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SURVEY: How would you rate Thailand's overall Covid response?


SURVEY: How would you rate Thailand's overall Covid response?  

357 members have voted

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7 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Still have some of the lowest numbers of cases and lowest deaths from Covid 19 in the world, despite having one of the lowest vaccination rates......so they must be doing something right. 


How about comparing UK, America or your home countries figures before saying how poorly Thailand is handling things?

I do not believe their statistics. It's not like in democracies

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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

I don’t trust this negative poll result better let Nida organize it and i bet that nothing will be ranked under the 4 stars. ????

This is not an unbiased poll.  Everyone knows the composition of the sample here at TV (errr, Aseanwhatever).  But this doesn't claim to be unbiased and representative like many "official" polls which read like tainted manure.  This poll could say at the top: Within Our Community of Expats - What Say You?

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1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

And here goes another ridiculously cynical and incompassionate ThaiVisa cliche.  They should have saved for a rainy day, of course!!

You do realise the tourism industry is not just hotel owners right?  So all the receptionists, cleaners, dish washers, cooks, check-in staff, security staff, drivers, waitresses and all the other hundreds of thousands of people on low wages supporting the tourist industry - they should all have saved enough to support themselves for over a year.  Of course!!  If only everyone was as smart as you with their money.  Put yourself in their shoes for a month and you would have a very different - and less cruel - perspective (but maybe not as so many people on here are truly blinkered with anti-Thai sentiment).

You are asking us to be compassionate for people when their own compatriots and government don't give a fig.


In your opinion they have a divine right to all this tourist money. Well, reality is that they don't. Most of them took the easy path of relying on visiting foreigners to milk for an income.


Yes, they should have saved for a rainy day, they should be able to plan their finances responsibly instead of buying vehicles they can't afford and eating out every single night of the week.  


If the billionaire owned hotels don't pay their workforces enough to save even if they had a modicum of fiscal sense to do so then they need unions and they need to be demanding fairer treatment with higher wages.


All this has already happened in Western countries so why has it never happened here?


Then we have to ask what is the Thai government doing to ease the economic hardship for these people?


Not a lot it appears other than empty platitudes.

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3 hours ago, Presnock said:

At first Thailand got lucky especially with all the Wuhan visitors here.  However they sat on their <deleted> so to speak following that and didn't watch the rest of the world and the variants of the virus.  Then it began to bite them and instead of doing real widespread testing they only tested in the cluster areas which showed that the virus was spreading.  Lockdowns only work if there is enough testing to show a spread.  However even then, instead of getting vaccines Thailand continued to wait until they could produce some locally but it is way too late now and only a small portion of the population has had 2 jabs.   Seeing that studies are showing that even those that have had their shots can still get the virus and pass it on to others.  Yes, the infection will be less life threatening to the carrier but they can still pass it on to others.  Asia right now is blowing up with the new D variant and I hope it doesn't spread here anytime soon but I really have to believe that it is here already and we just have to wait and hope we practice good avoidance measures until all of us can access quality vaccines whether we have to pay for them or not.  Good luck in avoidance to all.  Good Luck to the Thai government in responding to the spreading virus.

Paragraphs fella, paragraphs....

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Think Thailand managed first wave quite well but has underestimated first the Alpha Variant and second the Delta Variant. 

November last year Thailand should have been approving Private Hospitals to acquire Vaccines of their choice and make them available on top of the Government Vaccine Program to vaccinate as large population as possible. 

As the Delta Variant is mainly in the Bangkok region they should avoid Bangkokians to spread it to the rest of the County  .

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Thailand does very very well compared to the West and does well compared to their neighbours. Few sick people and few deaths. Ofcourse each death is sad and a tragedy and might have been prevented, might.. Yes i say few deaths because if covid would really be a classic pandemic we would see not less then 0.3% of the population dying but 20% plus.


In my opinion they are completely right not to lockdown. The economic costs of locking down is just too big compared to the benifit of an X amount of old and mostly frail people not dying from covid.


If Thailand would have bought vaccines earlier fewer people would have died or will die in the coming months before Thailand reaches the target of having 70% of the population vaccinated. Thats a mistake. It seems to be a direct result of the Thai sense of exceptionalism. They seem to have been thinking covid would not reach them because they were cleaner, socially distanced better and whatever reasons, This is Thailand.


The Thai vaccination roll out is gaining pace. Almost all my wife's friends were vaccinated weeks ago. Two months ago her aging parents got a house visit in Lamphun asking if they wanted the vaccination (sinovac), which they declined. A month ago they changed their minds and were vaccinated.


All in all Thailand does quite ok in my opinion.

Edited by MayBeNow
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10 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

Too early to compare. All the plaudits were out last year about how well Thailand had coped. Seems they were not coping at all. Put simply, Covid19 just had not arrived and taken hold. This seems to be Thailand's first wave. On current figures, they are not doing well.


Time will tell.

