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DPM Prawit calls for serious action against fake news


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Judging by the regime's response, one has to think this "Fake News" thing is the number one threat to the Kingdom.


Evidently all the other problems, like COVID-19 and the resulting health-care and economic implosion aren't that big a deal.



Am thinking that any country that has this guy as #2 is probably a failed state.




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Fact check!
These politicians should keep their mouths shut if they don't want "fake news" going out.


Where's the donated Pfizer going? 

Be transparent and show allocations for Frontline Workers to each province.

Be transparent and show the doses going to people of need in ALL provinces.

Be transparent and show the doses going to expats in ALL provinces.


This would not be fake news, but transparency if these politicians really worked for the people of Thailand and not themselves.

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7 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

Next they'll give bananas, so that poor people know what to do with them... 


Seriously, I was at Thonburi hospital today and met a security guard with perfect proper English who studied at Cambridge in engineering while young (!) and couldn't find better opportunities now in his 50s due to Covid. Last week, a bank manager at SCB kept asking my Retired friend where was his work permit while trying to send money to his daughter in Europe. He said, "next time bring your work permit"... to a retired man.


Has the entire country gone mad???

Simply a consequence of patronage. The highly educated security guard doesn't know the right people. The bank manager is a well connected buffoon.

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"DPM Prawit calls for serious action against fake news" - well, maybe he should shut up and listen to the ever louder calls of the people calling for serious action to be taken by the government to move forward with this country.

This might include clean-up of quite a few internal ranks, posting of proven professionals into the respective ministries and telling his governmental underlings to spend less time in Thonglor or sipping coffee at Phuket's beach and more at the desks for which they are voted into and paid for! 

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The master of fraudulent stories (remember the wristwatch saga?) calling for "serious action" against distributors of "fake news" (i.e. anything that is critical of the government). How ironic!


Oh, and Mr. Prawit, before I forget it: Are you also going to take "serious action" against fake news spreaders within your own government?


You know... those individuals who not very long ago claimed that "everything is under control", that Thailand is going to "vaccinate 1 million people per day" (a daily rate that not even the UK, the US or Israel achieved), or that Thailand will "import 10 million Astra Zeneca doses every month" (though the firm itself insisted in a statement that only a deal of between 3 and 5 million doses per month had been discussed).


Or is the plan to apply that "serious action" only very selectively?  

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4 minutes ago, Cuba said:

If I said he is a great politician and doing a wonderful job could this be classed as fake news? Could I go to jail???

No that's allowed!!


If you was to say he is a fat, incompetent, corrupt hypocrite then that's probably not allowed even though every word is true!

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15 hours ago, Cuba said:

If I said he is a great politician and doing a wonderful job could this be classed as fake news? Could I go to jail???

You might have to ask him... the decision rests there on whether News is fake or not.

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Great news. Hope they start with '70% vaccinated already' news... then all the fake staged photos in the media with stories supporting the King, the Army, police (anyone remember how they initiated a crackdown on smoky busses with a single bus and photo opportunity?) and many other kinds of official bodies.

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