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Thailand targets reopening within 120 days as economy flounders


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12 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

A total economic collapse would be of great benefit for us retired foreigners living here. 

I don't think so. Think of the country as a whole not just yourself. The economy effects ever person more so the Thai population

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1 minute ago, Percy P said:

I don't think so. Think of the country as a whole not just yourself. The economy effects ever person more so the Thai population

I'm speaking in terms of the currency exchange rate.

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Just now, Percy P said:

I don't think so. Think of the country as a whole not just yourself. The economy effects ever person more so the Thai population


3 minutes ago, fondue zoo said:

I suspect a lot of people can kiss goodbye getting their second shot within the recommended time frame, if at all.

No problem ,just keep on wearing a mask, keep your distance ,wash your hands.

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32 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

A total economic collapse would be of great benefit for us retired foreigners living here. 

Im a retired person .I would not like the Thai economy to collapse .It had for everyone. More for the Thai people.

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Thailand targets reopening within 120 days as economy flounders

I continue to be puzzled by these statements about the economy in Thailand. They have lost so much business in Thailand since Covid-19 and yet the Baht remains strong.


Prices here continue to increase, it has become more difficult to save money and the exchange rate for the Baht remains strong.


Can someone explain how that can be?  Does Thailand just print the money they need for the government?


The GBP and USD should be so much stronger now than the Baht. This makes no sense to me at all.

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I am hoping and praying this really happens. The people need this. The nation needs this. I need to be able to travel. 


If this is the case, and if the Pfizer or Moderna are not available here within the next few months, I will get them for free, without any wait, in the US in October. And no dreaded quarantine upon my return. 


I am hopeful the people of Thailand within the tourism industry can be put back to work soon. Though I am hesitant to say, it is going to be a long road back. Tourism will take years to recover. 

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12 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

My worry is the opposite. Just like the Phuket scheme (only open if 70% of population is vaccinated) the numbers will be fudged and it will be open in 120 days…..come what may. Although, he seems to indicate open in 120 days no matter what the situation may be at the time so fudging may not be necessary.


if so we will find out if those who say the virus should be ignored because the death rate is low and the economic cost is immense, are right or wrong.


ten million vaccinations a month is 333,000 per day, or five million people a month allowing for 2 doses each. I don’t know how many people he is aiming to get vaccinated, 70%, but 70% of what? Kids included, excluded? Foreigners included, excluded. Anyway,  at five million people per month, that’s likely to be 10 or 11 months to a finish.


I think that’s more than 120 days. So it seems vaccinations is not a metric he is using to determine whether to open.


I’m not too sure what he is talking about really, but it seems the balance is shifting heavily toward the “open and be damned” side of the equation.

You are right, it’s open and be damned.  The 70% vaccination target itself is optimistic.  Then toss into that mix that most of the 70% will have been only been vaccinated once.  Many of the once vaccinated will have been with Sinovac, which based on experience elsewhere, is of questionable efficacy. Finally the Delta variant is on the way … more infectious with all vaccines less effective in countering.  I hope they have the courage to hold fast when the sh$& hits the fan later this year/early next year.  Repeating the behaviors of the past year is not an option people can live with any longer … they need to eat.

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6 hours ago, AnnieSeek said:

To double jab 40,000,000 - 50,000,000 people TWICE (about 70%)- they need to be doing 850,000 vaccinations a day from now till opening. 



How many they on?



I think its about 5.8 Million who have had a single jab ( of any Vaccine ). and 1.6 Million who have had both Jabs.

But dont worry ! There are another 1.9 Million Doses of a Vaccine arriving Today, so things are moving along at a gallop.

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What about variants yet to mutate?

Or the impending global economic collapse that simple arithmetic says must surely come within weeks or months from now?

They have lost control of the present, so they have no hope of controlling the future, and it will not be pretty, even compared to the unfolding catastrophe that is happening now.

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20 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

You are right, it’s open and be damned.  The 70% vaccination target itself is optimistic.  Then toss into that mix that most of the 70% will have been only been vaccinated once.  Many of the once vaccinated will have been with Sinovac, which based on experience elsewhere, is of questionable efficacy. Finally the Delta variant is on the way … more infectious with all vaccines less effective in countering.  I hope they have the courage to hold fast when the sh$& hits the fan later this year/early next year.  Repeating the behaviors of the past year is not an option people can live with any longer … they need to eat.

Yea, it’s a hell of a gamble he’s taking, if he does indeed open in 4 months without having reached a high enough vaccination count, and a low enough case count. Basically betting the farm.


apart from the deaths involved, if Thailand gets on enough countries red list, it’s not only game over for this years high season, it’s also back to the drawing board on controlling the virus. As a result, the tourist industry might end up considerable worse off than they are now.


do ya feel lucky punk?

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13 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

I think its about 5.8 Million who have had a single jab ( of any Vaccine ). and 1.6 Million who have had both Jabs.

But dont worry ! There are another 1.9 Million Doses of a Vaccine arriving Today, so things are moving along at a gallop.

In fact breakneck speed for the next four days until that lot runs out.

