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Top businessmen on 120 day reopening plan: Vax 70% with quality vaccine and stop flip-flopping


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Can you imagine being a business and forced to fork out full wages to staff by law during all this?


I imagine if the government was forced to pay that in and of itself would be a huge impetus to sort things out. But it's literally not their problem.


How can I business survive being unproductive for months on end PLUS paying wages for little or no production. Then...their market potentially has been destroyed or at least damaged.


Meanwhile, just another day of dithering and waffling.

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8 hours ago, J Town said:

It's really just that simple!

It really is.  Vaccines or lockdowns.  

Now we can discuss the 70 percent vaccinated.  I"m sorry to say but it may be far higher than 70 percent because Sinovac is absolutely , um, not that great (?!).  

Edited by Blumpie
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Quality vaccines?  But the average Thai can't afford quality vaccines that are marked up 200%+ over their already expensive costs. 
The Thai government can only afford to give the commoners the cheap stuff that special connected Thais make their profits from.  Nothing like serious conflicts of interests to damper a Covid party.

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Let me take the business out of the businessman. Free testing and free "quality" as he says, vaccines. Doing this the debacle created by the morons in charge should see the situation under control by the end of next year. Mr. Empty Head thinks Thailand will open in October this year. Well I for one disagree.

Edited by dinsdale
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14 minutes ago, Elkski said:

How can a business man be respected if he says you need to get 70% vaccinated with a quality jab and not denounce the 120 days as 100% impossible?  

I'm not up to speed on the latest effectiveness of the vaccines in use in Thailand or the World with the beta and delta variant but I have read that sinovac isn't looking good against the beta. 



I guess it took balls to say the obvious  and "70% with a quality vaccine" numbers would be specific enough to dictate the timeline of 120 days is not happening.   70% means 2 shots not one.  Thailand is trying to make up their own definition of 1 shot as it doubles their numbers.  A TAT trick that fools the math illiterate masses.   No more flip flopping.  That's bold to say.  

As far as reaching 70% I don't think 70% would take any vaccine no matter what.   Just look at USA.  Vaccines so easy to get but hardly any takers.   The anti folks are going to be responsible for letting this virus mutate into something more sinister and requiring a whole new vaccine.  


If you think about it there is no reason most governments or drug companies would want to eradicate this covid 100%.

Yes and yes. 

The pandemic has completely changed.  it used to be space out the shots to get the most protected but that's no longer the case.  You require 2 shots to be protected not one.  One is not enough.  Therefore, you need 140000000 doses in Thailand to inoculate its population.  It's a staggering number and they haven't even started yet, in the grand scheme of things.  

This year and the first part of 2022 is a complete and total write off.  

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Quality vaccines?  But the average Thai can't afford quality vaccines that are marked up 200%+ over their already expensive costs. 
The Thai government can only afford to give the commoners the cheap stuff that special connected Thais make their profits from.  Nothing like serious conflicts of interests to damper a Covid party.

I don't know what the proportions of different vaccines are in Thailand so I can only go by the few people I know.


My wife who is 51 has had one and her second I think is later this month. She had Sinovac. Her daughter who is 26 had one early last month but the second isn't until somewhen in October. My wife's sister who I think is around 45 or 46 had one this week and the second is in September. They are both having AstraZeneca. I've no idea why there's such a gap with her daughter and I've suggested they check that. All three work in civil government with my wife in Mahasarakham and her sister and daughter in Bangkok. Her mother who is 79 and lives with us is registered but hasn't had anything yet. If we can get it privately we will.


It all seems a bit of a mess but of the three people I know two have had AZ which is good quality but shouldn't be too expensive due to AZ and Oxford University being non profit at the moment. I'm not sure about the Chinese and Russian vaccines. They may well be ok but I think the problem is the respective governments tend to put national pride as a higher priority and may not be as transparent about the results of clinical trials. Not that others don't tend to lean that way as well but they can't avoid scrutiny as easily. It may be that Sinovac for example could be perfectly ok but the distrust that the Chinese government causes slows the acceptance of the vaccine.


I've not been keeping up to date so I'm not sure how many vaccines are being used in Thailand.

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9 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

The 70% of population will be about one year from now.

Hopefully, when completed new variants will not make all those jabs obsolete or boosters required.

At the average daily vaccination rate since 7th June, 402 days is about when 100 million doses will have been jabbed.

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11 hours ago, J Town said:

No one will ever convince me there aren't stacks of brown envelopes pending the use of the Chinese vaccine which has been shown as ineffective.

You should learn the difference between "less effective" and "ineffective". The Chinese vaccines have not been shown to be ineffective.

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12 hours ago, J Town said:

It's really just that simple!

I think with COVID-19 70% isnt going to be enough.  The "herd immunity" thinking doesn't work with all the variants.  That said Ill be surprised that Thailand can immunize 30% of the population with two doses by years end.


Sinovac, Sinopharm, and Astra Zeneca may prove to almost useless against the Delta variant.



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Sadly, 70% has not been an acceptable full vaccination point for the past 6 months. The number is now closer to 85%-90% because of the  more infectious and difficult Delta variants. 70% vaccinated using vaccines that are  not particularly effective will create a false sense of security.


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11 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

I think with COVID-19 70% isnt going to be enough.  The "herd immunity" thinking doesn't work with all the variants.  That said Ill be surprised that Thailand can immunize 30% of the population with two doses by years end.


Sinovac, Sinopharm, and Astra Zeneca may prove to almost useless against the Delta variant.



The Delta COVID-19 variant is more infectious – but there's 'promising' data on vaccines and deadliness - ABC News


Many reliable sources on the net are saying current vaccines provide very effective protection against the Delta variant.

Edited by tlcwaterfall
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I think it's going to take three years to recover.? he seems to overlook this is a globe issue.. even foreign countries who are using Pfizer-BioNTech / Moderna are having plenty of issues still. even some airlines are still doing more downsizing due to the fact there are still many restrictions in place. even here where I'm based tourism shops are still very much suffering because there are no tourism coming to the captal of Edinburgh.. maybe on avenge week some shops are basically only getting three customer or less and are screaming for more support from the government .. it seems to me honestly there are a lot of delusional people within the government / tat .. frankly .. 

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On 7/1/2021 at 10:26 AM, webfact said:

They have said that Prayuth Chan-o-cha's government needs to get 70% of the population vaccinated with quality vaccines.


And they should have clearly articulated policies and communication. 


I would imagine the average eight year old could have figured that out, but sadly it remains well above the capabilities of Pinocchio his gang at the moment.

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