They are not doing too bad when compared to UK cases yesterday being back up to 20,000+.

Admittedly the figures are still rising.


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10 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

It all went wrong when they allowed Songkran to happen despite the fact that the 3rd wave had already started and with the UK strain to make it worse... Before that, they were managing the situation somehow.

It would appear that the majority of posts are from people whose home Countries absolutely $###$$$ed it up.

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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

You have spelled it correctly, and I agree. The two mistakes the government has made is not ordering vaccines as soon as they were available, and allowing travel during Songkhran. That well and truly unbolted the stable door.

Perhaps it was also a mistake getting themselves vaccinated, and flaunting the fact. That must be creating a lot of resentment among Thais who are unemployed due to their incompetence.


Yes, it was spelt correctly, but a very poor word choice to describe the absolute balls up. 

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Seeing all the data we got , Thailand for 1 reason or another , had very low cases in all 2020 . Compared to the West , they must have done something right . They have done a good job, maybe by luck , maybe the culture , maybe the regulations , maybe ... idk , but it surely was the right thing .

Now we are 2021 , and then we got a different situation . And this is a clear flaw , since they did not buy vaccines , when they were approved . While the West was aiming there , since they could barely control the numbers by semi lockdowns , they went full steam ahead in vaccination since it would be the only way out . That other countries did not go there , is imho very stupid , since in what point did they think it would go away by itself with the borders closed and rules ? Even China with hard lockdowns did see this . This is/was going to stay , so unless you shut yourself down for ever ( unless it mutates in a less harmful form ) , then the only way out was/is vaccination . So big down there on the vaccination part .

Having said that , i truly find that every person should be vaccinated , unless they want the world to stay as it is right now . If you cannot take , due to medical background , then no problem , but everybody else should be mandatory vaccinated . If people do not see now that it is the only way out , then you surely must be dreaming .

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42 minutes ago, PB172111 said:

It would appear that the majority of posts are from people whose home Countries absolutely $###$$$ed it up.

Thought it was about Thailand though...


Despite of international influence, things were under control until last Songkran, which shouldn't have happened. Now, it is looking like we are going toward the countries you mentioned.

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IMHO, the government did a good job from last year until this year (2021) at Songkran when they did not cancel the festivities and when it was discovered that they (allegedly ????) lied about letting the private hospitals import vaccine all the way back in February, when in fact, the government was not allowing hospitals to do so. (note: we have to thank the Princess Chulabhorn and her hospital for disregarding the government and importing Sinopharm on her own, hence forcing the government to relax its restrictions and improve this situation...)


As a foreigner living in Thailand, I understood from the start that I would have to pay for the vaccine but by preventing private hospitals from buying their own supply, the government caused confusion as to whether or not I could get the vaccine in Thailand and forced me and my wife to go back to our country to get it. Now that we are in our home country (in fact, we are still on our 14-day mandatory quarantine at home upon arrival), we already have our scheduled appointments for the Moderna vaccine as soon as our quarantine is over (July 12th) and we will wait until things improve in Thailand before returning as we see no reason to go back into lockdown in Thailand when they are being lifted here.


Now, just imagine if they had left private hospitals import vaccines privately back in February? I would have surely paid much more than here ($0 here) but I would not have gone back to my home country this year, hence traveling and spending money in Thailand as opposed to spending it here. Of course, one person such as me does not make an economy run but how many others have decided to do the same? Now, multiply thousands of dollars by the number of expats who did the same and you end up with a significant impact on the Thai economy... ????


Notwithstanding all my rhetoric, my heart goes out to all the people in Thailand (from my friends to the people selling food in the streets) who suffer the consequences from this pandemic and I hope that Thailand gets better soon.


Anyways, stay safe... Outlast... Wear a mask! 

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10 hours ago, Surelynot said:

The Chinese government saved Thailand.......they banned their own citizens from traveling here.......Prayut was more than happy to keep the borders open......it was only later on they closed the borders to other countries.


Only partly. Thank western countries for travel restrictions and flight suspensions. Remember that it was French and Italian tourists in Koh Samui who bring back Covid to EU. Many Europeans had come to  Thailand already infected and they give to other Europeans in resort areas.


8 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

I just hope the Thai people remember those that led this fiasco come the next elections. It has been painful to watch the unfolding of events in Thailand, when so much more could easily have been done. 

You are optimist, yes? Expecting elections? I don't think so.  


7 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Thailand does not have the same obesity problems that America has, and a large amount of deaths and other cases in the UK have been in the old folks nursing homes, which again Thailand does not have, most old folk in Thailand live with their families, though I did read of one old folks home in the Chaing Mai area.


It is not obesity in itself, but the diseases that accompany obesity. Disease like diabetes, heart disease, suppressed immune system.  Thailand has many health problems that make it high risk too.  look at diabetes - health estimates are; USA 10.5% population with diabetes. Thailand 9.6%.  India and China have big problems with diabetes too, but we see different outcomes. yes? It is how the countries  managed crisis, and Thailand did better job than USA on subject of slowing spread.