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1 hour ago, shackleton said:

They  say they will open the Country  in 120 days 

Let's see how the Phuket sandbox goes first

How many tourists will come and from where 

Then take it from there 

4 months is a long way to go  ????



a 120 day pause from apologies...

then starts 'high season special apologies'

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1 hour ago, fondue zoo said:

I suspect a lot of people can kiss goodbye getting their second shot within the recommended time frame, if at all.

I agree.  Also another consideration....I can imagine where people that received say AZ first shot being told 12 weeks later that AZ not available for second shot but we have (eg) Sinovac.

Your not really getting what you thought you would be getting.

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Breaking a law, one which essentially sets a framework of arbitrary regulations whose purposes are often unclear, and which seem often primarily to exist to feed the self importance of officialdom, is of course illegal, may be regarded as reprehensible, but is not really criminal.

You’re right, who do these people think they are! The Thai government or something?


and it’s not like every country on earth doesn’t have some kind of immigration regulations that need to be complied with.


you need to go off and find yourself on Mars.


but seriously, I mean it is really really funny, I haven’t heard a better one for years actually “breaking a law…… is of course illegal…..is not really criminal”. You totally nailed it there, I can’t stop laughing.


keep on going, you don’t even need a spade….


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Isn't this saying they accept they've failed the vaccination route, time has run out, and unless some god comes down from the machine they're ready to go for herd immunity by whatever means, and at whatever cost, necessary? Mr P cannot possibly know right now what this place will look like in 4 months, but since he's not accountable I guess nothing is set in stone, tho this sure sounds like it.

By the second week of November I can renew my non-O and then leave the country indefinitely; I wish it were sooner.

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Lets think logically about this.  The first wave came, there was a lockdown and then a soft reopening.   Then the UK strain came, though the country managed with great results to keep it out, but it came and then we had the measures from Dec-late Jan with many restrictions,  but once again restrictions  were lifted, though the Indian strain was alrrady in other parts of the world.  Thailand still eased restrictions and the Indian strain managed to get into the counyry.  Now with that we are in the third and deadliest wave of COVID in Thailand. 

Now here we are yet again, we've endured restrictions again, and all the while Covid cases have reported  thousands a day.  All the while a new strain has emerged.  The USA with almost 50% of the country vaccinated it still hasa 10% surge in this New, stronger, more contagious,  and deadlier Delta Variant.   

Here in Thailand while this new Variant is beginning to travel the globe, restrictions  are easing, because case of the Indian strain are easing.  Restrictions are easing because people need to , well have a means to survive,  but this is the Indian Variant,  not the Delta Variations.   Three times already restrictions were eased as previous Variations were less visible.  Has anyone other than a handfull of local doctors anticipated this fouryh wave if the pattern that has proven itself  in three previous waves?  There are now vaccines that are being given, and I do believe they are distributing as fast as possible, but does the science support its effectiveness against this new Deltal Variant.   In the US to trully be effective one must have two doses of the "better" of the vaccines to be 33% effective against this new strain.  How effective  will sinovac, or Sinopharm be against the Delta wave if it enters the LOS?  That is a question not a fact.  Will the vaccines here be effective if the pattern holds true, annd a fourth and Deadlier strain enters once again among the continued pattern?  Has anyone else thought this a possibility?  If this pattern has happened three times already and  its part of actual history, then how can I be wrong, as it has come to pass three times.  If a fourth is possible,  and new measures  arent in place to mitigate any different than before, are you thinking ahaed?  Are the locals thinking ahead and planning thier daily every neccessary survival, or will measures be eased, a fourth wave come and once again people will depend on others, because  of seeing a possible future outcome for the fourth time?

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Just now, DrJack54 said:

I agree.  Also another consideration....I can imagine where people that received say AZ first shot being told 12 weeks later that AZ not available for second shot but we have (eg) Sinovac.

Your not really getting what you thought you would be getting.

Studies going on in the thai medical fraternity as we speak,  to establish how good it is to mix and match vaccines. Was announced a few days ago. I posted at the time that it likely foreshadowed AZ first shot with a sinovac top.


but you’re wrong on one thing, it would be 16 weeks later, not 12 weeks. That’s another test underway right now, how far can the second dose be stretched beyond the manufacturers recommended 8 weeks.

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7 hours ago, KhunMorris said:

This is the most concrete thing that's been said regarding allowing visitors in since the start the pandemic and straight from the mouth of the PM.


Will it happen? Nope.


I wish they'd stop printing this utter nonsense.





Cryptocurrency early investor

They may allow visitors but will anybody come? There are two sides to this equation.

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2 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

but you’re wrong on one thing, it would be 16 weeks later, not 12 weeks. That’s another test underway right now, how far can the second dose be stretched beyond the manufacturers recommended 8 weeks.

Yes I realized it is 16 weeks however that would appear to be down to lack of supply. 

Also was aware of the studies of effectiveness of cocktail vax. 

Why would they even do that.

Again I would suggest possible lack of supply of some vaccine and availability of Sinovac

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