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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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7 hours ago, ThaiSmarterThanYou said:



And what if we find within few years many early cancers due to vaccine are found (of course mainstream media and idiots followers of the BS governments will disagree that they are cause by vaccine...) ? Are you going to say that it was a pity that so few people were vaccinated ?




Thanks for sharing with us the summary of your screenplay for your new movie. Fear does sell at the box office. Not so much with virologists and epidemiologists and oncologists.

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4 hours ago, Xin Loi said:

I asked this same question to my local IO. At this point in time, they have no plans to force the injections.

I am sure that somewhere along the way, they will make it so, for extension of visas.


As if your local IO could no more than his firstname and (maybe) family name...



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9 hours ago, Victornoir said:

Smart people trusts science to provide solutions.

Of course, you are free to make your own choices for yourself, but you are not free to ruin the collective effort by pure obscurantism.

Funny that a higher percentage of PhD recipients do not want the "vaccine". From WebMD assuming that's an "accepted" site: "The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels."


Aren't all those scientists and doctors being praised PhDs?


(Here's where you comment about all the stupid PhD recipients you know)

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14 minutes ago, frantick said:

Funny that a higher percentage of PhD recipients do not want the "vaccine". From WebMD assuming that's an "accepted" site: "The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels."


Aren't all those scientists and doctors being praised PhDs?


(Here's where you comment about all the stupid PhD recipients you know)

I think most medical doctors do not have PhDs. They have MDs. I would agree that PhDs can usually be assumed to have high intelligence but I'm sure that stat would be very different if it was specially about medical doctors. 

Edited by Jingthing
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14 minutes ago, frantick said:

Funny that a higher percentage of PhD recipients do not want the "vaccine". From WebMD assuming that's an "accepted" site: "The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels."


Aren't all those scientists and doctors being praised PhDs?


(Here's where you comment about all the stupid PhD recipients you know)

I've looked at WebMD and can't find the study you are relating.

Could you provide a link to the page please?

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I think most medical doctors do not have PhDs. They have MDs. I would agree that PhDs can usually be assumed to have high intelligence but I'm sure that stat would be very different if it was specially about medical doctors. 

I don't know. Lot of talk elitists with PhDs want to be called doctor. ????


(Note, I did not say MEDICAL doctor in my original post)

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11 minutes ago, frantick said:

I don't know. Lot of talk elitists with PhDs want to be called doctor. ????


(Note, I did not say MEDICAL doctor in my original post)

COVID-19 transmission among the fully vaccinated is rare, but possible, experts say. Here's why.



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44 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Throughout my life, I have noted that common sense is inversely proportionate to intelligence.

I agree. Thus I'm in the wait and see category. Keeping my eyes on Iceland and Israel since their populations have a high vaccination percentage.

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11 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Riiiiiight. All medical doctors and staff are obviously not "smart". Why didn't I see that?

I personally know a few doctors that were not "smart". Being an idiot is not the same as being ignorant, so they could pass the exams. I wouldn't have let them near me though.

Luckily many doctors are smart.

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50 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Have you studied other medicines? you trust the doctors without question when taking antibiotics, right?

I've never trusted doctors, but I do consult with doctors and consider their advice before taking action when faced with an illness I have not previously encountered. Their recommendations on antibiotics are often wildly wrong or inappropriate. I have noticed many white folk worship doctors as some sort of divine all-knowing beings, but I've seen them kill too many people for me to feel that way.


Would I let a Thai doctor cut me open .......... never!


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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

I've never trusted doctors, but I do consult with doctors and consider their advice before taking action when faced with an illness I have not previously encountered.



I agree, doctors are just tools that I use, but Google is always 100% smarter and more updated than doctors. Most of them quit reading and learning after being graduated. Most of them do not even deserve any respect, they only work for money.



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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've never trusted doctors, but I do consult with doctors and consider their advice before taking action when faced with an illness I have not previously encountered. Their recommendations on antibiotics are often wildly wrong or inappropriate. I have noticed many white folk worship doctors as some sort of divine all-knowing beings, but I've seen them kill too many people for me to feel that way.


Would I let a Thai doctor cut me open .......... never!




I think that as with ‘everything’ there is a spectrum of experience, knowledge, skill and expertise... 

Some doctors are pretty rubbish, some are excellent - We can evaluate each doctor (and person) based on their individual merits. 


Fortunately for anyone with a brain we have the tools at our fingertips to be able to establish quite quickly whether or not the doctor we are consulting with knows what they are doing. Google is a dangerous tool, but also extremely helpful. 


I recall reading a paper on a specific illness I had, when I questioned the Doctor, he had read the same paper, understood it, we had a good discussion. 



Would I let a Doctor ‘cut me open’ ?...  of course I would, if it was medically necessary. I’m certainly not going to stand up and say ’never’ because, well, we never know. 


Doctors have already played their part in saving my life once. I do trust them, but I also verify. 




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21 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Not sure that's entirely true in Thailand.

Spent 4 hours at San Sai hospital yesterday (regular appointment), nobody offered me a vaccine when I was there because they don't have any. How can I be prolonging the pandemic when there is no vaccine, even if I wanted it?

Even a cursory reading of the first dozen topics in this sub forum will provide you with a very good idea of where and how to get a Covid-19 vaccination.


What’s the point of basing your argument on not getting a vaccine in one of the hospitals that doesn’t have any is anybody’s guess.


It simply doesn’t make sense.

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9 hours ago, Denim said:

Some of our strange American cousins not only don't want to wear a mask they are hassling those that do ?  Wonder if these people are also daft enough to have an issue with vaccines.



Not sticking up for those tennesseans, but the video lacks context. We have no idea what was said to them earlier by the man driving away, unmasked by the way, in his car. Probably telling the crowd he was enforcing masks for children regardless of what the community wants for their own children. 


Most antimaskers I know are all for individual choice, and give 2cents what you do with your life.

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