6 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

We re just getting started here in Thailand, UK and US are over the worst of it.


USA is not over the worst. Less than 50% of USA is fully vaccinated and it looks like vaccinations have slowed/stopped.  UK fully vaccinated is 50% but at least people still going for vaccinations. USA will be suffering for years to come if vaccination not increased.  I know that in Thailand vaccination rate of population will eventually be over 90%.


1 hour ago, Marco100 said:

Think Thailand managed first wave quite well but has underestimated first the Alpha Variant and second the Delta Variant. 

November last year Thailand should have been approving Private Hospitals to acquire Vaccines of their choice and make them available on top of the Government Vaccine Program to vaccinate as large population as possible. 

As the Delta Variant is mainly in the Bangkok region they should avoid Bangkokians to spread it to the rest of the County  .


Private purchase and distribution of vaccine is unethical and has failed. India had to stop the private distribution because it directed vaccine away from the  people who needed it most and gave it to low risk people because sole criteria was money to buy.  The western vaccine manufacturers are subject to western laws that act to stop corruption. To minimize risk of corruption, and to meet corporate ethical guidelines and in accordance with western government funding, they sell and distribute at government and international agency level. The preferred distribution non governmental  distribution route is Covax-Gavi. Thailand refused to be part of Covax and now its people cannot access the high quality vaccines this year.

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The only way they could have succeeded was by mass random testing to catch the many asymptomatic super-spreaders and quarantine them, and they've failed at that miserably.


The numbers we're fed each day are confirmed cases, but based on the experience of other countries there are likely thousands or even tens of thousands of people roaming the country who have no idea they are infected, and spreading the virus. 


And until the Government wakeup and start spending on a massive national testing effort we'll continue to be shocked at how this Delta variant spreads, and kills.


Being very Australian: it's a bloody mess!

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

Do you think that only the people on the islands have lost their livelihood?


There are millions of people all over the country in the same position, yet the government only appears to be helping a very small minority. If the sandbox is a success do you think that any of the income will be spread equally across the other 70 odd provinces of Thailand.

No, of course not, people throughout the nation have lost their income.  What is your point?

The sandbox is an experiment.  No one knows if it will work or not, that is why Phuket is a sandbox (there's a clue in the name).  Phuket was Thailand's major tourist destination so surely it makes sense to trial it there first?  

What on earth are you on about with the rest of your post?  

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4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:



In your opinion they have a divine right to all this tourist money. Well, reality is that they don't. Most of them took the easy path of relying on visiting foreigners to milk for an income.


Yes, they should have saved for a rainy day, they should be able to plan their finances responsibly instead of buying vehicles they can't afford and eating out every single night of the week.  


Ah, so the people on 15,000 thb per month are buying vehicles and eating out every day.  Instead they should have saved enough from 15k per month to last them through a year - just as you would have done.  Again I can only wish someone like you has to experience that kind of hardship, then come back to post to your other friends on TVF and tell them what it was like.  You have no idea.

You are obviously another old, bitter TVF poster with a victim complex.  Thinking people on 15k per month should be able to survive for a year with no income.....because they had it good and were buying cars and were preying on foreigners.  Pathetic.



If the billionaire owned hotels don't pay their workforces enough to save even if they had a modicum of fiscal sense to do so then they need unions and they need to be demanding fairer treatment with higher wages.


All this has already happened in Western countries so why has it never happened here?

Jeez, the billionaire hotel owners.  You are a very bitter man.  90% of the owners are small time - small hotels, guest houses.

And then your ridiculous - utterly ridiculous - claim that Western countries already decided people should be paid enough to be able to save for a year on zero income.  In the UK and USA waitresses and cleaners are paid $100k per year - thanks to Western governments!!

Not sure where you are from, but in the UK there is a shortage of staff after Brexit because there are no Eastern Europeans to work for a pittance.   Our fruit is rotting because our cheap Eastern European labour has gone.  In the US wait staff rely on tips because somehow the government allows them to be paid BELOW minimum wage.

So what was that about Western governments being better?  

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20 hours ago, JAS21 said:

Seems to me that last year they spent the time congratulating themselves on how well things were going when they actually were doing very little.


What a wasted opportunity or was it really a godsend because it stopped the protests.


Whatever the motives were, Thailand is right in the mire now.

"a godsend because it stopped the protests." Bingo.

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9 hours ago, PB172111 said:

They are not doing too bad when compared to UK cases yesterday being back up to 20,000+.

Admittedly the figures are still rising.


As stated, vaccines do not really prevent infections, rather symptoms. The UK is showing an increase in hospitalizations, but not to the same degree, and deaths are remaining low. I am hoping and expecting UK infections to peak now....

In Thailand, more infections is going to mean more deaths. 

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