control and different vaccines become available......no great shakes.

30 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Until then, it's scaremongering.


Like a so called "pandemic" that killed 1 500 people in 15 months in a country of nearly 70 millions of people...


Most of those deads were old and already sick (this profil is common, everywhere).


Yeah... indeed... scaremongering.

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The U.S. is giving away millions of doses to other countries as no one wants it and they have much better available.

Thailand has the 2 most controversial vaccines being jabbed way to go.

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EMA said its benefits outweighed any risks.

But at the end of the day only you, dear shot recipient, can make that decision for yourself with "informed consent."  And "informed" means understanding all of the potential risks that you are personally accepting which means educating yourself regarding all sides of the issue. 

1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

What to do..What to do, ? , I am booked in for AstraZeneca jab

beginning of next month, and I am well over 60 ..it's OK saying

more chance getting killed on way to hospital , but getting or

not getting the jab ,is my choice, there was a report 12 people

still died from Covid after they had gotten 2 jabs ...in UK.

regards worgeordie

Man up.


Even if some might accuse me of scaremongering I just recommend one thing for anybody who can speak German: Google "Astra Zeneca Nebenwirkungen" and then you might maybe be interested in the following: https://de.rt.com/meinung/116950-astrazeneca-gefaehrliche-nebenwirkung-viel-haeufiger-als-angenommen/


I just want to point out that there is such a publication - nothing more. As @conndaposted above it is you alone that must make the decision what to believe and how to act. I do not recommend anything.

33 minutes ago, scorecard said:


I had my first inoculation of AZ here in Australia about 6 weeks ago, no side effects whatever, I'm 76 yo.


In my very big village just Nth of Sydney most residents are 60 and older. Many have had their first AZ jab, a very large % of folks have had no reaction whatever.


A few have had minor reactions, all cleared within 10 minutes to a few hours. There's no mention across the village residents or comments from the dr. and nurses  or the village management of any clotting reaction.

Can I ask if they took your BP prior to the jab or anyone else for that matter as they seem to a bit anal here, if your BP is up you don't get it. TIA

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5 minutes ago, Heng said:


Why skip over countries with vast death tolls in this argument?    Just old people.   I'd like to have my old people around for as long as possible, after all they raised me and got me my vaccinations when I was little.   ????

This almost reads like, "Give it to the old people.  No biggie!"  And now.  "Warning - some within the scientific community recommend not giving it to old people either." 
Well - you can't sell your product if that happens, so it's best to find captured regulators who will rubber stamp it with a blanket "its benefits outweighed any risks" as we keep hearing. 
But that's only a decision an individual can make for themselves. 
There are huge vested interests who stand to lose money globally if AZ starts losing market share due to adverse reaction concerns. So, convince me that all government officials and regulators are above reproach and tell the public only the god's honest truth 100% of the time?  I've lived too long not to know the answer to that statement.  You'd have as much luck trying to convince me that Thailand is corruption free.  "Of course it is."  <wink wink>  ????

1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

The title  is a mischaracterization.

Not only is it a mischaracterisation, it's trolling, contradictory misinformation.  How come the thread has not been closed?


All from the contradictory link...

1.   "Countries should also avoid giving the Astrazeneca coronavirus vaccine to people over 60..."


"The European Medicines Agency (EMA) considers the Astrazeneca shot safe for all age groups".


2.   "the risk-benefit ratio remains favourable for all age groups"


"should [authorities] avoid giving the Astrazeneca vaccine to people aged over 60, Cavaleri said: "Yes"


3.   "The Italian government said on Friday it would restrict the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine to people aged over 60"


Italy's recommendation that the product be "preferably" used for people over the age of 60, after the EMA said its benefits outweighed any risks.

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The following is a good read on the tortured birth of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine. It may give some insight into the ongoing travails.




It is up to the individual to decide if they want to take any risks. However, maybe they should check their health insurance coverage first. For those that are older and may have been 'winging it' for years health-wise, possibly turning a blind eye to the early-onset symptoms of some the usual age-related ailments, maybe it's time invest in a good medical just to see make sure there's nothing that increases that risk?

33 minutes ago, connda said:

This almost reads like, "Give it to the old people.  No biggie!"  And now.  "Warning - some within the scientific community recommend not giving it to old people either." 
Well - you can't sell your product if that happens, so it's best to find captured regulators who will rubber stamp it with a blanket "its benefits outweighed any risks" as we keep hearing. 
But that's only a decision an individual can make for themselves. 
There are huge vested interests who stand to lose money globally if AZ starts losing market share due to adverse reaction concerns. So, convince me that all government officials and regulators are above reproach and tell the public only the god's honest truth 100% of the time?  I've lived too long not to know the answer to that statement.  You'd have as much luck trying to convince me that Thailand is corruption free.  "Of course it is."  <wink wink>  ????


Oh I'm as skeptical as they come (of course it's fishy that there they came up with a vaccine in record time just because we really needed to), but will get vaccinated.  


And actually of my parents 74/76, one refuses (fine) and the other had AZ (no issues other than the 2-3 day soreness and light fever as if she was in her 20s).   


I'll go ahead with my AstraZeneca jab that I've booked an appointment for.


If others panic and that means that I'll get my 2nd jab sooner than the insane 16-week wait they now have planned, all the better!


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55 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

my sister 71 years old took AZ 2 months ago, still having nausea, pain, sore muscles/body, fever, etc., she visited the and stayed at the  hospital 2 times already and feels a little better but not 100%, doctors don't want to give her 2nd dose, she had no previous conditions

Her husband, 73 years old, blood disease/disorder/hemophilia, got the Pfizer a little over 1 month ago, no side effects what soever, had the 2nd dose 5 days ago, again no problems at all


AZ had problems from the start with incorrectly reporting their testing.... I am 68 and don't want to have what my sister had, will wait for Moderna or Pfizer

My mate, 70 yo, apart from initial soreness if he raised his arm above his head, has not had a problem He is looking forward to his second dose in 2 weeks.

Does one experience counter the other.

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52 minutes ago, Heng said:

Oh I'm as skeptical as they come (of course it's fishy that there they came up with a vaccine in record time just because we really needed to),

Not that fishy when so much money was pumped into it and there were projects all over the world, it was kinda urgent

2 hours ago, cclub75 said:


Like a so called "pandemic" that killed 1 500 people in 15 months in a country of nearly 70 millions of people...


Most of those deads were old and already sick (this profil is common, everywhere).


Yeah... indeed... scaremongering.

Another that just doesn't get it.

COVID is not the flu. The statistics are saying 30% of people that are infected with COVID require months of rehabilitation to repair the lung damage done, it's like a non-smoker that suddenly has a two-pack a day habit.

Ignorant post.

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29 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

Sinovac is starting to sound like a better option than AZ 

In some other thread not so long ago a member posted a story titled "We'll see". This one was spot on. After reading what was published in the German speaking press (and this includes universities and respectable institutes and even quoted statements from Astra Zeneca themselves) - for ME there is currently only one option: Wait for Moderna or Pfizer. We'll see - maybe those may be combined with sinovac. I would have never thought that I could ever accept that. My friends in Swtzerland have been given their shots of Moderna already quite some time ago.


Say hello if you see me shopping at Big C Extra in my whole body suit during the next 6 months or so.

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